Brendan is
12 years ago
looking for his family members.
latest #98
England is
12 years ago
at a coffee shop reading a good book.
12 years ago
walks past the shop and backs up when he sees England inside. He knocks on the glass.
12 years ago
looked up from his book and glanced over at the window, blinking a few times. Was that... he waved politely to him.
12 years ago
walks in and sits on the chair opposite Arthur, but turns it so he is sitting on it backwards. 'Alright, baby Brit?'
12 years ago
watched him come in, setting his book down on the table and book marking his page. He frowned slightly at the baby part. "Perfectly fine,
12 years ago
12 years ago
's eyes scan the room and eventually settle on Arthur. He gives him his typical cocky grin. 'I got eleven bottles of whiskey for Christmas,_
12 years ago
I'm spectacular.' He knew Arthur didn't like being called a baby, which is the main reason he used it.
12 years ago
folded his arms over his chest as he nodded, "I'm happy for you then." He didn't know what else to say to him.
12 years ago
orders a coffee from a passing waiter. 'So, how have you been getting along without your favourite brother?'
12 years ago
picked up his tea and took a sip of it, "I have been getting along fine. Scotland has been as annoying as always. How about you?"
12 years ago
hasn't seen Scotland yet. Or Wales for that matter. 'I've been keeping tabs on you all, so I've coped well.' He smirks. 'Got secret cameras_
12 years ago
all over your home.'
12 years ago
frowned at that as he sipped his tea, he wasn't sure if he should believe him or not. "You cannot possibly have cameras in my home." He was
12 years ago
going to chose not to believe it.
12 years ago
shrugs. 'Whatever you say, Art'r. It's not like I know what you get up to when you're alone...' He sips as he smirks, eyes watching Arthur_
12 years ago
over the rim of his cup. He wriggles his eyebrows.
12 years ago
stared at him before he flushed a bit and looked away from him, taking another sip of his tea. It wasn't like he got up to anything anyway.
12 years ago
He didn't really have a social life, not that he was complaining.
12 years ago
(( It says Family, is Scotland allowed to enter or...? ;o; /doesn't want to interrupt the stalker vibe ))
12 years ago
((I think he counts xD ))
12 years ago
((I think it would be very appropriate!))
12 years ago
laughs, glad he could still unsettle his brother so well. 'So ye missed me, then? Good, because ye'll be seeing a lot more of me,'
12 years ago
wanders past the coffee shop, only to pause. Is that his little brothers, he sees? Both of them together? This was not an opportunity he_
12 years ago
could easily miss. He makes his way into the coffee shop, holding a finger to his lips when Ireland spots him so that he can sneak up on_
12 years ago
England and find the appropriate moment to scare the living daylights out of the blighter.
12 years ago
set his cup down with that and simply stared, "oh good. Exactly what I need." He nodded and sighed a bit, not noticing Scotland as he took
12 years ago
another is of his coffee.
12 years ago
had to stop himself from breaking out into a large, noticeable grin once he sees Scotland but his eyes did open wide. 'Get over it, Art'r,_
12 years ago
he says, trying to keep Arthur unsuspecting. 'You just won't admit that you miss your big brothers when we're not around.'
12 years ago
shook his head with as he got up from his seat, picking up his book and paying for his tea. "I hardly miss you lot."
12 years ago
frowns, well this was going to make the whole affair harder. But never one to be deterred, he slips in and pays for the tea before Arthur_
12 years ago
can, an arm coming over his shoulder. 'And here I thought you missed me, making me tea and inviting me to your house the other day.' He_
12 years ago
turns to Ireland with a grin, 'True story by the way. He even broke out the biscuits.'
12 years ago
startled when he saw that. He looked at the arm around his shoulders and frowned, furrowing his brows again. "Oh perfect... now the other
12 years ago
one is here as well."
12 years ago
turns to England with a grin that could light up the highlands, 'Don't be like that Artie. It's rare I see two of my brother's in one place_
12 years ago
at the same time, chatting even! It warms an older brother's soul.'
12 years ago
lets out a 'Pfft!' and leaps up to hug his Scottish brother, trapping England between them 'by accident'. 'There ye are, ye bugger ye!;
12 years ago
made sound at being trapped between the two of them. He tried to shove them both off.
12 years ago
only tightens his hold on them both with the hug, 'Ohh. Dinnae be like that Ire. You know this is a bleeding busy time of year for me, what_
12 years ago
wi' hogmanay celebrations and the weather goings tits up.'
12 years ago
pouts a little, and gives another crushing squeeze. 'Ye know I wanted to be there with you this year, but things got busy for me too. I'm_
12 years ago
guessing King-of-the-Castle here has been a moan all year?'
12 years ago
nods, 'More than. And he's not even getting any Ireland. Squat. Hasn't had a roll in the hay for decades, I'd wager.' He smirks, 'I'd say_
12 years ago
it's frustration.'
