Slenderman is
12 years ago
playing catch with his dogs when the ball lands in someone elses back yard. Of course, dogs being dogs, they barge right in and_
latest #102
12 years ago
proceed to make a mess of the poor flowerbed before Germany can call out a stern 'Nein,' which causes them to return, tails between their_
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legs and heads down. He supposes he should apologise to the garden's owner, and with a heavy sigh he goes to ring the doorbell. He's already
12 years ago
trying to value the damages in his head.
12 years ago
opens the door, not at all realising the mess in his flowerbed. "Merh-...Germany...hello?" Had not been expecting the German here.
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blinks. He hadn't been expecting Turkey... 'Turkey...' There is a pause, 'I have something I should apologise for...' He steps aside to_
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reveal the flowerbed. 'My dogs got a little rambunctious.'
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watches him cautiously as he also notes the tone of surprise from the German. His gaze follow the blond man's movements as he notices the
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flower bed. "Well, that's too bad." He remarks detached. "I was bringing in Tulips from home anyway. No harm done."
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reaches into his pocket for his wallet, 'I'd atleast like to cover the damages.' He's not sure how to deal with himself. Things between_
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Turkey and himself have been rather touch and go, what with the EU problems.
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shakes his head. "I don't want your money. To worry about it Germany. They are replaceable."
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looks unsure about it but ends up nodding rather stiffly. 'Then accept my apologies.' He will send some potted flowers later, probably. When
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the guilt starts getting to him a little too much. 'Sorry for interrupting you.'
12 years ago
chuckles lightly, a small smirk appearing on his face. "I wasn't really doing anything productive to be honest. And yeah sure apology
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accepted. You honestly need to loosen up." He says lightly.
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looks slightly startled at that, cheeks colouring just the slightest. 'I'm fine the way I am, I'd like to think.' Someone needed to be sane_
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around here, and it wasn't as though anyone else was even trying. 'I wish I could have interrupted you with better news then.'
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quirks a brow at the coloured cheeks, amused once again. "You can humor me and make up better news." He says the corner of his lip curving
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higher up as he leans against the door frame casually.
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does not look amused. Although he can hear his dog going to the toilet somewhere close by, 'How does, 'My dog is currently marking your_
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letterbox sound to you?' And Low and behold, the dog is indeed standing by Turkey's letterbox, a hind leg high in the air. Germany is_
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perhaps smiling just a little now, although he does his best to try and hide it.
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can't help the small frown coming upon his features. "Well honestly, not my house, it's a consulate but I guess its an upgrade to the Greeks
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I've seen hanging around and destroying beautiful scenery with their presence. I'd be more appalled by that than this." He did notice the
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small curve of a smile on the German's face.
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quickly loses it, scolding his dog in German before turning to Sadiq. That was an example of the attitude that was keeping him out of the EU
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, but Germany is not about to point this out to them. 'Either way, it seems apologies are due again.' Back to his stoic self.
12 years ago
((it being the smile xD Not his temper, or sanity xD ))
12 years ago
knows that Germany's alliance with France against him is definitely something that's stopping him from getting into the EU since they hold
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quite a bit of influence but wasn't going to point that out either. "Defacing Turkish-German soil. Well, I've had worse. Apology
12 years ago
12 years ago
(( Haha, thanks for the clear up although the second read through and I got it. xD ))
12 years ago
goes to leash his dogs, thinking it was for the best by now. 'It seems that they're fascinated by your consulate Turkey. I'd hate to see_
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what they'd do in your country.' It's a rather stiff joke, if one could call it a joke. And there has been several points of tension between
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just the two of them, as of late... he doesn't feel as though he is ganging up on Turkey or taking a side.
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laughs a little at that. "I'd hate to see that too." He pauses momentarily as they stand in slight awkwardness. "Are you walking your dogs?"
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nods... Isn't that a little obvious. 'Yes. They get rather restless if I don't... what are you doing in Germany?'
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doesn't have a dog so he wouldn't know. "I'll walk with you. Well there's a huge Turkish minority here. I come and visit to check up on them
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from time to time. This so happened to be one of those visits."
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hums in assent. It might be nice to have company for once. 'You're not deterring them from assimilating again, are you?'
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looks offended. "No....of course not." He remembered how upset Germany had been when his government had...'lightly' pushed for not
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integrating in Germany....innocently, of course.
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nods, 'Good. It caused a lot of ruckus last time.' He offers Turkey a leash... He had said he wanted to go on the walk with them.
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takes the offered leash holding it tightly. "Yeah, sorry about that." He wasn't really that sorry. It had been funny...funnily not funny.
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can hear the lack of sincerity, but lets it go with a small count to 10. 'It's nice to know you still cherish your people though, even when_
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they move away.' Germany was pleased to know that Turkey checked on his people residing in Germany from time to time.
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nods as he glances down the leash and all the way to the decently large dog. "Hmm, yes, once a Turk always a Turk." He was about to let his
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government come to Germany again just to disturb the peace. He would make sure of that or at least try.
