I keep all my feelings to myself.
latest #21
i keep all my money to myself.
i keep all my food to myself. LOL JK.
i keep all my piko to myself. ;D oh shit. i nvr get enough of it. ;D
oops. repeated. LOL. laptop lagg.
haha k. f ur life urself. LOL
its f my life but in this case, its fk my laptop. =.=
diy. do it yourself. lmao
=.= i cant. T.T imma girl.
get your dad to help u. LOLLLLLLL
he's painting th table. LLOLLLL.
nope. SIAO. my floor marble de leh. how paint. =.=
-.- th paint wont stick. i think. =.=. nobody paints on marble de. =.=
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