I couldn't stay away too long...
So have some pictures from when I went to the grocery store.
It really hasn't been that long...>w>"
...why are all the picturea Oreos?xD
afdbasödfasdfalsd, we don't even get the christmas oreos here. /gf happens to be a fan of them
/but mostly the standard ones, too
....because they were the weirdest things there...?
/just bought more Christmas ones.
I will tell you about my poptards episode tomorrow
/could also mail oreos to
/Shuffles off to bed /Owes you one, after the Haribos
So how is everyone? even though I lurked
i'm sad but looking pretty
Oh...well I hope everything works out.
Well...I'll keep hoping for that.
/Hopes it's not that cunt |U
lovi: 1) don't address her like that, don't thnk you'd like it if i called spain that right? 2) it has nothing to do with her
If she hurts you, then she deserves to be adressed like that. But she hasn't, so it's okay. ;u;
/Still going to fret, though.
I love those cool mint ones asljf;l
/has never seen any of those flavours owo; We only have mini oreo's and standard ones, and you can onoy buy them in 7-eleven xD;;
That's the wonder of America.
.... Can I have those alien-looking oreos ;A;
Anto yeah ;o; Though I am sad that you don't have liqourice. When ever I'm out of Northern Europe, it feels like people eat nothing but
IDK THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD QAQ /flails and wails
sweet stuff for candy xD;
.... What's liquorice ouo
B-but hnnnng those icecream ones look the best to me +0+ <3
hun It's a type of candy made of... uh, well, that's not too relevant, I suppose xD; But the Americans I know seem to think it tastes very
ouo .... You people are aliens to me /trololo
but yessss omg the ice-cream one 3 looks awesome~ /unfortunately can't eat any 'pure' American food
Black liquorice is pretty strong for my taste...I like twislers though.
Lol, what kind ofsweets do you have?
Did I spell it wrong? Strawberry liquorice.
Laughs That stuff again? xD /has been shown this by all the people who heard liqourice. That's strawberry caramell stuff innit?
...there's caramel in it?
-pops back in- DID SOMEONE SAY CARAMEL. /mouthwaters
I don't even know which Oreo I should choose XD
pip_kin and
OyabunTomato we bought those the other day because they taste so artificial and my gf likes artificial tihngs XD
I'm always disappointed because the smell is so different from the taste. ^^;
It hasn't even seen the shadow of liqourice, that's for sure xD I'm pretty sure you can't make liqourice any other color than black.
but Finnish liqourice is sweet and famous, don't you guys have that? ;w;
we have our own liquorice, too ouo
and I always think that twizzlers taste like strawberry haribo sticks, but they don't. ;A;
they look like it though ;A; Or like the Haribo shoelaces
and I know you guys have it too, but the rest of the world seem to hate it xD;;;
some people hate it because they can't eat it because they're lacking enzymes. =3=
I know you're not supposed to eat it if you have a bad heart and such, and not too much in general. But enzymes are required too? ;3;"
that's my theory, but it's really that they are missing something and they don't like it because of that.
I don't know about it, but perhaps it's also just an aquired taste? If they're not used to salty, bitter things, they're likely not to
we also have sweet liquorice... like that tea that I like to drink. and there are people who actually detest that taste while other's LOVE
it... there isn't much between, so I still guess it has something to do with enzymes or something.
oh, but thats liqourice root. I believe thats something else since thats a purely natural product?
well... not that regular liqourice isnt, but the root is just cultivated and thats that as far as i know xD
I mean, if they don't like it. @.q
Fff, wow, really, Aus? I mean, Twizzlers are more often cherry and etc., but it's not that impossible to get black licorice here.
I thought twizzlers WAS plastic?
....well....I'm addicted.
;u; /Casually dislikes Twizzlers anyways