cyber_dinz bilang
12 years ago
i'm back..!(droid_dance)
latest #9
Anonymonster bilang
12 years ago
Mhonxzie here! I just change my name dinz.
12 years ago
ahaha..(woot) nice to meet u r u dear??(cozzy)
Anonymonster bilang
12 years ago
Making my life worth it? Hahaha. Long time no plurk dinz (cozy)
12 years ago
of course..yes it's so long,..(cozy) by the way r u still exist on facebook?:-)
Anonymonster bilang
12 years ago
Merry Christmas dinz :-) Yup. I haven't seen you there?
12 years ago
ah,thanks but sorry i doesn't chrismast celebrate..:-) i miss u on my fb.;-)
Anonymonster bilang
12 years ago
cyber_dinz: Aw did I offend you? Im sorry. I think we're not friends in there, are we?
12 years ago
oh no,that's fine..!so what ur nick in fb?i will add u,if u not mind..!:-)
Anonymonster bilang
12 years ago
I'll add you. You can't search for my profile it was conceal for public viewing but if you want to try its Monique Añes
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