Ruo says
13 years ago
BTW I'm finally home from visiting family~ Gah so much cooking for Thanksgiving.
latest #9
13 years ago
Yeeey! Did you have a good time?
Ruo says
13 years ago
jirotaka: I did, I always enjoy visiting with my grandmother. Though we spent three day cooking and then I spent two days working outside.
13 years ago
Oh wow. xD Sounds busy...
13 years ago
But at least it was a good time.
Ruo says
13 years ago
jirotaka: It was busy, but when you're cooking for fourty or so and making enough for one or two take some with them elsewhere it's a lot.
Ruo says
13 years ago
jirotaka: But yes it was a good time and enjoyable, and busy, but refreshing.
13 years ago
For 40? Holy crap.
Ruo says
13 years ago
jirotaka: Yeah, by the time we had extended family come and then new additions through marriage it got pretty large.
13 years ago
Wow... xD
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