12 years ago
The snow is thick outside. Nobody can get in, nobody can get out. (Alfred?)
latest #151
Alfred is
12 years ago
one of those people that has, indeed, somehow managed to "get in", though that depends on how one looks at it. Frozen to the bone despite
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his outfit, he stands in front of Anya's house, teeth chattering. Okay, maybe he lied a little... to save face. To make himself look
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brave. Now he knocks on the door, hoping she would actually let him in.
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sits up straighter. The heater was working well today, and the novel she'd been reading was little more than soporific. She put it down, and
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headed to the door. It was probably Alfred. To shovel sunflowers into life in this weather. If they didn't die in the garden, it would be
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a miracle.
She opened the door, steeling herself for the cold air.
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And it was cold, very cold, freezing her almost immediately. Alfred seemed frozen through, and she almost felt pity for him.
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"How about something warm?" she asked, wondering if there was any cocoa powder left in the tin.
12 years ago
(Oh, gonna go to class. Be back in... 20ish minutes?~)
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[I'll take some time myself. Supermarket. For noms.]
Alfred is
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thankful that she actually does open the door, and its without the largest, most miraculous amount of restraint that he doesn't just push
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past her and run straight to the fireplace. He nods stiffly at her question, before shuffling his way in. At once, the warmth hits him, and
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he lets out a shuddering breath as he cups his gloves in front of his mouth, breathing on them to warm up his reddened cheeks. "Sorry
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for disturbing."
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remembers how Princess Anastasia had once locked her out of the palace as a naughty prank. The results had been far from pretty. She might
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have looked as frozen then, or even more so. Seven hours in the ice...
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She left Alfred warming himself in front of the electric fireplace and headed to the kitchen. A flask of milk sat in the fridge; she stirred
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in some chocolate powder and put it in the microwave.
When it beeped, she divided the drink between two large mugs and took them to the
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living room. There was a puddle of water around Alfred, growing as the ice on his clothes melted and dripped onto the floor.
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stares into the fireplace wordlessly, the flickering flames doing the most horrible and yet pleasurable things to his vision, flashbacks
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of his first time here, when he had been all but freezing his ass off. It seemed so forever ago... The smell of chocolate pulls him out of
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his reverie, and he stands to reach out for his cup, taking a quick sip. Similar. This too, was similar. Painfully so. "Thanks. I just need
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a few seconds, I guess."
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nodded and wordlessly watched the water drip. She took a sip from her own mug, watching Alfred over the rim.
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He didn't look as uncomfortable as she'd have thought he'd be, in fact, he seemed to be familiar with his surroundings.
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walks back in front of the fireplace, holding on mug in one hand and warming the other up, before alternating after a few seconds. Every now
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and again, he'd take a sip of the chocolate and feel that familiar stab of hurt... and then he would look away, slightly scowling at the
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inferno before him. The process repeats until his chocolate has been consumed, and he clears his throat and looks to her. "Okay, I'm good to
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go. Sorry for the wait."
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shrugs. Her coat and boots were nearby, and she slipped them on, strapping her boots on tight. She opened the door and pushed her head out.
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The wind wasn't quite as sharp now, and the sky had cleared, temporarily.
She padded over to the little shed on one side and got out two
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shovels. She passed one to Alfred, and took one herself. The furrows she'd made yesterday would still be there, under the snow.
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takes a deep breath as he prepares himself to go back into the abyss of cold, flinching as the wind strikes him, even with its gentle
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fingers. He takes the shovel and follows along behind her, looking around as though searching, searching for something... There was
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something missing here, wasn't there...? He shakes his head. He'd been having a lot of memory blanks lately. He follows suit, digging around
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where she was.
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Even the seeds were there, sunk in the earth. It was only hope that kept her from assuming that they were dead - they couldn't be dead.
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The snow came loose easily, since it hadn't been there for long.
"Around here," she said, pointing at a patch of white. "They're down there
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but they're buried. I need to check whether they're alive - that should be enough." She'd know it when she saw it, little green shoots
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beaming up through the dark soil.
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"How can they even be alive in this weather?" He asks out loud, though more to himself. He nods to where she points, and begins shovelling
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there. It's no matter with his strength, and the snow far too easily slips away as he begins his task. Continuing to dig, he starts feeling
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the burn of a workout, and is more than glad for the toil that distracts him from the cold. "Are those it?"
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bends and moves aside the soil with her fingers, trying to be as gentle as her gloves will permit. A little green spike shows, and another.
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And one more. They were probably mostly alive and growing down there! Even after the snowstorm. Hardy but delicate.
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can barely keep the delight out of her voice. "They're alive !" Saying it seemed to make it more true. " They're alive !"
Alfred is
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amazed by her sudden gentleness, and even more so by her childish tenacity at the simple plant. Despite it all, a small, warm but painful
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small makes it way on to his lips, and he moves forward to bend down next to her, gently stroking the green shoots. He addresses them more
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than her. "I guess... they're really resilient, aren't they? No matter what condition they're in..." He trails away a little sadly, before
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smiling up at her. "You know if you want, I do have sunflower fields at my place. You could bring some over here if you want."
