Tabby is
15 years ago
so torn! new dress bodice is almost ready to upload, but Big Love is on, and I missed it last night. what do i do???? :'-(
latest #7
✴Sparkling✴ says
15 years ago
Big Love!!! so you can answer my questions
15 years ago
ok, running back n forth, lol.
winirose wonders
15 years ago
what 'Big Love' is??
15 years ago
its a great HBO series about a polygamist family. I don't think there's ever been a tv show I've been this hooked on. *Maybe* The Riches.
✴Sparkling✴ says
15 years ago
one of the best shows ever
winirose wonders
15 years ago
how 'Big Love' was ..enjoy it last night ?? (the TV show people...the TV show)
15 years ago
see for many spoilers! (woot)
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