12 years ago
snorts loudly. 'So that's his problem?' He pulls his head back so he can look down at Arthur. 'Need to get you sexed up, Art'r!'
12 years ago
laughs at that. 'He keeps saying 'I don't need it,' he informs Ireland, putting on his best England intimidation.
12 years ago
went a deep shade of red at the turn in the conversation. He gave one last shove and got out from between them, straightening his clothes.
12 years ago
He was trying not to respond to their comments now.
12 years ago
((Not intimidation. Imitation. Orz, my English is going to pot. ))
12 years ago
((I never would have noticed xD ))
12 years ago
keeps one arm around Scotland's shoulders. 'Does he now? Out of all the nations in the world, even down to that kiwi boy o' ours, no one_
Brendan needs
12 years ago
to get that stick out their arse more than our Art'r.'
12 years ago
smirks. 'This is what I've been trying to tell him, Brendan. But no, he won't hae any of it,' he 'laments,' looking thouroughly amused by_
12 years ago
the whole affair.
England is
12 years ago
far less than amused by all this as he fixed his hair. "Not interested." He shook his head.
12 years ago
((two plurks, both involve Scotland and Ireland trying to get England laid. Wooo!))
12 years ago
'Are you allergic to sex, Art'r? That's the only reason I can see working for you right now.' He wonders if Arthur even knows how to flirt.
12 years ago
((What are we doind to the british isles ;; ))
12 years ago
doubts England knows how to flirt, all he does is frown at people nowadays. 'His clothes aren't helping either. That jumper is a bloody_
12 years ago
12 years ago
turned around and glared at them a bit, "I have work to do... " He was digging for an excuse to get out of this now.
12 years ago
((Why is this happening pout pout xD ))
12 years ago
((Because England is easy to tease. xD ))
12 years ago
((True. And we love doing it ^^))
12 years ago
((Oh good ><;; ))
12 years ago
arches a brow. 'Is that why you're spending your day in a cafe reading a book, yeah? Come on, you have plenty of time,'
Scotland gives
12 years ago
him a look, a no-nonsense, don't ruin the family reunion look. 'Come-on, if you'll stay I'll pay for your next cuppa. Yours too Ire.''
12 years ago
looks bright at that. 'I'll take that offer.'He pushes Arthur onto the seat and takes another for himself.
12 years ago
huffs a bit indignantly as he sat down again. If he was going to spend time with the two then he would need something stronger than tea or
12 years ago
12 years ago
would support that idea also! He puts his feet up on the spare seat next to him. 'Shame Wales couldn't be here. It would've made a true UK_
12 years ago
reunion.' He turns to Arthur. 'You better not be bullying him, Art'r!'
Scotland thinks
12 years ago
they'll have to make do with tea, and Scottish Breakfast tea at that. He comes back with a big pot and three cups, placing_
12 years ago
one down infront of each of them. He takes a seat on the opposite side of the two. 'You seem to always be taking him along for the ride,_
12 years ago
Arthur. Let him make some of his own decisions, eh?'
12 years ago
frowned at that, "I am not bullying him." He rubbed at his temples now. "And he does make some of his own decisions."
12 years ago
frowns as he pours some tea. 'Well he's a grown lad, now. Older than you in some respects. So don't let me be hearin' you've been telling_
12 years ago
him what to do.' He is partly serious, partly winding Arthur up.
12 years ago
watches them both in amusement, laughing lightly under his breath. It was nice to have the three of them, although Ireland was right. 4_
12 years ago
would have made it perfect. He always enjoying doting on Wales.
12 years ago
sighs with that as he looked away from both of them. "He is perfectly fine."
12 years ago
hums. 'And what about the boys, Alex and Brett?' He's been out of the loop for a while. 'You send them Christmas gifts, aye?'
12 years ago
scowls, 'I doubt it! He's being stingey. Wouldn't even give me mine.' He fails to mention he is withholding England's Hogmanay present,_
12 years ago
12 years ago
shot both of them a glare with that, "of course I sent them Christmas gifts." He kicked Greg under the table.
12 years ago
yelps, bending over to rub his leg. 'Bugger,' he hisses in England's direction.
12 years ago
ignores that as he looked away from him.
12 years ago
hums in amusement as he sips at his tea. 'Well, at least Arthur seems to have grown some sibling guts since I last saw him. Kicking a jock!'
12 years ago
((As in an American Jock? ;; ))
12 years ago
((Na, like a Paddy is an Irishman, a Taffy is an Welshman and a Jock is a Scotsman))
12 years ago
glares at the Irishman. 'You mean he's become a cheeky git.'
12 years ago
watches the two for a moment. "I am not a cheeky git."
12 years ago
arches a brow. 'You are a cheeky git, but that's besides the point. We've known that for ages. But you seem to have grown some balls too,_
12 years ago
which is good too. It's taken you a while.'
12 years ago
shot Ireland a glare, "I seem to remember being more powerful than both of you."
12 years ago
starts to laugh uncontrollably. England was so naive...
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