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turns, wondering, and is mildly startled to find him so close. "Do sunflowers grow well over there?" Maybe he liked sunflowers too. Why
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hadn't he mentioned it before?
"And yes," she said, looking fondly at the little plant-children, "with care, they'll grow."
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nods. "I do have some pretty warm states. There are some fields that stretch beyond what the eyes can see." He gives the flowers another
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gentle pat before grunting and lifting himself back up to a standing position. Her words make him wonder... "They won't ever forget who
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took of them, will they?"
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cannot believe her ears. "Wider than the eyes can see?" She leaps up. "You must let me see them!" She'd had more than one dream of launching
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herself into a cloud of waving yellow-brown flower-heads.
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chuckles, a sound somewhat foreign to his ears, because for the first time, it seems as though he actually means it. "Alright, but only
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under the condition that you answer my question first."
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looks back at the tiny shoots peeping up from under the wet soil. "I think they will." She gave it some thought. "It's hard to tell, because
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they don't often talk to us, but I think all plants remember the people who cared for them." Like human and animal children.
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"Is that so." He ponders on that, staring at the plants as well, staring as though they would give him answers to the chaos in his mind.
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"But there's always times when... the caretaker forgets to water them, to warm them up. Do you think they'll remember those times too,
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or will they just remember the good times?"
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pauses, then nods sadly. "Plants have very good memories. But, like before, it's not very easy to tell. Sunflower memories are quick, but
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they will remember small things, important or not. Oaks have slow memories, being so very big . It takes a while for things
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to sink in, and sometimes it never does.
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For example," she continued, "these sunflowers will remember me," she swept her arm towards herself, "and it will remember you,
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because you dug them out. Oaks will remember a family of squirrels and the little boy who left the acorn there, but not much else."
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She wondered why she was telling America, of all nations, the dream theories she'd made up and half-believed in since she'd been a child.
Alfred is
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vaguely interested in all this, and is even more surprised by the fact that he is interested. At any other time, he would have laughed
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such theories of; who ever thought of plants that could think and remember? Certainly not him, but in a way, she was giving him advice to
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his questions without being direct about it. "So they'll remember everything." He sighs. "Sounds about right." And he leaves it at that.
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"Well, thanks for telling me that. I'll make good on my end and arrange a flight for you over at my place, then."
Anya is
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pleased that he hadn't laughed at them. She'd never told anybody else but Princess Olga - and she'd laughed. And ruffled her hair. But
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she hadn't taken her seriously.
So it was rather nice that he had.
It was then that she caught the tail end of his sentence.
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The General stuck a wet finger in her ear, and she winced. "Bog off," she muttered, and the General laughed wheezily.
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didn't think Alfred could see the General, and she wanted to get out of his way, so she said, "You aren't leaving already, are you?"
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Winter blew down her collar, and Anya swung the shovel at him. Fat lot of use that was. The drift simply shattered, and pieced together as
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If she knew anything now, it was that the winter would only get worse.
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glances up when she speaks, giving her a look. "Who're you talking to... and who're you trying to hit?" He raises an eyebrow at her queer
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actions, before pausing to mull over her question. "Well, I dunno. I wasn't really planning anything. I'll stay if you want me to, or I'll
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leave if you don't. I don't mind either way."
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"That's good," she grunts, nearly pushing him inside before she slipped in and slammed the door shut. "You don't want Winter catching you."
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While Winter would help her win battles and get an upper hand, he was a terrible tease and enjoyed seeing her squirm when they
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didn't have a common enemy.
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"That wasn't really an answer to my question," he sighs, allowing her to push him in without too much of a struggle. "Since you've somehow
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coerced me into your house, I guess I'm staying?" Shrugging off his gloves, he immediately heads for the fireplace, warming up his hands.
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"How long am I staying here for?"
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puts her hands to the glass. She sighs, which makes the glass mist up. She wipes it and pauses before beginning.
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"Would you believe me if I told you that the crueler side of winter had a personification in my country?" It sounded painfully insufficient
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to describe the General - it almost sounded like she were ridiculing him, but that description would have to do.
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"Well," she continued, "the General likes tormenting me when we don't have a common enemy." She indicated the trees outside. Their branches
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were whipping around wildly.
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doesn't hesitate or stutter in his response. "I would." But that was only because he was prepared beforehand. It certainly wasn't the first
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time he'd heard tales of this "Winter", tales from... a certain someone. He peeks over her shoulder outside, wincing at the violence
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outside. "So... he's going that now? And.. obviously this means I can't leave any time soon. That sound about right?"
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pounds the glass lightly. "Not till he leaves. You don't know him, he'll play pranks on you. Bury you in snowdrifts that come out of nowhere
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or make it rain and snow at the same time. Flying is suicide. No matter now good you are." She pounded a little harder, and the branches
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stopped waving around. She stuck her tongue out at the trees, and something like a very large fist came and banged at the glass, throwing
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her back.
