{Training} I'm training myself for the PMP tourney!
latest #16
I really do want to win, so I created a team that is quite balanced
So throughout my battles, I'll post if I won or not and the score. :0
Well, I'm now in a CC tourney, so this'll take a while...
me too... i changed my scarfed jolteon for a scarfed lucario and my team has been doing so much better... 3 wins with 1 tie.
{3|1} Won 4-2, but the guy forfeited.
Would've been 4-0 with a Scizor sweep anyway.
{4|1} Won via timeout. :\
im gonna start counting my wins as of now ;p
{4|3} Because Draco Meteor missed on both times. <_<
{4|5} because fucking Magma Storm _always_ hits
I had an awesome heatran with magma storm... i doubt it ever hit...
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