....River was the first thing that popped in my head...for some reason...
.... /c-can't think of anyone to relate..
...please tell me that's not this month's theme
ouo;;; I dunno what's this month's theme
it's not. (Do you think the majority'd approve of it?) But I doubt we'll be able to figure out a theme this month, so I guess you can just
go with whatever you want for the time being
Doubt we'll be able to figure one out?! But... Cardverse ;A;!
we can always do these next months.

And you don't want cardverse for just 2.5 weeks, do you?
I could do Whotalia...I could see Rory!Spain...
But I'm in no way helping with the picking. I'll just participate in what is picked~
xDD omg Rory!Spain would be sooo cute. <3
That's what I was thinking~ If it happens would you be my Amy Pond???
o///o I- y-yes, that would be very nice... <3 ~ (wecouldrpitlikesooner)
That's true, we could do a side one.
>//u//< <3 ~ /clings to and nuzzles happily
It turns out there's actually a luxury item called 'The Jolly Time Traveller' that's based on Doctor Who in GaiaOnline... /fufufu
costs about more than 100K though, I only had 48K QAQ /sobbuuuu the sonic screwdriverrr
hell yes. But who would Vash be hmmmm
BD .... /hold on senses are tingling
.... nope, sorry can't come up with an- okay Mycroft from Sherlock does D8
BD although Mycroft's a bit taller... but he argues a lot with Sherlock and well, I can't remember anyone else who's into weapons other than
Sherlock or River Song xD
fhakhkghflgkjh Vash = tsun version of River Song AAAH
/long look at /River!Vash why
/traumatizing yet amusing mental image
Vash is nearly as dangerous as River ;n;
Time Agent Vash which is just lakjf;lsdkmclir