13 years ago
been sick but i'm finally back! (i hope)
latest #11
13 years ago
welcome back. glad you're feeling better :-)
Lornadahl says
13 years ago
That's great that you're feeling better now. Weebee!
doon says
13 years ago
Welcome back. Sorry You'se not been feeling well...
13 years ago
being sick. Glad to hear you are on the mend!
13 years ago
thanks everyone! not completely better as I have viral pink eye in both eyes! So I'm having to put drops in.. but i feel well enough to get
13 years ago
up off the couch for the first time in days
Lornadahl says
13 years ago
13 years ago
do you use essential oils at all?
13 years ago
melaluca and lavendar are supposed to help with pink eye. you can rub them around the outside of your eyes (not in your eye) as well as use
13 years ago
them aromatically.
13 years ago
interesting- never heard that! doc gave me some drops for them though
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