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sighs. Seriously, if he cared before, he certainly couldn't really care less now. Whatever. So there was some freaky Winter-themed monster
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outside the house, and he couldn't leave until the dude settled down. Alright, he was cool with that. He shifts reflexively behind her when
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she jumps back, righting her quickly before retracting his hands like he'd been electrocuted. "I don't think you should really tease it..
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him... whatever. Do you know if it'll go away soon? I didn't really pack enough for a long flight."
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glared balefully at the sky. "It's Winter. He quickly gets bored. Hopefully in an hour he'll go off to bother Belarus or Ukraine."
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clicks his tongue. "Well, how generous of him. An hour, then." He glances at his watch to mark the time, gazing outside again. Winter...
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he hated the season, greatly disliked the cold. That opinion never changed, even until now. But there was some cold that had a tinge of
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warm... "Do you mind if I just take a nap for the hour? I've got severe jet lag. I'll sleep on the couch if there's no extra rooms or
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didn't say anything. She didn't like this, and wished he'd been able to leave when he'd needed to. Pesky General.
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And he'd been so kind as to drip all over the floor, so the couch too wouldn't be so bad. She nodded, and redirected her gaze outside.
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sends her a wary glance, but not as hostile as it had been before. See, they could talk on "normal" terms. Because really, in the end, he
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would much rather it go to fistfights than mind games. He hated those. Had enough of those, thanks very much. With a sigh, he positions
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himself laying on the couch, plucking off Texas and holding it in his hand, immediately drifting off. Sleep comes way too easily.
12 years ago
[now what?]
12 years ago
[Hmmm, you can timeskip to when it's faded? 8D]
12 years ago
[Very well. Timeskip set, timeskip rings, time to begin.]
12 years ago
prodded Alfred hard. "He's gone."
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groans at the sudden disturbance in his sleep, swatting the finger off as he turns away from its source, cuddling deeper into the sofa.
Anya is
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a little irked. "I'm sure you like the sofa, Alfred, and I'm sure you can find something like it back around your place." Another prod.
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pats the poke away, now getting closer to consciousness, but still not quite there as he mumbles, "Ivaaan, ten more minutes. Just get the
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food ready or somethin'..."
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frowns at him. "I'll switch the heater off and watch your toes fall off, Alfred. Wake up."
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It seemed that Alfred knew Ivan very well. And she didn't. Why did this make her unhappy? She wondered what Ivan was like.
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groans again, the threat piercing its way through his muddled mind. He just idly notes how it's a female's voice speaking, content to just
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again, mumble, "Ivannn, if you do that, I'm goin' to take your gift back..." There's some sudden seconds of silence, before he suddenly sits
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up, almost knocking into the other's face, and sending his glasses flying off his chest where they had been. Eyes wild with half-sleep and
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panic, he looks around. No, no, this wasn't, wasn't his house. And then the panic gives way to dread, and he slumps a little. "What? Oh. Uh,
Alfred is
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he gone now?"
12 years ago
"Your camarade isn't here," Anya said, grimly. "The General's left. You must leave, and quickly." She wasn't exactly pleased.
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allows a small flush on his face at her words; what had he said? Dammit all. He mutters to himself, "Obviously not", before standing and
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looking for his glasses. He takes a look outside to make sure she's not kidding, and nods. "Alright, looks pretty clear." Finally willing
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the blush to recede, he smiles softly. "Thanks for lettin' me stay. I know ya' can't stand me, so I was kinda surprised, actually."
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"I don't want you dead, that's all," she said, tersely. "I don't want a fight with my counterpart." She would win. Shovels were heavier.
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's eyes widen, but more so at her final words than her initial sentence. A throbbing sort of pain shoots through his chest. "Why would you
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hurt him? He's Russia too, isn't he?"
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"I wouldn't hurt anybody, but if somebody chokes in a snowdrift I will be getting hurt." She peered at him. "Now get moving."
Alfred is
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confused for a second, before his eyes widen in realization. "Don't think it matters if I choke or not at this point anyway." He shakes his
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head, but goes out the door. "Thanks again and uh, take care of those sunflowers, will you?"
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"I don't need your reminders," she snaps. "And forget that trip, take Ivan instead." She'd be calling Liet right after. "If you
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haven't already, that is."
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"Huh." He stares blankly at her, the amount of emotions washing over him far too overwhelming for him; the result is a blank mix of
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everything and nothing. "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Ignore it, ignore the jibe. Ignore it. It was always
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easier to ignore something anyway.
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tapped her watch. "Are you glued to that sofa?"
All she needed to do was beg for it, and Winter would return.
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"Want me out so bad, huh." He shrugs. It wasn't like he had anything else to offer her at this point, when it seemed like she either hated
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him, or her counterpart. With that, he slings his backpack on his shoulder and leaves. "If ya' want some company again, just hit me up,
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or somethin'."
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kept her watch outside. Was that the wind in the trees, or a certain General? It was all she could do to restrain herself from pushing him
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out - it wasn't safe for him here, but had he forgotten that? It was, honestly, really hard to tell.
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