/Has one but topic is lame
I love this narrative I wrote, but its like two lines too long and she said she'll stop reading completely if it goes over three pages
We had 3 page maximum for a Short story.:T
i have an essay on a book minimun 2 pages due tuesday
my first paragraph is my fist page
is there any other way to do this other than manually Flamingo?
and i don't want to make it longer than two pages because i'm lazy like that and the book is good but its kinda like...
I believe if you go into your toolbar there's something like Find and Replace.
Doesn't work with different font sizes bluh
...Am I the only one that LIKES short essay's?
my way of doing essays is kind of funny because i made this scribbling with the brainstorming and the thesis statement and the outline
and because i was only taught how to write essays at english class the title of everything is in english while what i write is in spanish...
/i find it funny i'm lame like that
ah fuck it this is taking too long sigh
slfja; thanks /brain is dead after having to delete words sob
1st paragraph: a page and a half.
F in PE because there's only one grade in there sob
/you honestly think I have the muscle required to beat up the football coach? I'm flattered
/stupid Tennis Written test, messing with my mental state
also he's actually pretty cool, and is also my brother's old history teacher
/friend used to think that my iron supplements gave me super powers, no joke
/50 percent based on a single written test
/never wants to talk to parents about school because it always ends in a lecture about Biology. Always.
/Never good enough for grandparents anyway so. Sigh.
Oh, teacher workshop day ;u;
I've been out of school for a while so I wouldn't remember...We have 'reading days'
I never read on them either!
/spain likes spam but it would make more sense since Switzy asked...
/late /I fucking love you Aus
Oh, atypicalprincecharming. They hang with our group at cons because they're friends with some of our group.ouo