GOODNESSS~ someone pepper spray the mall!
latest #12
my first time inhaling that stuff and oh my.
it was so weird!! i was walking back to cosmetics from my break when i started to cough. At first i was like whatever, no big deal.
then i started to cough harder and non stop. So i inhaled once through my mouth ANNND OOOOH MY! it was like eating a tone of sand!!
i started to notice that others around also coughing. First thing that came to mind was that i was going to die at WORK
from some type of disease but once i got to cosmetics one of my co worker told me " someone put pepper in the air " shes from china mind you
we had to close our mall entrance. megan was at the food court when that happened and she said that she felt it tooo~
I heard about it...lucky for me I left already when all this happened
yeah apparently theres some guy pepper spraying everyone ... at the food court and by the apple store
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