oh yeah..... Happy new year...hope you guys are able to get a dream fill wtih zombie... I mean....good thing
I had dreams filled with bigfoot last night...
Pfffft xD time flies so quickly ;w;
Happy New Year, sweethearts~
>u< /smoochies at? Smoochies at!
also you've been rather active on fb xD
Wait, hun , who are you on FB? ;w; <3 /smooches at
NVM, Jenna showed me ;w; So prettyful
skjhgaklhlkghlakgh >////>;;
why zombie apocalypse? I know why apocalypse, but zombies?
because it's awesome? D: /shot
what i'm sorry i suck in trying to start a conversation
Humans have always speculated about what happens after death. From those thoughts came various impossible theories such as the undead
while at the current time, I am unaware of any possible scientific logic behind zombies, they're kind of cool. So of course the general
public latched onto the coolness and has used zombies in a gazillion horror films ever since. The End.
over analyzed that like woah
... on the other news, L4D? BD
dear god Vashy what have you done
Its not what I did its what I didnt do like sleep
bless your very little socks my dear child
aaah I'm sorry I can't feel my whole body (cramping from swimming too much) and I can't feel my brain and I'm in a good mood so ;w;
come let me just - /CUDDLECUDDLE. <3
/kissukissu all over /goodness I am bored and it's only the first of January
/cuddlecuddle /great way to start off the year fft /google cognitive functions, kept me entrtained most of the night
does... l4d play in 2012?
.... Idk but I watched gameplays of L4D2 like last year BD
Germy: there was a movie released called: 2012 Zombie Apocalypse
ah~ /totally not interested or fascinated by zombies at all, thus confused
Its fine dear xD Zombies are a bit of an obsession of mine
/not really into zombies but L4D's awesome =w=
the gameplay,I mean. especially when the dude started screaming just because he attracted a horde of zombies by accident~
/addicted to L4D but I have no one to play with...
Why Lovi, are you nominating yourself??
QAQ /w-would love to play with you but sucks horribly with horror/gore/scary games
patpat its okay~ I understand
;;u;; /however you can teach me how to play online games together? /shrug
I have yet to play amnesia too...maybe when I move out I'll buy it...
/Doesn't have L4D but would play with if gets it ;u;
ouo yaaay! Zombie hunting together~
;;u;; And then I'd die like every 2 minutes.
I'd protect you, as long as I find my cricket bat
;//u//; I'd cower behind you and be more nusiance than help -u-
/would use like those damn awesome guns /or an axe /dude the alarm part scares me though