Yay. Ciel gained weight? : D
So he doesn't look like a beanstalk anymore.
Certainly not. Young Master has a fast metabolism. Despite all the sweets that he consumes, he still maintains a slender physique.
Yes. I have no reason to lie about the secret to Young Master's uncanny ability to remain thin.
He needs to bulk up if he doesn't want to be mistaken for as a girl.
For Viscount to take. Again.
*smirk * Well, it was only natural for the Viscount to mistake Young Master for a young lady considering his feminine attire (complete...
...with a corset to achieve the highly fashionable tiny waist)
disregarding the corset, his waist is still tiny.It's understandable anyway, he's still undergoing puberty.
He's never going to go through puberty.
I think so, but it would be great to see what he looks like after he does go through it
I have found two of the better interpretations of Young Master more advanced in years. Interestingly enough, fangirls seem to find the...
...idea of depicting Young Master scantily clad rather appealing. T.T
hope Ciel wont end up like that, fangirls are scary.
they have such wild imaginations, how come fan girls like yaoi?
i could live w/ the latter. the first one's just... O_o scandalous
well its appealing the way yuri is to guys. two good looking guys together is cute.
on some level it does look cute but there are also disturbing yaoi photos.
oh i know. that would prolly be the hardcore stuff. im not a hardcore yaoi fan by any means >_<
I would sure like to hear some of the fangirls reasons behind those hardcore stuff xD
yeah IKR! i just cant stomach it... im ok w/ intense kissing but plz dont start w/ the "putting that in that" business
I don't even want to see those stuff , it just so happens that when I google some anime characters 'those' stuff are in it.
well yeah XD thats just part of manga/anime. pretty much nothing's safe. take
zerochan.net: you're going to see at least one yaoi picture...
...w/in the first few pages.
ahhh and then theres fanfiction. but thats easier to avoid. i've read a few M ones but skipped over the graphic stuff
i haven't crossed much on yuri images, most are yaoi.
heck, im very very glad yuri's not as popular. i dont want to see that. at all. girlXgirl does nothing for me.
not that im a 'phobe or anything... im tolerant but girlXgirl just isnt my thing.
*smirk * umm i think u know that. yes. boyXboy is fine. very fine. i actually prefer it these days. but nothing too hardcore or graphic
I once saw a picture of SebastianxGrell or SebastianxClaude xD
Speaking of which, is it true Sebastian that there's a Kuroshitsuji season 3?
errr dont rlly like sebXgrell or sebXclaude. they're unnatural. >_<
how bout sebxciel haha, the rumored season 3 has a bit of yaoi between seb and ciel. but i think those are just rumors (or not)
uh no comment. i feel awkward talking about pairings w/ Sebastian on his plurk. i apologize. as for those rumors...
i don't even like those pairings, them fangirls are weird.
...i think thats fangirl BS. a romance btn Sebastian and Ciel is truly unrealistic
their relationship is more or less like father and son
errr funny that u say that because Sebastian really is based on Ciel's father... so i've heard
gomen neI know that
hmm call me uncreative but im always gonna see them as master and servant as opposed to father & son since father-son implies tenderness
...and Sebastian, being a demon, doesnt have the capacity to love. even his loyalty is purely aesthetics
there are about a thousand things i want to comment on here about but i only have 6 mins left
i'm a serious hardcore yaoi fangirl and i like the hardcore stuff simple because most of the time the plots even better
In what way is it better?
i can stand... intercourse as long as theres not a crapload of detail. then it just turns me off
i've read hardcore yaoi with a plot that i find more apealing than even say Naruto
it's not really about the sex but events leading up to
they have really good plots but some could consider them hardcore
Tyrant falls in love is another one
though it almost falls out of the category of hard core
What happened to women being nice and innocent? O.O
my personality is nice or innocent
well innocent in some cases maybe
but its really women have always been perverts - adult romance/erotica
gauged at women for years
we just dont have to hide it
and trust me about those book genres
those things have more sex in them then my hardcore yaoi
xD I lol'd very hard at those last comments.
Soma. You're adorable and innocent.
i gotta agree with "its not rlly about the sex but events leading up to it". its all about how they end up falling hard for each other.
thats why i love the "enemies turned lovers" stories. the best ones show how they eventually fall for one another despite the animosity.
its all about the PROCESS. the PROGRESSION.

Junjou, Hatsukoi, Tyrant falls in Love... love them all! pretty much anything by Takanaga's amazing
ewww im stickin w/ yaoi manga/fanfic. my friends have read excerpts from romance books out loud for laughs and i am utterly SICKENED...
Why, they have pretty good plots, you just have to know how to pick them
i must agree about how good the plots are..
u talkin those adult romance books w/ the embarrasingly scandalous covers? ...i prolly shouldnt think them sappy and shallow but i do.
Not all are, like I said you have to pick the write ones, Sherrilyn Kenyon is good,Kelley Armstrong is supposed to be good
A lot of paranormal YA writers were at one point adult romance writers
i dont judge based on writer. i judge based on the individual works. but sometimes it just works out that i like pretty much everything...
...that the author writes.
so i wouldnt hold an author's other works against him or her. If i like one of his/her other works, thats just how it is.
how this plurk started out bout Ciel being girlish and then turned into a huge arse convo about yaoi and romance XD
O.o Oh my. It seems the interpretations of Young Master have spurred quite the animated conversation.
sorry it turned out this way sebastian
It is quite all right, my lady. You are free to do as you wish. I cannot hinder you. Besides, it was all rather intriguing.