Tsuna is
15 years ago
standing outside Gokudera's apartment hugging a large box to himself, with pellets, hay, the essentials--
latest #159
15 years ago
and Hayato in it. The rabbit was hopping around carefully, and Tsuna could feel him moving inside the box.
15 years ago
looked at the door uncertainly and wondered if he should have called and asked first. But this was a pretty spontateous decision.
15 years ago
sighed after thinking about it for a while. He could just ask, and if didn't work out, he didn't have a problem going back.
15 years ago
carefully shifted his hold on the box and reached a hand out to press the doorbell once, and then waited.
Gokudera was
15 years ago
reading the newspaper when he doorbell rang.
15 years ago
blinked, setting the papers down before padded over to the door and pulled it open.
Gokudera wonders
15 years ago
who would be--
Gokudera says
15 years ago
... Ah, Jyuudaime! o.o Good morning!
15 years ago
steps back from the door to let Tsuna in.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
O-ohayou. Uh.
15 years ago
went in and set the box down by the kitchen area.
15 years ago
blinks. "... Jyuudaime? o.o"
Gokudera wonders
15 years ago
what's in the box. .-.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Um. Well...
Tsuna wonders
15 years ago
how he was going to ask his favor.
15 years ago
started by pushing the box flaps open to let in more air--
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
reached out in reflex and tried to grab at Hayato, but she jumped out and avoided his flailing hands.
15 years ago
watched with fond exasperation as the gray bunny started hopping around on the tiles, fearlessly exploring the new area.
15 years ago
muttered, "... Not even scared. I wonder if he recognizes your scent?"
15 years ago
stared at the rabbit for a moment. "A-aa..."
Gokudera thinks
15 years ago
Gokudera wonders
15 years ago
if Tsuna got tired of taking care of the rabbit and was returning her. D:
Gokudera thinks
15 years ago
that has to be it. Why else would Tsuna take her back to him?
Gokudera feels
15 years ago
...... :-(
Gokudera says
15 years ago
, turning to Tsuna. "I'm sorry, Jyuudaime! I'll take her back if she's causing too much trouble for you!"
15 years ago
bowed. "I'm sorry! I should've thought about it a little more before deciding on giving her to you!"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
DDD: I-it's not that! It's no trouble, really! I was just wondering if--
Tsuna says
15 years ago
... Wait, "her"? o__O
15 years ago
straightened up and nodded.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
O___o It's a girl?
15 years ago
nodded again. ._.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
oAo I've been thinking it's a boy all along!
Gokudera says
15 years ago
DD: I'm sorry! I should've made it clear when I gave her to you!
Gokudera says
15 years ago
I... I thought you'd have figured it out by now! D:
15 years ago
shook his head. "It doesn't really matter either way, but."
15 years ago
flushed. "I named her after you."
Gokudera says
15 years ago
15 years ago
turned a little pink and looked down at the rabbit who had hopped over and was sniffing curiously at his feet.
15 years ago
bent down to pick her up, craddling the bunny in his arms.
Gokudera says
15 years ago
, smiling softly as he stroked her fur. "... I don't really mind."
15 years ago
cocked his head as he looked at Gokudera with the rabbit. "... Huh. I'm not surprised, but. That's weird..."
15 years ago
mumbled, "Maybe that's why Mukuro's been acting strangely."
Gokudera asks
15 years ago
Eh? o.o
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I'm not sure, but it feels like they don't get along well? H--Hayato and Mukuro, I mean.
15 years ago
paused when he realized how stupidly obvious his observation sounded.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
A-anyway, he hasn't been talking to me much lately. It's like he's sulking. >_> I've been asking, but...
15 years ago
looked up at Gokudera. "Can you take care of her for a week or so? Or until I find out what's bugging Mukuro."
15 years ago
grinned. "Of course! Leave it to me, Jyuudaime! :-D"
15 years ago
sighed in relief. There wouldn't be a problem if it's Gokudera. "Okay. Thank you."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I brought... pellets and hay. *gestures at the box* Enough to last a week.
