Yong Soo will
12 years ago
probably be spending Christmas alone...
latest #212
12 years ago
Would be happy to have him come over if he wanted.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
would love a sexy lady to keep him company."
12 years ago
would thank him for the compliment. She wonders what he wants to do?
Yong Soo will
12 years ago
take her on a date! And eat lots of cake with her!
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
that sounds like fun. She'll have to bring his gift along as well.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
would like that a lot! * A* She was so cute >U<
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
he's silly for thinking that. She'll come pick him up now if wants?
Yong Soo
12 years ago
can pick her up! He' s a gentleman afterall! And Hyundais are the best cars! He's on his way >D
Elizabeta will
12 years ago
wait for him then. She drives a Volkswagen herself.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
shows up at her house, waving his too big sleeves. "Miss Hungary! Miss Hungary!"
12 years ago
came outside smiling as she locked her door up. "Hey Korea!"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at her and comes over to kiss her cheek. "Merry Christmas!"
12 years ago
smiles and kisses him on the cheek in return. "merry Christmas!"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
beams at her and opens the car door for her. "Here you go, Miss Hungary." >u< He was very respectful.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
pretty shocked by it as she thanked him and got in the car. She had his gift in her lap.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
knows how to be respectful on a date! And it's Christmas! He's well behaved now. He climbs into the car and turns to her. "What'dya wanna
Yong Soo
12 years ago
do? We could go skating. Or go to dinner? Or go play video games!"
12 years ago
looked thoughtful for a moment, "how about... some pizza and video games?" She hadn't done that for what seemed like ages.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
beams at her. "That sounds awesome. You're the coolest lady!" He pecks her cheek and pulls out. >u<
12 years ago
smiled at that. "Thanks, you're the cutest Yong Soo." She nodded.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs and shakes his head. "I'm super manly and stuff okay?"
12 years ago
nods, "oh of course." She smiled, she wondered why they didn't hang out more.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hums happily and reaches over to take Hungary's hand while he drove. He said it was a date right! He had to be good about it. "What games
Yong Soo
12 years ago
do you like?'
12 years ago
smiled at that as she held his hand back lightly. "Hmm... I like the action games, or those dating games you and Kiku have. Those are fun."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hums and thinks about this. "I have lots of dating games! And fantasy and action games. I like playing online more." He hums as he stops at
Yong Soo
12 years ago
a pizza place to get their food.
12 years ago
nods a bit, "you can pick the game."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins and nods. "Okay! I'll be right back okay?" He disappears into the pizza place.
12 years ago
nods as she watched him go inside.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hurries up, ordering. As he's waiting for the pizza to get done, he waves at Hungary from the windows. Like HEY LOOK AT ME BEING AN ADULT.
12 years ago
smiles as she watches him, he was cute. She waved back as she waited, laughing a bit.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
comes back soon enough with pizza which he puts carefully in the back seat. He gets comfy and takes her hand again as he starts toward his
Yong Soo
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiled as she held his hand, enjoying the drive. "So how are you doing?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles and hums. "I'm good! I've been playin lots of games and stuff. How have you been huh?"
12 years ago
shrugs a bit as she thought about that. "Ah not to much... I've been... um... baking. Not much actually."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this. "You should come bake at my house. I'd help you eat it!"
12 years ago
laughs a bit, "I might just have to take you up on that." She was afraid she'd get to fat if she continued to eat all her baking.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins. "So free cake for me right?" He squeezes her fingers and turns onto his road.
12 years ago
smiled and nodded, "of course if you would like." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
flushes at the peck and nods. "I-I'd like that a lot! Fun originated in Korea you know."
12 years ago
nodded and smiled, she paused and handed him the gift. "Before I forget... here."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this as he parks the car, taking it. He passes her something in return. "ANd this is for you!"