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would not appreciate the added headache. For now he is blissfully unaware. 'Yes, Erdrogan made that very clear.' He turns off into a large_
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expanse of green space and bends over to unleash the dog he currently has a hold of. 'How are things in Turkey? Good I suppose, if you have_
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time to check up on how I'm looking after your people.'
12 years ago
(( Oh shit. Wasn't* xD Haha. Opps. ))
12 years ago
watches him unleash the dog and wonders if he should do the same. "I wouldn't say they're the best but yes, I did manage to escape for a
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little bit." Before he had to go back and deal with the PKK terrorist group and other such headaches. "How are things on your end?"
12 years ago
((Shoot. Edogan. My Scottish accent just adds in r's where their are none. Sorry! ;n; Call the mistakes even? ))
12 years ago
(( You had it right the first time. xD But yes, lets call it even. ))
12 years ago
could complain about the Eu, but he decides he should not. 'They could be better. But then, that is always the case.' He reaches over to_
12 years ago
(( Ohhh, I see where you added the extra R....haha, yes, even it is. ))
12 years ago
undo the leash of the Dog turkey has a hold of before throwing a ball across the park for the dogs to chase.
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doesn't doubt that Germany can complain about the EU...especially their situation now. "Yes, very true." He rolls the leash up and around
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his hand as he watches the dog race after the ball. "Out of curiosity, why dogs?"
Slenderman thinks
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about this, 'They're loyal companions who can be trained properly.' Which can't be said for nations, or human beings.
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watches the dog pensively. "Hmm, I see, very interesting." He never disliked dogs but never liked them either...he was a bit indifferent
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when it came to them.
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watches the dogs return, dropping the ball at his feet. Their tails wag as they look loyally up at him, waiting for him to throw the ball_
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again, which he does - further this time. 'Do you have any pets?'
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shakes his head from side to side. "I wouldn't really call him a pet."
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looks up, 'What would you call him?' He looks worried.
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looks over*
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doesn't think Germany should be worried. "I'd call him 'In charge of his own life'." He laughs lightly.
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looks confused. 'I don't quite understand you Turkey.'
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didn't think he would. "He's a feline and one that so happened to found itself in my house and has kind of stuck since then."
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nods. That sounds like a cat, as far as he knows about them. 'Sounds nice. He's obviously decided he owns you.' Isn't that what cats do?
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_Decide they own people?
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shrugs. He wasn't an expert on cats but sounded like he's feline companion. "Hmm, I guess. He does walk around as if he owns the place." He
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods, 'Cats seem to be like that.' He pats Sadiq on the shoulder, to show his sympathies. His face is still rather straight though,
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despite the underlying amusement,
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can kind of detecting the amusement. "Horrible trait....No wonder I feel so irked at times."
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smiles slightly. He seems to enjoy seeing the other suffer, for minor things like this only of course.
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smiles slightly. He seems to enjoy seeing the other suffer, for minor things like this only of course.
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( So evil. xD )
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shakes his head. "Maybe I should boot him out of the house until he behaves....or get a dog and see what he does."
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shakes his head, 'The cat has to be under 6 months, and the dog a year if you want them to get on.' He's looked into cats himself, briefly.
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frowns, well, that ruled out his plan. "Damn. There goes my luck."
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smiles slightly more at this, throwing the ball for his dogs again. 'Looks like your stuck. I wonder what he's named you?'
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quirks a brow at that. "What he's named me?! Probably the greatest nation alive." he smirks lightly. "Or fool that feeds me whenever I ask."
Slenderman thinks
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about it, 'Well the only possible one is the last.' ((I try xD ))
12 years ago
laughs. "Clearly. I think when I head back home I'll be more cautious around him. What a sly bastard." (( Pff ))
12 years ago
looks like he's holding back his amusement when his dogs come back, dropping the ball at his feet. He throws it again for them, watching it_
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disappear into some bushes. That'll probably keep them busy for a while. 'Sounds like you're perfectly suited,' he says, with a sideways_
12 years ago
12 years ago
snorts. "Oh, does it? Are you saying I'm a sly bastard?" He asks in clear amusement.
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raises an eyebrow a fraction, 'What makes you say that?' And yes, he is calling you a sly bastard.
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also raises a brow. "You're statement from earlier that the cat and I are perfectly suited."
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shrugs, 'I could be suggesting that opposites attract.'
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chuckles. "If that were the case than I should be dating the obnoxious Greek or you or even England for that matter."
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blanches at that, 'I'd rather you didn't use me in the same sentence as those two.'
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laughs. "Alright, I'll refrain from using you three in the same sentence again. Still upset with the Greek?" He seemed quite pleased by this
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for some reason.
12 years ago
grumbles, refraining from comment. Thankfully his dogs save him, placing the ball at his feet. He throws it again, 'He is trying his best,_
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I'm sure.'
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