Gokudera says
15 years ago
Hai! :-D
15 years ago
placed the rabbit back into the box and asks, "Would you like a drink, Jyuudaime? o:"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
A-ah, hai!
15 years ago
grabbed two cans of juice from the fridge and handed one to Tsuna.
15 years ago
took his can of juice and popped it open. "Aa. Thank you."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Um. *looks around* Are you busy?
15 years ago
shook his head.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
*in a small voice* C-can I stay here for today? It's been a bit awkward at home lately...
Gokudera says
15 years ago
Of course! Stay as long as you like, Jyuudaime! :-D
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
wandered over to the nearest couch and sat down, still holding the can of juice in his hands.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
, out of the blue, "... He can't be jealous, can he?"
15 years ago
sat down beside Tsuna. "... Of what? .__."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Of Hayato...
15 years ago
sighed and muttered, "The idiot."
Gokudera thinks
15 years ago
......... =___=
Gokudera says
15 years ago
... Just ignore him, Jyuudaime. >_>
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
shook his head. "I'll know when I get home, I guess."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Anyway, uh. I know you don't like him, so I'll stop... How are you? :-)
Gokudera says
15 years ago
I'm all right! :-D
15 years ago
heard a rustle and turned his attention to the box Hayato was in.
15 years ago
... found her sticking her nose through the gap between the flaps, trying to get out. .-.
15 years ago
let out a small laugh. "She's gotten a lot bolder, haven't she?"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Tsuna says
15 years ago
She, uh. Scratched Mukuro the first time I had him hold her for me. +_+
Gokudera asks
15 years ago
... Did she?
15 years ago
stood up and took Hayato out of the box before settling back on the couch.
15 years ago
placed the rabbit on his lap and petted her head.
Gokudera says
15 years ago
, while smiling proudly at the bunny, "You did well, Hayato! Great job! :-D"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Uh. T-that's not really...
15 years ago
does not know what to say to that. D:
Gokudera asks
15 years ago
Hai? :-D
Gokudera is
15 years ago
obviously pleased.
15 years ago
shook his head. "N-nevermind." ;;;
15 years ago
added, "She *is* kind of taking after you." ._.
Gokudera asks
15 years ago
... She is? o.o
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I can't really explain how, though.. It's just a feeling?
Tsuna thinks
15 years ago
, more like, he doesn't know how to explain why the rabbit is affectionate towards him and hostile towards Mukuro. ._.]
Gokudera says
15 years ago
Ah. ... Well that's a good thing, isn't it? :-D
Tsuna says
15 years ago
A-aa. I guess...?
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I-it's good that you two get along well, then, since I'll be leaving her with you. ._.
Gokudera says
15 years ago
Mm... *watches the rabbit hops over onto Tsuna's lap*
15 years ago
murmured, "Really affectionate." He smiled as he positioned the bunny properly and began to pet her to sleep.
Tsuna was
15 years ago
quiet for a while after that. He felt..... strangely uncomfortable all of a sudden, too.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
, after a pause, "... Sorry."
15 years ago
blinks. "Eh?"
Gokudera asks
15 years ago
... What are you apologizing for, Jyuudaime? D:
Tsuna says
15 years ago
For suddenly showing up like this. And it feels... kind of awkward...
15 years ago
looked away in embarrassment. "... I'm always running to you when I have problems..."
15 years ago
didn't say problems with which person anymore.
15 years ago
frowned. "...But I'm glad, Jyuudaime."
Gokudera says
15 years ago
We have been lesser and lesser time together lately and I was afraid that......
15 years ago
trailed off, shaking his head.
15 years ago
continues with a small smile, "At least... when you come to me like this, it feels like you still need me."
15 years ago
adds softly, "...That I may still be of use to you."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
D: But it's not about using each other! We're friends, aren't we?
