12 years ago
(Allison) needs to have a talk with her sister. Which is why she is right now standing in front her house, knocking on her door.
latest #71
Allison is
12 years ago
drowing in ice cream and playing videogames, that was the only thing she did lately, except maybe for that time she met Tino. She didn't-
12 years ago
hear the knocking, she's too focused on killing that damn zombie in her videogame.
12 years ago
(( I was thinking on asking you for a thread like this! ))
12 years ago
only midly surprise that nobody answers the door. Knowing Allison, she was too caught up in whatever she was doing.
12 years ago
didn’t felt like waiting for her sister to finally notice someone’s knocking on her door,
12 years ago
so she turns the knob and hopes the door is unlocked. Fortunately for her, it is.
12 years ago
"I’ll have to tell her to lock her door, something bad could happen to her." she thinks.
12 years ago
"Hey, Allie! Where are you?" she says, in what she hopes is a voice loud enough for her to hear, as she slowly enters her sister’s home.
12 years ago
((Ahah! I’m such a mind reader! It was about time we have some sisterly interactions!))
12 years ago
heard a voice calling her, but... how did someone get into her house? (She didn't even know that the door was unlocked. She was naturally-
12 years ago
distracted, but lately she had been even more. Maybe it was because she didn't really care about things that could happen to her anymore.-
12 years ago
If anything could happen to her, she had a gun and her strenght, that was enough.) She could recognize that voice though, and that's why-
12 years ago
she paused her game and turned around. "Maddie? I'm here!" She tried hiding the ice cream bucket, because she didn't want her sister to-
12 years ago
notice the state she was in.
12 years ago
(( Yes <3 we need to have more sis time ;w; ))
12 years ago
went into the room where her sister’s voice came from. She looks around the room. Video games. Badly hidden ice cream buckets.
12 years ago
It was easy to tell something was wrong with her sister.
12 years ago
"Hey, I hope you don’t mind me coming in. Your door was unlocked so..." Maddie starts off. "I wanted to check on you.
12 years ago
You know, like sisters do." Allison would not outright tell her what was wrong, so she had to somehow get her to open up.
Allison was
12 years ago
actually surprised by her visit, she didn't expect her at all. If she had, she would have tried looking better for her, so she wouldn't-
12 years ago
notice there was something wrong with her. "Ehh, no, it's okay! I was just playing some videogames, you know, Japan wanted me to test them!-
12 years ago
They're good!" Being cheerful was even harder than she thought it would be, but she tried making this the less awkward she could.-
12 years ago
"You know, you could try it if you want, I have another controller..."
12 years ago
"Is that so?" she asks, doubtful. "I guess I could try." she said, accepting her offer.
12 years ago
had never been into video games as much as Allison, but she still played a few times.
12 years ago
didn’t really like such violent games, on the other it might get her to open up.
12 years ago
sits beside her sister, eyeing her closely, trying to find anything that could help her understand what was going on.
12 years ago
nods and tries to appear she's okay. "You just have to shoot the zombies! Here, lemme change to co-op mode" Changing the settings, she-
12 years ago
glances at her sister. Trying to fool her was going to be hard. She liked being the center of attention, but not like this, not when she-
Allison feels
12 years ago
so... observed. Well, she could enjoy the company. She actually... was glad for that. "Ready, Maddie? It's on hard mode~"
12 years ago
takes the controller in her hands and tries to understand how it works. She turned her attention back to her sister when she spoke.
12 years ago
"Hard mode! Are you sure that is a good idea?" she didn’t have time to push the issue, the game was already begining.
12 years ago
The goal was simple. Killing zombies. She could do that. Right?
12 years ago
"It's okay, this game's not that hard~" Or so she thought. Maybe it was that she was focusing too much in it, it was one of the few things-
12 years ago
that could make her forget that, after all. "Just be careful with the big ones, they don't die so easily!" Surely games were fun, but-
12 years ago
when they were one of the few things that could make you forget everything else, they became addicting. She hoped it wasn't too obvious.
