this so her (albeit quite limited) friends' list sees.
... what's the password? and let's be careful about who we give it too lol.
the password should be given via email.
I also offer to help maintain the account in whatever.
what the email address associated with it is?
that would also be bad to just give away.... since then someone might try to grab it again
not without the passqord to said email...
OPSEC should be practiced nonetheless. keep those things on a need to know basis.
wonders 12 years ago
what the point of keeping this to a small group of people really is?
the point wouldn't be so much to keep the account accessible to a small group of people but rather to be more careful of who is able to
access the account. I you're going to give the password to someone make sure you trust them to be an adult about things like the
responsibility of having access to an account used by more than one person.
that we all gave it to friends the first time around, and this time wouldn't be different.
just hopes for a better outcome this time around
also, anyone who had the password before has it now, because according to the OP it's the same as it was.
Right..I guess I'm just afraid that it will happen again, so I'm just antsy about things..
emailed the account last time and never got a password, so I'm still in the dark. x-x What is the email again?
so sorry about that Sae! it has a different email addy now, that i cant necessarily access
can someone please PM me the info... Thanks.
wow I had forgotten about this