Donna Tocci is
15 years ago
staying out of the whole GoDaddy ad hoopla on Twitter. Just shaking my head at the whole fuel-fed "fire". Oy.
latest #16
jonyboy says
15 years ago
smart move DT
15 years ago
since I didn't watch the Super Bowl, I don't really know what happened, but I see a Motrin Mom's type thing going on...
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
They put out stupid commercials. Really stupid. Beyond stupid. BUT, they weren't the only one. 95% of the commercials this year were
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
awful! In my book they are guilty of some really bad taste, a marketing department that thinks they are clever, but aren't and annoying
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
some people. How are they any different than the rest of the commercials? Oy.
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
I see one person, in particular, fueling the fire and it's annoying me...but I'm keeping quiet.
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
That's NOT easy for me.
15 years ago
I know. It's best to leave people to their own devices. You know what they say, "if someone is going to self-destruct, get out of the way.
15 years ago
(Fueling that kind of fire falls into that category for me.)
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
Unfortunately, I think this person feels that they are an expert in their opinion to keep this going. That person actually, at one point,
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
said they didn't want to add to the hype...a sure sign, for me, that there IS fueling going on...ugh.
Donna Tocci
15 years ago
Hope it's over with tomorrow.
15 years ago
I noticed something similar during the election season. They would complain about how terrible the other side was being and then the next
15 years ago
thing I'd see, they would be contributing to the problem. Sigh.
15 years ago
on the other hand Terminator Salvation is going to be 100% of ACE :-)
15 years ago
OK, it only took me a couple of days, but I now get the Terminator joke matt. I am so in my own little world!
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