xCo wants
15 years ago
to marry NichKhun! :-D
latest #11
voxypop pop says
15 years ago
go go korean find him!
voxypop pop says
15 years ago
xCo says
15 years ago
voxypop pop says
15 years ago
think hua yang shao nian shao nu! can come true! haha.
xCo says
15 years ago
aahhahaha . YAH :-D
xCo says
15 years ago
xCo says
15 years ago
hopefully by then hes still not attached :-D
xCo says
15 years ago
or maybe he just broke up then very sad and i help him through his difficult times
xCo says
15 years ago
then he realises that im very important to him :-D YAYYYY ahhaha
voxypop pop says
15 years ago
(lmao) xCo watch too much dramas already!
xCo says
15 years ago
tsk. all can come true ok. :-D
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