15 years ago
David After the Dentist: David After Dentist
latest #11
Nanknits says
15 years ago
Mitchypoo says
15 years ago
poor guy, he's adorable
BlurryJoy says
15 years ago
I know, he's cute as
BlurryJoy says
15 years ago
BlurryJoy says
15 years ago
He's cute as "All get out." Makes me want to go to the dentist though. "Gimme' the gas boys!" :-D
Nanknits says
15 years ago
I've had some lovely dental experiences with the gas. Had one dentist that let me control the amount. Great fun.
BlurryJoy says
15 years ago
Nanknits: Lol! Actually, I have some dental concerns. No dental coverage though. Fooey!
BlurryJoy says
15 years ago
Please no one mention a fee for service discount program. They are not much good.
Nanknits says
15 years ago
I'm in the same boat BlurryJoy. I don't even want to think about what's going on in my mouth. Hope I manage to get some insurance soon.
Maria says
15 years ago
dentists are not much fun for anyone! :-D brush twice a day and keep the dentist away LOL
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