12 years ago
blinked a bit and grinned, "oh thank you!" She had put together a photo album of pictures she had been taking. Mostly of the other Asian's
12 years ago
and the other male countries lacking clothing.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at her. He'd went the easy route and just got her yaoi manga. They were rather new so he figured she didn't have them yet.
12 years ago
opened the gift and squealed a bit, she didn't have them yet. "Ah it's perfect! Thank you!"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
would be thanking her.... but he's.... extremely distracted at the moment. The squeal jerks him out of it a bit and he moves to giver her a
Yong Soo
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiled as she hugged him. "Oh we should get inside and eat that pizza before it gets cold."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
nods and pulls back. "Thank you. And yes. We should." He moves to get out of the car. >u<
12 years ago
got out of the car, taking the mangas with her.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hums and carries the pizza in one hand and his present in the other. ;w;
12 years ago
followed him happily. "You're quite the gentleman."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at her and shrugs. "you know, I do what I can~" he gives her a wink.
12 years ago
smiled at him, "makes me wonder if you've found anyone yet. It's been a while since we last spoke."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs and waves his hand. "Everyone wants Korea~!" He says, pulling open the door for her. Which translated to no pretty much.
12 years ago
steps inside with that, taking her shoes off and her coat, setting it down with the mangas she had gotten.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
steps in behind her and sets the pizza box down for a minute to take her coat and put it up for her. >u<
12 years ago
smiled as she let him take her coat. "Ah thank you."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at her and hangs it up. He sweeps her up into his arms. "Grab the pizza. I'll carry you."
12 years ago
blinks as she was swept up. She wrapped one arm around his shoulders and grabbed the pizza with the other hand. "You just get sweeter and
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs and shrugs, smiling. "Sweet originated in Korea, actually." He carries her to his living room >u<
12 years ago
smiled at that as she let him carry her. "Did every originate in Korea?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins and nods. "Yes, everything!" He gently sets her on the couch.
12 years ago
set the pizza down on the table as she laughed. "I learn something new every day."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
pushes her hair behind her ear. "Well it's true. So don't forget okay!"
12 years ago
smiled at that as she patted him lightly on the head. "So what game shall we play?"
Yong Soo thinks
12 years ago
about it. "We can play a relationship game if you want! It's more, I dunno, feel good than an action game.
12 years ago
nods, "sure. Sounds good to me."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins and moves to put it in. "Okay! It'll be fun. I promise."
12 years ago
couldn't help but laugh a bit as she pulled her feet under herself. "Aren't they normally single player though?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
shrugs. "You can play. I'll just be helpful. It'll be like watching an interactive movie."
12 years ago
blinked a bit at that, "ah but it's only fun if we both get to play."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs. "We can take turns maybe." He snuggles in next to her and slips his arms around her, cuddling her in close. >u<
12 years ago
smiled as she cuddled into him contently, "that sounds like a plan." She nodded and kissed him on the cheek lightly.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
maybe blushes at the kiss and sets the controller in her lap. "Doesn't it? I like this already." * w*
12 years ago
nods as she took the control and followed the on screen instructions. She thought the blush was cute. "So does Yong Soo have a crush?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hums and looks at the characters in the opening. "That guy there is pretty cute?" he offers, watching her play. He... doesn't realize what
Yong Soo
12 years ago
she means.
12 years ago
smiled at that as she watched the opening nodded, "oh for sure..." she wouldn't clarify, he was to cute.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs softly and nestles his head against her hair, setting his chin on her shoulder. "Which do you like?"
12 years ago
tilted her head a bit as she hummed, "I like... it's hard to choose... I'm kind of torn between two."
Yong Soo thinks
12 years ago
about that. "Makes sense. They're all kinda cool right?"
12 years ago
nods, "all of them are very cool... but I think real guys are way cooler."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins. "Well of course. Like the guys in Super Junior. They're the coolest."
12 years ago
smiles, "oh they are pretty cool." She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and leaned into him more.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
pecks her cheek. "But I'm the coolest Korean okay?' he says, giving her a very serious look.