Tsuna is
15 years ago
glad that he had Hayato on his lap, already slowly falling asleep under his petting.
15 years ago
had something to do with his hands that way, something to look at besides the other boy.
Tsuna was
15 years ago
starting to get embarrassed, but if that was the way Gokudera thought...
15 years ago
added, almost inaudibly, "... W-we were more than friends, too."
15 years ago
looked at Tsuna in mild surprise. "J-Jyuudaime..."
15 years ago
reached over, lightly grasping the other boy's hand.
Gokudera says
15 years ago
, a tender smile gracing his features, "...Thank you."
15 years ago
looked up and smiled back at the other boy. "You're welcome."
15 years ago
continued lightly scratching at the spot between Hayato's ears with his other hand. The rabbit was so used to it that she didn't even stir.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
... It might be inconvenient to keep a pet in an apartment... um, it's just for one week.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I'll come get her a week from now. That would be...
15 years ago
suddenly realized that a week from now would be Valentine's Day. o.o
15 years ago
got an idea. Maybe he could make up for the babysitting job by giving Gokudera something for that day.
15 years ago
turned to the other boy and asked teasingly, "Ne, Gokudera-kun, do you want anything from me for Valentine's Day?"
15 years ago
blinks. "V-Valentine's? o.o"
15 years ago
shook his head a little. "You don't have to give me anything, Jyuudaime! D:"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I'm still going to look for a gift even if you tell me that.
Gokudera says
15 years ago
But I don't want to trouble you. D:
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Ah. Well... I need to get something for Mukuro, too, so...
Gokudera says
15 years ago
......... Oh.
Gokudera asks
15 years ago
... Is there anything *you* want from me from Valentine's then?
15 years ago
blinked at having the question thrown back at him. "Uh. I don't know." o.o
Gokudera says
15 years ago
Hmm... .-.
Gokudera asks
15 years ago
... Is there anything you've always wanted?
15 years ago
slowly shook his head. "Nothing in particular...?"
15 years ago
added after a while, "Surprise me?"
15 years ago
grinned. "Hai, I understand! I'll do my best, Jyuudaime!! :-D"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
o.o Y-you don't have to do anything too complicated.
Gokudera says
15 years ago
But you said to surprise you. D:
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I'll be happy *and* surprised with anything you give me.
15 years ago
looked down at Hayato as he said that, as if to emphasize his point, and carefully started playing with her ears.
15 years ago
held the tips and gently pulled them down so that they flopped on either side of her head. |3
Gokudera says
15 years ago
If you say so... D:
15 years ago
watched Tsuna play with Hayato's ears for a moment before standing up.
Gokudera asks
15 years ago
Are you hungry, Jyuudaime? Should I make you something to eat?
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I'm not really hungry yet, but is it time to eat already? o:
15 years ago
shook his head. "I have to drop by the supermarket first so it may take a while."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I don't mind waiting. :-)
Gokudera asks
15 years ago
, after grabbing a jacket from his room, "Would you like to come along?"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Ah. o: You want me to go with you?
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Okay, um. Wait. *looks down at the bunny in his lap* Where do I put her? o.o
Gokudera says
15 years ago
Ah, you can put her back in the box, I guess.
Gokudera says
15 years ago
... You don't have to come if you don't want to though. D:
Tsuna is
15 years ago
already standing up and making his way to the kitchen, arms carefully cradling Hayato.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
A-ah, I feel like going out. Can I?
Tsuna says
15 years ago
--Go with you, I mean.
Gokudera says
15 years ago
Of course! o.o
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Okay, let me just--
15 years ago
knelt down beside the box and took out the extra hay and pellets. He set Hayato down in it.
15 years ago
could see that the rabbit was awake, and was sleepily snuffling at him. He made sure that there was food in the bowl, and water, and then--
15 years ago
gave the rabbit one final pat before standing up again to join Gokudera.
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