13 years ago
If my company want to fire anyone, just send them to HP. I promise, they'll quit soon. That's exactly what we want to do now. (tears)
latest #6
HazelSu says
13 years ago
my whole team want to fire themselves!
HazelSu says
13 years ago
i drink as much as i can to make me feel nothing.
13 years ago
bombard says
13 years ago
加油!!~ 有壓力才會成長0.0
HazelSu says
13 years ago
bombard: 我個人其實還好,只是會想這樣待下去到底還有沒有意義?
HazelSu says
13 years ago
bombard: 比起我失眠到看醫生的經理與上班上到一半痛哭的同事,我還能說說笑笑~
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