12 years ago
shifted to return the peck. "Oh of course, the only Korea I would look at."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins and puffs up a bit. This was good for his ego. "Oh good then. Don't forget okay?"
12 years ago
nods as she patted his chest. "I won't forget."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins and nods, nestling down again to let her keep playing. "good." He's forgotten about the pizza...
12 years ago
followed the prompts on the screen as she played.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
watches and nuzzles his face into her hair. She smells nice. * w*
12 years ago
handed him the controller after a while to let him play some as she shifted to grab a piece of pizza.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
makes a little sad noise as she shifts away from him for pizza but plays anyways, humming. "Which guy should we woo huh?'
12 years ago
looks at the screen as she hummed a bit, "the one you think is cute, he's pretty hot." She took a bite of her pizza before offering it to
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
leans over and takes a bite straight from it. He liked being fed... >w> "Mmmm okay."
12 years ago
took another bite herself before she leaned into him again.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at her, a little bit of pizza sauce on the edge of his mouth. =w=
12 years ago
noticed that and moved to wipe it off with her thumb.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
blinks as she does so. "Oh! I made a mess! I'm sorry!" He licks her thumb before she can pull it away, 'cleaning' it up.
12 years ago
laughed a bit at that as she shook her head and offered him another bite of the pizza. "don't worry."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
takes another bite and thanks her. "You're a really nice lady." * w*
12 years ago
blinks at that, "hmm... I think you're the only one who thinks that."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
kisses her cheek. "I'm not the only one I bet."
12 years ago
shrugs a bit as she curled into him and finished the slice of pizza. "Nope you are... Maybe Roderich but he's to busy with Prussia to even
12 years ago
talk to me anymore."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hums at this and pulls her into his lap. "Awww it's not true. I'm sure lots of people think you're awesome. They're just distracted sexing
Yong Soo
12 years ago
each other to remind you.
12 years ago
laughs at that as she settled into his lap sighing softly. "Mm tell me about it, I feel like I'm the only one that's not busy sleeping with
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
shrugs and kisses the top of her head. "I'm not sleeping with anyone either. so see? Not the only one silly." He kisses her cheek.
12 years ago
smiled at that as she leaned back into him, stealing the controller from him. "Now why aren't you?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
blinks and lets her take it. "I dunno. I'm just not I guess..." He blushes at the question.
12 years ago
glanced over at him before she kissed him on the cheek, "we should fix that."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
blinks and nods. "We really should. Sex is nice." * A*
12 years ago
nods and smiles, "it is... God it's been a while..." She looked back to the screen and followed more prompts.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
nuzzles his nose into her hair again. "But you're such a pretty lady...."
12 years ago
leaned back into him as she put the controller down. "And you're such a handsome cutie."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs softly and shrugs. "I am pretty handsome," he agrees, tightening his arms around her a bit more. "Can I tell you a secret?"
12 years ago
nods as she leaned back and looked up at him. "I'm good at keeping secrets."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
glances around and gives an almost pout, leaning in and murmuring against her ear. "I've never had sex with a lady before...." >///3///>
12 years ago
blinks at that, completely shocked by it. She looked at him before she smiled. "Oh... would you want to have sex with a woman?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
flushes and squirms a little. "Ladies are very pretty," is his subtle embarrassed way of saying yes.
12 years ago
smiled again at that as she thought about it. "Well if you'd I can help you out with that."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
squirms a little and smiles at her. "Really?" He kisses her cheek gently, humming happily.
12 years ago
nods as she grinned. "Of course, I'd be more than happy to."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
tilts his head and runs a hand through her hair, cheeks pink. "You're really pretty..."
