*Alice needs
12 years ago
some serious help with cooking. Even she's getting to the point of having to admit to it. Anyone willing to give her lessons?
latest #39
12 years ago
might be able to help a little. He's Italian after all, cooking is in his blood. Or some shit like that. He also wants to know how your
12 years ago
France is a girl. It doesn't make any sense to him.
12 years ago
should probably ask if you're aware of the... well, the notion that there are two of each nation - four in your case if you're Italian. Hmm_
12 years ago
, you seem rather like Lovina, same curl and all. You'd be... South Italy then, right? Curious, very curious indeed, how you've turned out _
12 years ago
to be... but yes. France is a girl, at least to her, always has been and always will be.
She's very grateful for your help, by the way, _
12 years ago
Alice had been certain she'd fail miserably at making a Yuletide meal, but with lessons, she might have a hope...
Lovino has
12 years ago
no idea what you're talking about- "Wait, wait, wait. Lovina?" He feels like he should know that name- besides it being almost exactly
12 years ago
like his own... Oh! The girl from the other day! So, if there are two of each of the nations and she was... Then he... Fuck. Not only had he
12 years ago
been attracted to himself- well almost himself- he'd also flirted... With himself. That's just great. "So, if there are two of the nations
12 years ago
then you're..." He eyes her eyebrows. "The English bastard's equivalent." He scoffs. "Well, I'll see what I can do. But don't blame me if
12 years ago
you're beyond help."
12 years ago
frowned, one hand moving up to touch her brow carefully - did she need to pluck again? She was so meticulous about keeping them down to _
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size, but apparently it still wasn't working. "...yes, I am England, though I am hardly a bastard and neither is Arthur. He seems like _
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quite the gentleman, if you ask me." she said with a slight hmmphing noise. "And I hardly think I'm 'beyond help', it's just been a while _
12 years ago
since I've had to cook anything, I'm sure I'll remember quite quickly how to manage it."
12 years ago
rolls his eyes a bit, shaking his head. "He is too a bastard. But I guess you're not. At least not as far as I can tell." He crosses his
12 years ago
arms over his chest. "So. Are we going to be cooking in your kitchen? Or mine?" He thinks it over and then decides that cooking in her's
12 years ago
would probably be better since Feli would pitch a goddamn fit if they destroyed their kitchen. "Never mind. Yours would be better." He nods,
12 years ago
rather matter-of-factly not bothering to wait for her opinion.
12 years ago
hesitated, not really sure hers was...ah... suited for this, but then the decision was made for her. "Right. Mine it is, then. I must warn _
12 years ago
you, it is a bit of a mess..." Meaning it was rife with bottles and the like across the counters. Really, she only used the thing for tea, _
12 years ago
and to store glasses for booze at this point. One of the few good things that had come with the modern age was take out, and Alice took _
12 years ago
advantage of it quite often.
12 years ago
shrugs a bit. "So? I can stand messes. And you can clean it before we start cooking, right?" He's lived with messes before and is actually
12 years ago
pretty good at working around them. If he's going to be too lazy to clean them he might as well learn to live with them, si? "Anyway, wanna
12 years ago
lead the way to your house?"
12 years ago
"Ah... yes, yes, of course." Frowning slightly, she nodded, turning to start walking back - she tried to make a point not to drive anywhere_
12 years ago
, a habit helped by the fact that she had a strong distrust for cars in general. The tube was far better, if completely unreliable. "Right _
12 years ago
this way, then."
12 years ago
follows along behind her, wondering why she doesn't have a car or something. But he supposes walking isn't that bad. Except that it's cold.-
12 years ago
"So... Are there two of every single nation? And they're all girls?" He buries his hands in his pockets.
12 years ago
shrugged. "I would presume as much. Or, rather, those that are male to you are female to me, and vica versa. I haven't met all of the _
12 years ago
doubles out there in the world, but I assume they must be around." Really, how was she to know?
Lovino thinks
12 years ago
this over. "So... Your Hungary is male?" He tries, walking along beside her. "Oh. What's your name by the way? Never caught it."
12 years ago
nodded, opening the door for him to lead him in. "Yes, and it's Alice, Alice Kirkland."
12 years ago
walks inside, taking his hands out now that the threat of having them freeze off has been lifted, and looks around. "Lovino Vargas." He
12 years ago
answers, not bothering with pleasantries or anything.
12 years ago
nodded, trying not to be phased. "Right, well it seems you're just as charming as your counterpart. Which is to say not at all, do you have_
12 years ago
manners in Italy, or is that just not your thing?"
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