12 years ago
plurk karma I cannot effing keep up with you
latest #22
Pi 。
12 years ago
Do you need karma tips?
Pi 。
12 years ago
12 years ago
man don't worry about karma
12 years ago
I am not meeting my karma quota B|
12 years ago
what a weird way to measure activity-- posting. this is why plurk will never eclipse other social media.
Pi 。
12 years ago
I prefer it this way, facebook and twitter scare me.
12 years ago
at least they don't judge you e__e
Pi 。
12 years ago
They just stalk me
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
i kind of really hate facebook, and never got into twitter
Pi 。
12 years ago
I made a facebook once and like, ten seconds later deleted it.
Pi 。
12 years ago
It had recommended friends I didn't even have email addresses for and I was just like legit freaked out. o_o
12 years ago
huhh <_< ... well, I've used it for a long time to keep in touch with college friends, so it's been kind of invaluable for me
Pi 。
12 years ago
It's a good thing for a lot of people, I can't deny that. I've heard of a lot of good things happening on it too.
Pi 。
12 years ago
Like people solving crimes, etc.
Pi 。
12 years ago
That a website can you figure you out that well just kinda frightens me. >>
Pi 。
12 years ago
One time my account was reinstated too, even though I hadn't touched it and had even forgot I once had one.
12 years ago
well, that's been a controversy lately... it stores info that it doesn't reveal it's storing
12 years ago
but Google does the same O_O there is no privacy on the internet
Pi 。
12 years ago
/doesn't use google either for the same reasons >>
Pi 。
12 years ago
Except for to google my name just to make sure it doesn't come up.
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
heck, people's phones do that, now
Tiger Doughnut
12 years ago
...still, it's somewhat creepy
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