12 years ago
smiled at that as she leaned into his hand, "thank you..." she shifted a bit in his lap. "So why haven't you?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
blinks and blushes again as he plays with her hair. "I dunno..." He mumbles. "Just never have... I mean... most of the people I hung around
Yong Soo
12 years ago
were boys..." >//~//<
12 years ago
nods a bit with that as she moved to kiss him softly on the lips. "That makes sense. You're really cute though."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
closes his eyes for kisses, fingers curling now into her hair. "Really?" He gives her a devious grin. "The best kind of cute?"
12 years ago
smiled as she kissed him again lightly, "I think so. The very best kind of cute."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hums and kisses her back. "Do you think I'm sexy too then~?" He pecks her lips again after asking this.
12 years ago
thought about that for a moment, "well from what I've seen of you I would say you're much sexier than most men."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at this. "Well of course. Korea invented sexy..." He kisses her again, but this time a bit deeper.
12 years ago
smiled into the kiss as she shifted closer to him. "I can believe that."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
cups her face and smiles at her, kissing her again. "It's true..." He murmurs. "It is." He kisses her again and then again. "Can I touch
Yong Soo
12 years ago
your breasts?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
doesn't realize that that isn't romantic.
12 years ago
can't help but giggle at the question as she shifted in his lap a bit more. She kissed him again in return as she nodded. "You don't have to
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs softly against her lips and kisses her again. His hand comes up, groping her genty. "Squishy," he murmurs into her mouth.
12 years ago
smiles at that as she leaned into his hand, she kissed him on the cheek lightly. "You're cute."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs and nuzzles his face along her jaw, fingers still squeezing and feeling her up. "I found the best Christmas date didn't I?"
12 years ago
closed her eyes as she hummed her agreement. "I think you did..." she leaned moved her hands to his sides.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
kisses lightly at her jaw, breath soft on her skin. He moves his hands, dragging her tight against him.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
enjoying this, she slid her hands up his chest, pushing his top open as she moved to kiss him again sweetly.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
gasps softly at his top being pushed open and he meets her lips eagerly, almost immediately trying to deepen it.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
a bit surprised by that, but she let him deepen it, sliding her hands under the material of his shirt to run over his smooth skin.
Yong Soo was
12 years ago
getting over his embarrassment at his...confession, and he was very caught up in kissing her now.
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
glad he's getting over it, she didn't didn't see much to be embarrassed about though. She let her hands trace over his chest, slowly getting
12 years ago
more passionate with the kisses.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
arches into her hands, gasping softly and matching her passion. He is pushing her skirts slowly up her thighs. Oh g-goodness her skin was so
Yong Soo
12 years ago
12 years ago
pressed him back into the couch, breaking the kiss to catch her breath. Her hands slid down his chest before she carefully pulled at the tie
12 years ago
she kissed along his jaw, loving where his hands were going. "Just tell me when you want to stop... if you want to stop."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
shivers at this and tilts his head for the kisses to his jaw, giving a soft sound of pleasure. His hands slide up higher, gripping her
Yong Soo
12 years ago
thighs. "D-don't stop..." he murmurs. "Please don't..."
12 years ago
smiled softly against his skin, moving her kisses down along his neck now as she got the tie undone. "You're so sexy Yong Soo..." She
12 years ago
whispered that as she pressed down into his lap lightly, teasingly.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
gasps at the gentle pressure, his own hands sliding up her skirt and around. He gropes her backside, over her panties, and pulls her hips
Yong Soo
12 years ago
closer to him. "You're pretty hot yourself...."
