12 years ago
[Mythical] Lovino growled to himself, carrying a basket by his side. When he said he wanted to go into town, he didn't mean that he wanted
latest #110
12 years ago
to pick up magic supplies for the rest of the clan... And yet, here he was. The walk into town wasn't exactly short, not to mention you had
12 years ago
to go around the woods. Unless... there was a small footpath through the woods... Looking around almost suspiciously, he ducked into the
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thickening trees, crunching through the freshly fallen leaves.
12 years ago
[[For The Big Bad Werewolf ;u;]]
12 years ago
(( You mean The Super Adorable doggie ))
12 years ago
(( woof ))
12 years ago
being in his werewolf form he waited in the forest for a thoughtless prey and he was soon rewarded with a young witch walking down the path,
12 years ago
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basket in hand and looking all the way edible. He licked over his fangs with a low, happy growl before he jumped out of the woods and caught
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the witch around the waist, the momentum having them both tumble to the ground on the other side of the road with him on top of the smaller
12 years ago
12 years ago
He was completely ignorant to the wolf's presence until he was tackled, a scream ripping out of him as he went flying to the other side of
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the path. Lovino writhed around, despite the other being able to easily overbear him just by size and strength, adrenaline adding some extra
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force behind his escape attempts.
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bit his prey's shoulder, but at that moment the moon disapeared behind some clouds and his strength diminished, leaving him in his wolf-form
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but with his human strength. He let go enought for the other to free his hands, clutching his head.
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Lovino shriekede at the bite, but when the other suddenly weakened, he took his chance. He shoved hard at the wolf, putting all his strength
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into toppling him off the witch.
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rolled to the side, even though it was more due to his own confusion than the witch shoving, giving a miserable whine.
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Lovino jumped to his feet, and despite the whining from the wolf, allowed himself to feel no pity and started running away as fast as he
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could. He didn't want to be made into dinner...!
12 years ago
By then, the cloud had passed the moon and he regained his former strength. With a growl he started after the witch, intend on not letting a
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good dinner run away from him.
12 years ago
He was panting hard, stumbling over roots and branches as he sprinted. He lost a shoe in the frantic escape attempts, but didn't have time
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to stop and get it, simply continuing to run away from the predator. That was, until he stepped on something sharp, pitched to the ground
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with a high-pitched wail as the leg gave out.
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cowered at the sound, kit was a little out of his comfort range of hearing and he howled miserably, too. With the resolution that it was
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better to shut the mouth of that human as he smelled others coming as well, he quickly picked up the witch, threwn him over his shoulder and
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ran back into the forest.
12 years ago
He writhed feebly, but it was no use. Trembling, he looked down at the arch of his foot-- and his eyes went wide at the sight of so much
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blood oozing from the wound. His head spun, and before he knew it, everything went dark.
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arrived at his shelter, but before he could eat his prey it turned morning and he ended up being human after he had licked the blood from
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the oozing wound. Thus, he ended up lying next to the witch, unconscious.
12 years ago
The brunette groaned softly, brows furrowing up as he began to wake, fidgeting. Why was it so cold? And his bed felt like it had been made
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out of stone... It took a minute for him to force his eyes open, but when he did, he was met by a cold cave. The previous night came rushing
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back to him.
12 years ago
frowns as he wakes up, shivering from the cold. It's not a novelty to him though and he sighs as he realizes that yes, it HAD happened again
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and yes, he WAS naked again as well. Coming to with a groan he sat up, hoping that his prepared clothes were still where he had left them.
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He squeaked as he suddenly saw motion, though once he looked at the other, his cheeks bloomed red and he turned his head away fast enough to
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get whiplash. Maybe the wolf had taken another person to the den? Though he couldn't help but wonder why neither of them had been eaten. At
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least he still had his clothes...
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found his clothes where he had left them and puts them on thoughtfully, wondering what he had done this time... Only then did he realize
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that he was not alone there. He turned around, staring wide-eyed at what he deemed to have been his prey of last night - his memory was
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quite fuzzy there - and heard his stomach growl, too.
12 years ago
He stared back wide-eyed too, trembling a little. He didn't know where he was, he'd almost been murdered and eaten, and he had a nasty bite
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on his shoulder and cut on the arch of his foot. Not to mention he didn't know if the blonde was friend or foe. He whimpered softly, wishing
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he had his spellbook.
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makes a face as he puts on his shirt and is thus dressed again. "Hey are you... I guess you're not okay," he realizes. "Come, I'll take you
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to a doctor." He offers his back for the other to climb onto.
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He blushed and frowned, but what else could he do...? A soft sigh escaped him, and he used his good leg to push himself onto the other's
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back, latching on.
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does his best to carry the other down back into the village, where he lived, through the forest without any trace of fear.
