nothing la..a v childish person...since it happened i next time really wont bother about tat person leh...
ya...about last night...really 多灾多难..
hahahhaha,haiz, no need peduli la, is not ur fault
yesterday a lot of things happen...really long story..after back to usm..kena alot of things la..lazy say d..hehe
>.< actually what happend? last they both sempat reach there la?
ya..they reached d..then u know la..someone sure angry mia ma..then he showed his black face to all of us and throw his bag and things..
walao eh, he mia pasai la...dun care la...then when i bec after diner ma, then chaiyi call me, ask how is v here(mean diner here)
i oso hairan d, cz he go bec on 6.30pm then call me almost 8,30d stil not bec home
yala..he sent them back to teluk kumbar ma..because we sit dong jian car go to teluk kumbar.
then because he last he told joo sheng ask us sit usm bus go back..luckily got usm bus..if not we all no ned go back
walao eh!!!!!! actually this performance he no need join ma, wan join then like this...swt....
when chaiyi call me i oso feel hairan d...then i cal bec him only noe this thing happend
because he angry even those who 无辜eh oso kena...tat y la..yesterday when we at teluk kumbar the 场面v 冷...we all dun wan bother him..
yala..i duno wat he is thinking actually..he like to angry then angry..then all of us hav to see his 脸色
nvm time i really wont ask for his help d..since yesterday night i knew he tak boleh harap..anything i will do myself .
oso wont sit his car next kong po mia..if he angry again ma kena sit bus go home next time??
ya...put on like hell..and then when reach guitar room..the key lost ...then i carry all the yue qi go home..really kena teruk