12 years ago
made a small sound as she pressed down into his hips again, nipping playfully at his neck. "You're way to kind."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs softly at this, moaning at the little nip. He massages her backside for a moment before moving to take her dress off. "Mmmm but I'm
Yong Soo
12 years ago
12 years ago
sat up a bit as she helped him with her dress. She kissed him again lightly once he had it off. "I like that about you." She pulled at his
12 years ago
own top a bit, "is here okay?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at this and tosses her dress aside. His eyes are instantly on her body. H-he loved nice underwear. "I like a lot of things about
Yong Soo
12 years ago
you~" he hums, nodding, and helping her get his top completely off.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
glad she wore a pair of frilly lacy panties and the matching bra with small bows in just the right places. "I'm glad," she ran her hands
12 years ago
over his skin once he had the top off. "I like a lot about you."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
shivers visibly at her fingers and his cheeks are red again. He moves forward, shoving their mouths together again in excitement. He'd never
Yong Soo
12 years ago
had a lovely lady touching him like this and straddling him like this. He was... excited.
12 years ago
smiled into the kiss, returning it just as heatedly, she was glad she could be his first... woman anyway. She was also glad he was so
12 years ago
excited. She took one of his hands in her's moving it to her breast, encouraging him to slip his fingers under her bra.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
tilts his head to deepen the kiss, wanting to taste her again. It doesn't take much encouragement. He gets a good feel of the cute bra-- ahh
Yong Soo
12 years ago
she had good taste-- before he slips his fingers under the material to caress and squeeze her breast. He finds her nipple, playing with it.
12 years ago
shivered at the feeling as she let him have control of the kiss, her other hand went to the back of his neck, fingers slowly moving up into
12 years ago
his hair. She was glad he could appreciate her taste in undergarments. She liked cute things, even if she didn't have anyone to wear them
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
shivers at the fingers sliding up the back of his neck. His other hand slides up to caress her other breast, getting himself a very good
Yong Soo
12 years ago
feel. He's moaning into her mouth just from touching her. He loved nice breasts.
12 years ago
pressed herself into his hands happily as she mimicked his moan. She shifted in his lap again, pulling back a bit to unclasp her bra for
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
gasps and pulls the bra free when she's unclasped it. He looks down, admiring her first, his admiration very clear on his blushing face. He
Yong Soo
12 years ago
moves, pushing her down on the couch. He has deciding those pretty breasts needed to be kissed.
12 years ago
looked up at him and smiled, she fell back into the couch. "You're so cute when you blush," she ran her fingers through his hair, moving he
12 years ago
her* hands down his back to push at his pants. She was more than enjoying the attention.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs at this, turning brighter red at it being pointed it. She brushes that curl though and he gasps in pleasure at it. He leans down
Yong Soo
12 years ago
quickly and takes her nipple into his mouth.
12 years ago
let out a shocked moan, not expecting that kind of reaction. She let one of her hands go back to his hair as she closed her eyes enjoying
12 years ago
the mouth on her.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
leans his head toward the hand in his hair, gasping against her skin every time her fingers brushed it. He starts to nibble and suck, one
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hand tugging and twisting it.
12 years ago
arched off the couch into his mouth, soft sounds of pleasure leaving her lips. She moved her free hand back to the waist of his pants,
12 years ago
wanting them off all the more now.
Yong Soo feels
12 years ago
her pushing at them, and his free hand moves down to help her push them down his thighs though he's still very distracted with the soft skin
Yong Soo
12 years ago
caught between his teeth.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
just as distracted by what he was doing as she gave up on trying to get them off, instead she returned to running her hand over his back and
12 years ago
through his hair.
Yong Soo gives
12 years ago
a loud moan at the fingers in his hair, mouth moving to the other nipple, biting and sucking. He's pushing himself in between her legs.
12 years ago
spread her legs to accommodate him, shifting to wrap one of them around his waist and pull him closer. "Ah Yong Soo... you're so good..."
12 years ago
she flushed at that, she had a hard time believing this was his first time with a woman.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
just really really like breasts, whether they be on a man or a woman. His other hand slid down slipping between their bodies, teasing her
Yong Soo
12 years ago
stomach... slowly getting lower. "Mmmm glad you think so~" he coos against her skin.
12 years ago
could tell, she shuddered as his hand moved lower. She moved her hand from his hair, letting it rest on the back of his neck.
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