12 years ago
The witch was confused, lost, and shouldn't be alive. He was most definitely scared. He hid his face in the blonde male's back, trembling
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and flinching at every snap of a twig.
Germany has
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not expected anything else, actually, and takes him to the doctor's without any other word spoken.
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He squinted at the building that claimed to house the doctor. He'd never been around here before. "...I don't really need to be here," he
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mumbled out.
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"Of course you do. They can help you," he says as he sets him down right in front of the house before he rings the bell.
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The witch growled in irritation, feeling more aware now that he was out of the woods. "I can heal myself better than they can heal me…" And
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Lovino was pretty poor at healing.
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The door is opened and he is led inside, albeit with a sigh and a telltale "...again?" that he ignores, but helps the witch inside.
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He wondered if the other hurt himself frequently. He stumbled inside, trying to put as little pressure as possible on his wounded foot. His
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skepticism of the doctor was pretty obvious.
12 years ago
"Sit," the doctor orders, getting out bandages and Iodine to sanitize and wrap up the wound. Meanwhile Ludwig tells the doctor to sent the
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bill to him - as usual - before he leaves.
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He growls impatiently, but does as the medical practitioner instructs, sticking the injured foot out. After it was all set, he went back out
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to the lobby-- only to find the blonde male gone.
Germany has
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gone home to prepare for his daily chores, even though he was still groggy from the night before.
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The brunette mumbles, and after demanding a crutch from the doctor, starts to awkwardly make his own way home.
12 years ago
(( uhhhhhhhhh what now...... ))
12 years ago
[[;u; Depends on where we're going with it... will it be bromance or romance?]]
12 years ago
(( I'm for bromance. ouo ))
12 years ago
[[Okay ;3; Then I have no idea ;u;]]
12 years ago
(( Yeaa... OTL. unless he goes back into the forest again, but this time prepared. ))
12 years ago
[u two? want to have a one hour rp with me before I go to work]
12 years ago
[[Lud: ;3; Mm, I suppose so...]]
12 years ago
(( ouo? ))
12 years ago
12 years ago
(( confused now ))
12 years ago
(( anyway, uh, next chance? ))
12 years ago
[[If by next chance you mean Lovi going into the forest again, then sure ;u;"]]
12 years ago
(( yes, I mean that. xD ))
12 years ago
Lovino huffed, gathering up charms, his spellbook, and a dagger just in case. There was a superstition that if you were bitten by a werewolf
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and didn't kill it, then you would begin to turn into one. He didn't buy into it, but he would rather be safe than sorry. Not to mention he
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wouldn't mind taking revenge on the wolf. He trekked out to the forest, trying to make a sufficient amount of noise.
Germany thinks
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that something is fishy about it, but his instincts to take this one out are stronger than anything, so he tries the same approach as last
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time, jumping out of the woods to catch the witch by surprise.
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Once he saw the movement, the witch dropped to the ground in order to dodge the wolf. Any thought that his attacker could have been a normal
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wolf was washed away at that. It was too smart to be a normal canine.
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lands on the other side of the way, stopping his fall with his hands and claws and he growled at his prey, making himself ready to jump
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He sprung to his feet again and, quickly as he could, shouted the incantation for a freeze spell and flicked his fingers at the wolf.
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jumped again, but was frozen in mid-jump which made him fall to the ground, baffled and he let out a confused whine.
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The brunette pulled out a length of rope and tossed it into the air, and with another incantation it started to tie the wolf's hind and fore
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limbs together, knotting itself tightly before Lovino released the freeze.
Germany is
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now completely confused and enraged, howling and struggling against the bindings as much as he can.
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He stepped forward cautiously, but didn't get too close, waiting to see if the wolf would give in.
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howls and whines pathetically once he realizes that he cannot move freely anymore.
12 years ago
(( pokes Lovino ))
12 years ago
The brunette smirked, feeling more confident now that the tables were turned. He stepped up to the wolf's back, nudging his flank with a
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flat-shoed foot.
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struggles as much as he is able to, which isn't much and he howls, loudly, trying to attract the attention of other wolves nearby.
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He started a little, and reached to pull out his dagger, kneeling down next to the wolf. He frowned. Here came the messy part...
12 years ago
felt his eyes widen and when a cloud obscured the moon, his eyes turned back to that of a human and he silently beggd the other... well, he
Germany was
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not sure if he wanted him to make it quick or not kill him at all.
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He jumped a little, and scooted back, trembling, the dagger dropping out of his hand. He wanted to throw up.
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averts his eyes, covering them with his paws as he stopped struggling.
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Lovino covered his face too, shaking. The experience reminded him that he was killing a human...
12 years ago
The cloud moved away as well, but the werewolf did not struggle anymore.
12 years ago
(( I know this is a little weirder now with my name,... ))
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