courosa says
15 years ago
I know, I'm only here because Twitter is down ... hey ... are those sounds new in Plurk? I don't remember that.
latest #26
vdub144 says
15 years ago
Hahaha... Nope. They've been there a while. Most of us just turn them off. Welcome back. Twitter down. Again, eh?
Loonyhiker says
15 years ago glad to see ya here!
courosa says
15 years ago
actually, it hasn't been down for a while now, but my student said it was down last night at 1:30 am, I just checked now, and nothing. hmm.
dmcordell says
15 years ago
Nice to see you here. It is possible to be on both Plurk and Twitter, you know :-D
tsakshaug says
15 years ago
good morning and welcome back
EdVentures says
15 years ago
Twitter? Down? Does that happen?
dmantz7 says
15 years ago
welcome back to Plurk courosa.
TammyW says
15 years ago
It's good to see you here!
courosa says
15 years ago
I know, I have to stop neglecting Plurk. Thanks for the welcome. edventures I was wondering you the other day.
EdVentures says
15 years ago
uh oh, is that a good thing? ;-)
EdVentures says
15 years ago
how have you been?
courosa says
15 years ago
edventures Good, missing you on Twitter.
Eingang wonders
15 years ago
why this Plurk has just appeared for her, but goes with the flow.
Eingang loves
15 years ago
the threading here, too; it's more conducive to conducting conversations. I just wish it had a content search.
vdub144 says
15 years ago
The funny thing is that during Alec's hit and run, he tries to recruit John BACK to Twitter... (bringit)
@gkat says
15 years ago
That's how I got into plurk last year - when twitter was down for a few weeks
vdub144 says
15 years ago
"for a few weeks" - well, it was down a LOT with random outages lasting months, but was usually accessible at least a little in-between.
vdub144 says
15 years ago
In other words, it probably only just FELT like a few weeks. :-)
EdVentures says
15 years ago
EdVentures says
15 years ago
I love my Plurk buds too much to give you all up!
vdub144 says
15 years ago
Dschink: Last time I said something like that I got scolded. Twitter is as twitter does...
vdub144 says
15 years ago
edventures: that and its fun to hang out around the back of the school during break... ;-)
courosa says
15 years ago
oh ... i'm back, no fail whale here. See, I miss you all. Why can't we all be together?
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