RooshabyTNT says
13 years ago
Tebow - (no it's not a DVR player) One of the hottest young Christian's around right now. Pastors kid, Christian, homeschooled,
latest #10
RooshabyTNT says
13 years ago
first year in the NFL and has lead the Denver Bronco's to their last 7 straight wins. The best part? He routinely and unabashedly prays
RooshabyTNT says
13 years ago
to our Lord above. After seeing a clip of him on The Today Show this morning, where he began and ended his interview in reference to God,
RooshabyTNT says
13 years ago
I Googled him & found out alot more cool stuff. If you are a football fan, he's won about a ka-jillion awards including the Heisman Trophy,
RooshabyTNT says
13 years ago
BUT - The coolest parts is that he's a Christian, not ashamed to say so, is getting alot of attention, and people are listening!
RooshabyTNT says
13 years ago
Way to go God!
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
Church♥Mouse says
13 years ago
Our world (the sports world included) needs a lot more of that. YAY DVR-player guy!
RooshabyTNT says
13 years ago
(LOL) Just caught your "DVR- Player guy" joke. You're so witty CM. ;-)
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