12 years ago
realises why Allison likes to game so much, they’re really addictive. She wasn’t doing that bad and to tell the truth she was having fun.
12 years ago
"We should do that more often." she says, her eyes leaving the screen for two seconds to take a look at her sister.
12 years ago
Unfortunately, it was enough time to get her killed by one of those big zombies. "Finally, I’m not as good as I thought!"
12 years ago
looked at Maddie and smiled. "Yes!" She enjoyed the company, and maybe it was something she needed at that moment. "I have other games-
12 years ago
that you could like, some like this one, and others that are different, but I think you could like them!" She didn't remember how long it-
12 years ago
-was since they spent some sister quality time. "You last longer than I thought you would though~"
12 years ago
"You would let me borrow some of your games?" she asks, knowing their are importants to her sister.
12 years ago
"I got lucky that’s all." she says regarding her score. "Now, how about we eat what’s left of that ice cream?" she says,
12 years ago
motioning the bucket of ice cream Allison tried to hide.
12 years ago
wouldn't usually say yes, but Maddie was her sister, and she was always careful, so why not? "Sure! There are so I finished recently in-
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that box" She pointed at a random box in a corner of her room. Freezing, she glanced between the ice cream bucket and Madeline.-
12 years ago
Well, fuck. She noticed. "A-ah... w-well if you want!" Hopefully, she wouldn't try to ask any questions.
12 years ago
"So..." she says bringing the bucket between them, "How have you been? It’s been so long since we talked together, just the two of us."
12 years ago
It seemed like she was going to ask and there was nothing she could do about it. Except maybe try to appear happy and that, but she's not-
12 years ago
sure if Maddie would buy it. "T-that's true, isn't it?!" She bites her lip nervously. "But I've been fine... with the same problems as-
12 years ago
usual, but nothing that boss and me can't fix!"
12 years ago
nods to her sister reply. OF course, she would need to push a bit more for Allison to actually talk about what was really bothering her.
12 years ago
"I’m sure you can Allie, but I was asking about you personally. Not about America, but Allison. You don’t have any problem
12 years ago
with anything.... anyone?"
12 years ago
twitched at that question. Did she have a problem? Well, yes, she had a problem a big problem, actually, and it was something that she-
12 years ago
didn't really want to remember. Honestly, she just wanted to... forget that. Forget her, if it was possible. Yeah, being nations would-
12 years ago
make that impossible, but at least she wanted avoid her the most she could. "I-I'm fine, Maddie! I mean, besides what I told you,-
12 years ago
everything's fine, really!"
12 years ago
sighed. She really wasn’t going to tell her anything. "Alright, fine. But if anything happens you’ll tell me, okay? I care about you
12 years ago
I only want to help, you know."
12 years ago
wasn’t giving up on her sister, just waiting for her to be ready to tell her on her own.
12 years ago
"Now, how about we get some spoon to eat this ice cream!" she says, hoping it might cheer her up a little at least.
12 years ago
thought that she sort of wanted to tell her, but she didn't know if she was ready to actually talk about it. Maybe later... or another-
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day. She knew she could trust her sister, after all. "Yeah..." She offered her a smile. "I'll tell you if something's wrong~" Looking at-
12 years ago
the ice cream bucket, she grinned. "Yes! I was waiting for you to say that!"
12 years ago
"Well then" she starts as she stands up, "we’re going to need two spoons!
12 years ago
Unless you already have two laying somewhere." she says, looking around the rather messy room.
12 years ago
(( Uuugh, I'm so sorry, I think plurk doesn't tell me there's an update after a few days ))
12 years ago
looks around the room, she's pretty sure she left another spoon somewhere... Aha! She takes the spoon that was laying on her bed and gives-
12 years ago
it to Maddie. "Here! It's always good to have, at least, two of everything!"
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