Hoggle is
15 years ago
thinking that the weather in Georgia is ridiculous. It's about 70 degrees right now.
latest #17
Supernatural_forever says
15 years ago
Oh my you are lucky, where I am it's like --3 out and its going to snow tomorrow Yippee! :-)
Sarie says
15 years ago
I can vaguely remember what 70 degrees is like...
15 years ago
I'd kill for 70 degree weather. *is totally jealous*
Hoggle says
15 years ago
Yeah, I know I shouldn't complain, but it's just so wrong, you know?
Hoggle says
15 years ago
You can all laugh at me in August when it's 110 here.
15 years ago
Don't worry, we will. :-D
WhimsyWooooo says
15 years ago
wow. I think I'd melt
Hoggle says
15 years ago
Yeah, it's threatening rain right now, Gabs
Hoggle says
15 years ago
Whims - I know. How people lived here before aircon is beyond me.
CK'sDarlin' says
15 years ago
We're in a heatwave her in MI...37. (LOL) But it's supposed to be about 25 tomorrow.
Hoggle says
15 years ago
So jealous. I know it's weird, but I lust after really cold weather.
15 years ago
Yeah, that is the one nice thing about winter, Gabs.
Hoggle says
15 years ago
Yep, if something would get rid of our fireants, I'd be doing a happy dance.
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