yea...we didn't want to know the answer or anything...
hes not arrogant whatsoever
i meant won-young choi >.>
and well nothing really happened but u know when ppl act like they're so much better than you are
it pisses me off cuz well to me we're all fucking equal
and she likes to flaunt around her status and all that
today she was talking 2 some chick in class
about how she doesnt wear clothes from certain stores cuz those brands arent oin the level of her high status
heyyy are you going to the movie night or dance?
and how do i sign up for the christmas event for nhs?
I thought leadership is doing the dance
and idk. I heard you cant do it if you did the halloween event so i haven't heard much about it. they said something about a tree lighting
and it'll be in the email they will send out tonight but i havent gotten it
of course ill be at the movie
its gsa sponsered i have 2 b there xd
I figured that xD i was just making sure. I think i'm going but crystal doesnt want to come since she doesnt want to watch halloween movies
it's not so much that they're halloween's the fact that they're the same halloween movies i watched several times
two months ago, to the point where I've had my tim burton animated movie quota for the season
besides, I voted for the disney movies, and I think more people actually voted for disney or other movies in the first place
i wanted the disney movies...
didn't grayson not even care/
i want something to do on a friday night xD
and didn't marykate and ashley back up the halloween movies...
what were the disney movies?>
why didn't we just play those two months ago?
I don't think it was decided, I think it was just "...or we could watch disney movies"
it was probably lion king and something else
cuz grayson is letting her...
but i didnt want the halloween movies
dude its like 2 months after halloween >.>
just because it's nightmare before christmas, doesn't mean it can be categorized as a christmas movie
i just didnt want to pay $10 for the dance but i just wanted to do something xD
besides, there are plenty of christmas movies that people like if they want a holiday
i think i wanan go 2 the dance...
one president is enough for the movie night
if you go to the dance I'll come with you
i just dont know what to wear xD
heels or sandals no flip flops
i'm staying in that night!
i think ill go with the skirt and nice shirt
yea i think that's what i'm doing
i'll go crazy if i have to stay inside for another weekend xD
Crystal LOVES staying in ^.^ unless she's going somewhere exciting
like the christmas tree farm!!!!'s exactly what it sounds like hun
it's a place where they grow an abundance of christmas trees
also, they have an ornament shop
and they sell hot dogs, popcorn...soda
and you get to get on a big tractor thingy and ride around the tree farm if you don't want to walk
but my mom is just going to get a wreath
since our cat's eat the tree
and hot chocolate they have that
i just like walking around the place xD
ive never gotten a christmas tree or anything before xD
did you get the nhs email?
you have 46 points and a city of sanford event done
but i didnt know i have a city of sanford xD
that was thehalloween thing probably
where do u check the points courts?
click on the link that says senior points