12 years ago
just finished off some more paperwork, now all he had to do was send out the yearly cards to his coworkers.
latest #101
12 years ago
tackles him from behind!!'
Ludwig says
12 years ago
drops the stack of papers he was holding and stumbles. "Gilbert! Must you do that?"
12 years ago
cackles, hugging him tight. "I missed you! You've been working since forever."
Ludwig says
12 years ago
frowns at that as he tried to get him off. "Well I happen to think working is important."
12 years ago
rolls his eyes as he ruffles Ludwig's hair "It's laaaaame"
12 years ago
furrows his brows as he tried to fix his hair now. "No Gilbert, it's called responsibility."
12 years ago
scoffs "Responsibility is lame. Why can't you have a little fun, West?"
12 years ago
moved to pick up the papers, "I have plenty of fun."
12 years ago
doubts it. "When? When was the last time you even had a beer?"
12 years ago
looked up at him as he finished collecting the last sheet of paper. "Recently... enough."
12 years ago
huffs. "Oh, last year? Come on, West. Take a break already."
12 years ago
stood, putting the papers back into their folder. "I hardly need a break." Okay maybe he wouldn't mind a beer or two... it had been a while.
12 years ago
grabs his arm, forcefully tugging him away from the desk. "You do, and we're getting shitfaced tonight."
12 years ago
had time to put the folder down before he was tugged away. He reluctantly gave in though, there really wasn't much point in arguing with
12 years ago
Gilbert. "I don't think I'm going to drink that much."
12 years ago
doesn't even bother with their own supply, tugging him out the door, only stopping for his shoes and jacket. "So you say. But you will."
12 years ago
put his own boots and coat on when he had the chance. He was determined to keep himself to one beer...
Gilbert is
12 years ago
determined to get him drunk off his ass.
Ludwig thinks
12 years ago
he wont be able to get him drunk. "So how have you been Gilbert?"
Gilbert will
12 years ago
. "Okay...I guess. Christmas shopping."
12 years ago
raises a curious brow at that, "just okay?" He was hoping to maybe take his mind off the drinking thing.
12 years ago
huffs a little "Roddy invited Liza for Christmas. I'll try to get along with her, but...."
12 years ago
frowns a bit at that, "well you can hardly expect him to stop being friends with her just because you two don't get along."
Gilbert thinks
12 years ago
West should just take his side. "I didn't say they should stop being friends. But it's supposed to be our couply time and shit. You know?"
12 years ago
shrugs a bit, "it's one day and I'm sure you'll have plenty of time for couple things."
12 years ago
refrains from whining. "But I can't jump him if she's there. He's not going to let me tear off his clothes if someone's watching."
Ludwig was
12 years ago
suddenly a bit embarrassed by that statement as he cleared his throat. "I don't know what else to tell you Gil."
12 years ago
shrugs. "I dunno...Hey, wanna join us?"
12 years ago
stares, join them? wasn't he just complaining that have Eliza there would be enough of a pain? "Do you need more cock blockers?"
12 years ago
grins a little "Well. For one, of course I'd want to spend Christmas with my baby bruder. But I can also sneak off with Roddy while you _
12 years ago
_occupy her attention.
12 years ago
frowns now and rolls his eyes. "I will not occupy her so you can go have sex." He liked Eliza, but he wasn't about to let the other two slip
12 years ago
off on Christmas...
12 years ago
siiiighs "Fine. Come so we can spend family time. I'll sex Roddy up after you guys leave."
12 years ago
nods, that he could accept. "Alright, besides I'm sure someone will need to be there to keep you and Eliza from tearing into each other."
12 years ago
whines "West! You should be backing me up without question. I'm your brother!"
Ludwig gives
12 years ago
him an even stare, "I'm not going to back either of you up... I'm not even clear as to why you two still hate each other so much."
12 years ago
scowls, tugging him into the bar. "She's the one holding the damn grudge."
12 years ago
follows him, "you sure it's not you as well?"
12 years ago
sits at one of the stools. "I'm sure that she gives me a concussion for no reason, and I'd be dead if I were human."
12 years ago
sits next to him, "good thing we're not human... and I'm sure all of us would be if we were."
12 years ago
orders two beers. "Ja...but you know, it's been okay between us lately. Civil.."
12 years ago
looks a bit shocked at that, "what are you defining as civil?"
12 years ago
isn't sure. " violence."
12 years ago
nods, "well that's a start then..." he wondered if it was more because of Roderich than anything.
Gilbert was
12 years ago
basically doing this for Roderich. He was sure she was as well. "Ja."
Ludwig hopes
12 years ago
that conversation has changed his focus a little... He also planned on paying for their drinks.
