12 years ago
Doctor! Doctor! Give me the news! I got a baaaaaaddddd case of lovin' you.
latest #12
Ori0n says
12 years ago
takes your pulse Take 3 cuddles and make breakfast in the morning
12 years ago
No pills gonna cure my ill, I gotta bad case of looooooooovin YOOOOOOOOU.
12 years ago
In the morning I'm making waffles!
Ori0n says
12 years ago
mmmmmmm waffles
12 years ago
With bacon.
Ori0n says
12 years ago
dear god yes plz
Curt Hart
12 years ago
I love waffles... and BACON!
Curt Hart
12 years ago
I especially like the cuddles part as well
12 years ago
Really Curt...Well I love you and I adore our cuddle time. =)
Curt Hart
12 years ago
Awww, I love you too beautiful
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