/will take that as a 'yes please pick me!'
/okay that works too /loves on
just preparing for finals
and GSA is trying to get a clubs parade to happen to advertise all the little unknown clubs
Spoken poets has like 5 members sob
yay semestered schools~ but sob finals my brain
Also my Japanese teacher just hates ASB so much its hilarious
Associated Student Body, the student government THAT NEVER DOES ANYTHING EXCEPT FASHION SHOWS OH MY GOD
ASB is ridiculous, they're not letting a rock climbing club be formed, so sensei has decided that she'll advise the club and is promoting it
And it's completely to spite ASB
For this class apparently idek
because you're gifted? I'm not sure If I'm taking Chem Honors next year dlkaj;
not much of a change at all dlaj;
oh my god old!Bela is in the Indian club at her school dying of laughter fft
but she's probably straight js;lakj I don't wanna fuck things up likeIalwaysdoderp
/confidence how does it work
Wait Dara is in what now?
Slinky Daraderp is in Indian club, yes
jasld Thanks Aus~ /I've been alone for 15 years, I think I can handle being single if she's straight/rejects me completely
Hold on I need to go laugh
Fft at my fishwife I presume. Oh Daratox
Aus No at Dara haha. Though I laughed today in class when writing the Ship's Log because I talked about a banana.
I have one ready! I just couldn't send today because Auditions. I'll send tomorrow~
fft mine should be in the mail
I just spent an hour at a beads store
there are so many cool things and I need to make my friends holiday gifts and ajsk;lfsajk
its not that hard you've just gotta put some time into thinking over designs~
its okay your knitting balances it out Flamingo <380-91830918571-875
eeeek keep knitting I APPROVE SO MUCH DLSAJF;DLJ I need to plan a birthday gift for you hmmmm
/yes I doooooo~ what kind of thing(s) do you reqqquiiirrreee?
Well what do you wwwaaaannnttt? ouo
also I used the most amazing stationary for your most recent letter
Hmmm I'll see what I can find <931793285713098573985728