Gilbert thinks
12 years ago
West will end up broke. He's already mostly done his own beer. "Drink up!"
12 years ago
took a few sips of his beer. "I'm drinking..."
12 years ago
.."You should chug it."
12 years ago
frowns as he sipped it...
Gilbert gives
12 years ago
him a stern look. "West..."
12 years ago
returns the look as he continued to sip his beer.
Gilbert will
12 years ago
use his secret attack. "...Chicken."
12 years ago
paused... and stared. "What?"
12 years ago
rolls his eyes. "You're a chicken. You're totally weak now. I mean, what self-respecting German sips his beer. Are you a chick?"
12 years ago
glares at him... he is not a chick... "I'm enjoying it."
12 years ago
-"By drinking like Gilbird? I can clearly see that. Since you're both chicks and all"
12 years ago
set the glass down, he really shouldn't give in to that... "I'm not a chick."
12 years ago
orders another beer. "Nein, course not. You're a chicken."
12 years ago
huffs a bit at that, "I am not a chicken."
12 years ago
...squawks at him, clucking and making chicken noises.
12 years ago
glares again, "Gilbert...."
12 years ago
tilts his head "What's that? I don't understand chicken speak."
12 years ago
folds his arms over his chest with that before he picked up the glass and finished it all at once.
12 years ago
cheers, clapping before ordering them a pint each. "Drink up, slightly less chicken!"
12 years ago
frowns at that as he started on the next pint. "Shut up Gilbert..."
12 years ago
squeezes his cheek. "Aw, you're all grown up now." He clinks their glasses together, drinking heavily from the glass.
12 years ago
brushes the hand off as he scowled, "more grown up than you are."
12 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Ja, ja, whatever you say West. Drink up."
12 years ago
frowns as he drank.
12 years ago
ruffles his hair. "Don't be upset, you should be having fun!"
12 years ago
rolled his eyes a bit as he finished his drink and set the glass down. "I'm having plenty of fun."
Gilbert gives
12 years ago
him a look "Really?"
12 years ago
12 years ago
doesn't think he looks like it. "Good."
Ludwig is
12 years ago
doing his best, he still a lot on his mind when it came to work.
12 years ago
knows, and is hoping the alcohol will drown those thoughts. "Here, have another beer."
12 years ago
looked at the beer and frowned slightly but took it. "Thanks."
12 years ago
grins, ordering another for himself "You're very welcome."
12 years ago
started drinking the one in his hand. "How are you and... Roderich?"
12 years ago
grins. "Awesome as always. Antonio hasn't been around lately, so even more Roddy for me." Yes, that sounded bad, and Antonio was his friend_
12 years ago
_but...he didn't like sharing.
12 years ago
nods a bit, he thought the whole relationship was wired. "That's good then..."
12 years ago
basically did what he had to, to get what he wanted. "Ja. What about you? Still interested in the little Italy?"
12 years ago
frowns at that and shakes his head. "I haven't seen him in a while." He shrugged a bit.
12 years ago
pats him. "He'll turn up eventually. I heard that huge cruiseliner or something went down in Italy."
12 years ago
nods a bit, it had worried him... though he'd never say that out loud. "I'm sure he will."
12 years ago
probably isn't making this better but. "And the mafia's basically taken over. They're the biggest bank in all of Italy, not just the brat's_
12 years ago
_half." Yes, he'd been hearing things.
12 years ago
frowns at that as he stared at him. "Gilbert you can be quiet now." He nodded.
12 years ago
....orders another drink. 'Just sayin'. But he'd probably fine, Antonio's brat is all protective and shit when it comes to him."
12 years ago
....orders another drink. 'Just sayin'. But he'd probably fine, Antonio's brat is all protective and shit when it comes to him."
12 years ago
sips at his own drink as he brooded a bit. He shifted slightly before he finished his drink and ordered another. "So tell me about what's
12 years ago
going on for you, I've missed a lot."
12 years ago
knows he has but. "Not anything lately...things with Roddy are good nowadays. Awesome, even. I think even shit with Hungary was improved." _
12 years ago
_They weren't trying to beat each other to death anymore. "Uh...Antonio and Fran are practically non-existent though. But Den's around"
12 years ago
nodded a bit, "ah..." He sighed a bit as he waited for his drink. "Well at least you and Austria are doing well." He nodded.
12 years ago
nods happily. "Ja. That took hard work though. We're great now, but before he wanted a break and shit, which was weird."
12 years ago
watched him quietly. "Well he's been through a lot... so it's not really that weird."
12 years ago
furrows his brow "Like what? The whole break thing came out of nowhere."
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