Lukas is
12 years ago
feeling the effects of too much caffeine and too little sleep.
latest #109
Tino wonders
12 years ago
why you aren't taking care of yourself. Should he be worried?
Lukas has
12 years ago
been told that he's been stressing out too much, but over what, he really cannot say.
12 years ago
leans forward,the worry in his eyes becoming more prominent when he sees the bags under Lukas' eyes. "...have you not been getting enough
12 years ago
12 years ago
sighed, leaning away from Tino and averting his gaze. He always had been observant. "I'm fine Tino. I've just had a little extra work that
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needed to be done."
12 years ago
shakes his head, pulling out a small bottle medicene and handing it to Lukas. "You don't look look like you haven't slept in
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days. I know work is important, is rest!"
12 years ago
shot the bottle a small glare. "I hardly think that's necessary. Things should go back to normal soon, especially since I hate mornings."
12 years ago
opens the bottle, pouring two pills out and pushing them insistently towards Lukas. "But until then, you need something to help you get
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through the day, right? This, at least, is better than coffee."
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crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest. Honestly, he was as stubborn as the vikings, sometimes. "Better how? They're both artificial
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methods to stay awake. One just goes through your system faster."
Tino gives
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the other a small pout, forcing his hand open and placing the pills in his palm. "But Norge! You can't knock it until you try it, right?
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It'll help you stay alert for an hour or so, at least, until you can get home and go to sleep..."
12 years ago
frowned at the smaller nation. When had he grown so stubborn? Then again, he hadn't spoken to him for awhile. He glanced at the pills in
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his palm. "Fine, Tino. If it will make you stop worrying, I'll take the pills."
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immediantly brightens up, giving a quick, satisfied nod. "Okay! It will! Thank you!" He pauses, wondering how mucn he can convince the other
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to do. "...but afterwards, you have to promise to go home and get some sleep!"
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snorted, shaking his head. It wasn't like he was one to refuse sleep. "Has anyone ever told you you're like a worrying, nagging mother?"
12 years ago
blinks, tilting his head to the side a bit. "Well...Sve and Peter have both told me that before...i-it's kind of confusing, honestly,
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because I'm not a woman or a parent, but I don't usually complain!"
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smiled slightly even though the expression felt awkward. "You're like our little caretaker, always making sure we don't neglect our health."
12 years ago
blushes slightly, shaking his head. "W-Well, someone has to! You don't take care of yourselves well enough, you know..."
12 years ago
merely shook his head, his expression gradually going blank again. "What about you, Tino? Have you been taking care of yourself?'
12 years ago
lies down on his stomach, sticking his tongue out playfully at the other nation. "Me? Um...more or less, I's the holiday season
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,you know, so I'm pretty busy."
12 years ago
winced. Oh, the holidays. So much for getting less busy. "Thanks for reminding me."
12 years ago
blinks, looking vaguely confused. "What's wrong, Norge? Don't you like the holidays?"
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shrugged simply. "Holiday spirit is all well and good, but the commercialism wears me down. Few people celebrate the holidays for the
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reasons they're meant to, anymore."
12 years ago
frowns, violet eyes dulling a bit. "...commercialism? Is that what people are focusing on nowadays?"
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sighed. He didn't exactly want to make Toni upset, but he wasn't about to lie, either. "It's not everything, but I feel as though it's
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kind of defeated the purpose of the holidays."
Tino feels
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his heart sink a little. Whatever happened to the spirit of the holiday that he loved so much? "Oh...I people stopped focusing on
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the gift-exchanging and spending time with family? P-Playing in the snow and...and..."
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winced; making Toni upset was the equivalent of murdering babies. He put his arms around the other in an awkward sort of hug, glancing in
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the other direction. "Don't worry, there are still plenty of people who care about the family and the light-hearted things. How about we
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round up the others on the holidays for a snowball fight?" It would also give him a chance to kick Denmark's ass without making it obvious.
12 years ago
clings to the other nation, already making a list in his head of all the different things he can do to bring the spirit of the holidays back
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. Maybe it's time to drag out the sleigh and Santa suit again...but first, he'd have to find out what everyone wanted for Christmas! The
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suggestion makes him brighten up a bit, and he nods. "That would be nice...and we could all eat together, like we did a couple years ago?"
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smiled faintly; as much as it seemed he didn't appreciate his family, they were really all he had. He pat the smaller nation on the head,
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focusing far off. "Yes, we could all eat together, although it would probably be a good idea to tell Denmark no food fights."
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giggles at that, remembering how much of a wreck his house had been the last time they'd all gotten together for the holidays. He nuzzles
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Lukas' hand, beaming up at him. "But food fights are fun~! Especially when you have lots and lots of whipped creme..."
12 years ago
shook his head, although the faint smile still remained. He was glad he had averted the disaster that was Toni's depression. "It may have
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been fun for you, but those of us who were still awake afterward had to clean the mess up." Which pretty much meant him and Sweden.
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"But that's just because everyone else was too drunk to stay awake~!" Now that had been fun. He still couldn't look at a carton of eggnog
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the same way. "But that's fine, because this year we can make sure everything is Denny-proof~! Or better yet, we can have it at his house!"
12 years ago
raised an eyebrow. Ah, yes. The eggnog. "Well, I'm sure if he has a choice, Denmark will force me to get drunk this year." He had already
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tried once, and that wasn't even during the holidays. "At his house?" He snorted, ruffling the others hair. "Unfortunately, I'd probably
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still be forced to clean it." Like some housewife; unfortunately, when it came to the Dane, the comparison was remarkably accurate.
12 years ago
lets out an almost childish giggle, squirming slightly and blowing some hair out of his eyes. He blames it on the fact that it's been too
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long since he's been able to just sit down and talk to someone. "But Norge, he tries to get you drunk every year~! It's part of our
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Christmas tradition~!" In general, their tradition is rather dysfunctional...but that's what makes them who they are, so he's never minded
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it all that much.
12 years ago
grumbled. "I don't see why you all try to get me drunk. It's like a sport or something." He didn't really mind, though; they all forgot
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about it by the end of the night anyways. Plus, what was one night of the year?
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"It's because you're so funny when you're drunk~!" He chimes, perking up a bit when he realizes something. "Actually, I still have the
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pictures from last year! Do you want to see~?" Without waiting for a response, he starts digging through his pockets for his camera.
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paled considerably. Pictures? They had managed to get pictures? "That really isn't necessary, Toni. I'm well aware of the fact that I'm a
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little bit of an idiot when inebriated."
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shakes his head, finally finding the camera after a little more searching. He turns it on, starting to flip through the pictures. "Not an
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idiot-adorable~! Look, look, there's Denny, Sve and Hana~!"
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didn't think it would be wise to point out that most people considered idiots adorable. He glanced at the screen, snorting. "And you're all
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drunk off your asses. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the sane one."
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simply cuddles closer to Lukas, flipping through pictures and tilting the camera to allow the other a better view. "But it's not a party if
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everyone's not drunk and happy, right~? You need to relax sometimes, Norge!"
12 years ago
huffed a little bit, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why does everyone tell me that? I relax just fine!"
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laughs, flipping to a photo of all the Nordics in a large heap, wearing large smiles and obviously completely wasted. "Nuh-uh~ You're always
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so stoic! Even right now, see~?"
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scowled, arms crossed over his chest, although the picture did make him snort. "Why does everyone say that like it's a bad thing?"
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holds up the camera, snapping a quick photo of the other man. "Because it's good to loosen up every once in a while~! Like right now-try
12 years ago
12 years ago
blinked slowly at the camera before scowling. "I fail to see how loosening up and smiling are related."
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pouts slightly, flipping the camera over to get a look at the picture. "Nooorrrrgggee, why didn't you smile? A-And smiling is a sign of
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happiness and relaxation-it takes too much energy to frown! You can't be relaxed if you're frowning!"
12 years ago
winced at the whine, glancing away. "I suppose smiling is just naturally harder for me than it is for other people. I don't know, I just
12 years ago
12 years ago
looks rather determined now, setting the camera down and sitting up on his knees, hands going to the corners of Lukas' mouth to turn them
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upwards in a sort of smile. "You can if you try hard enough! See? Think about...puppies and snow angels!"
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tried to lean away from the other, batting gently at his hands. "Puppies make messes, and snow angels leave you soaked and freezing!" His
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voice ended up a little warped due to Tino's hands, but it was still able to be understood.
12 years ago
turns up the pout frequency, pressing against the corner's of the other's mouth a little more insistently. "No, Norge, not like that! You
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have to look at the positive side of things!!"
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sighed before giving in, his lips curving slightly in the form of a small, albeit awkward smile. "Sorry, Tino, it's just harder for me."
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pulls his hands away, staring at the half-smile before nodding slowly, as though temporarily satisfied. "I guess just need to find
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something that makes you happy!"
12 years ago
almost automatically frowned again, although this time it was definitely in though. "Something that makes me happy? Like what?" There
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wasn't really anything he could think of. Books, maybe? No... Not really.
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nods enthusiastically, making a mental list in his head of all the things that make him happy. Likewise, they'd have to work for Norge,
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too, right? "Exactly! Um, you know...sweets, cute animals, children, family, friends...oh, and the internet~!"
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considered each of them for a moment. "No, I don't really think so." His family drove him insane, to be honest, even if he didn't know what
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he'd do without them. There were the faeries and other mythical creatures, but he couldn't very well go mentioning them.
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flops back down on his stomach, looking up at the other nation with wide, thoughtful eyes. If none of those things made him happy, then it
Tino was
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no wonder that Lukas had such a hard time relaxing! "Okay...well, what does make you happy, then?"
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stared past Tino's head, thinking. "Well, silence does. Being alone is never really a bad thing, either. And sleep, of course." He shrugged,
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not able to think of much more than that.
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stares at Lukas with an almost flabbergasted look on his face, unable to comprehend how such introverted hobbies could be the only thing
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that the other enjoys. "...r-really? That's all...? Doesn't that ever get...kind of boring, though...?"
12 years ago
chuckled a bit before abruptly stopping once he realized what he was doing. "Have you ever tried to just sit in a quiet area and do some
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thinking, Tino?" He smiled faintly again, staring at his hands. "It's amazing what all you can figure out if you took the time to do so."
12 years ago
looks slightly confused, peering at Lukas' hands and wondering what on earth the other is seeing in them that's caught his attention so
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quickly. "Of course I have..." He replies slowly, blinking. "And it's nice at first, gets really lonely..."
12 years ago
raised his gaze to look curiously at the other. "Lonely? Well, I suppose so. I guess I just function better without having to worry about
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other people."
12 years ago
nods hurriedly, one hand coming up to thoughtfully tap a finger against his chin. "Yes, lonely! I mean...sometimes, being around other
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people can cause problems, and it's nice to be alone sometimes...but isn't it worth the worrying?"
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