I'd say the same if it weren't for my family not caring much. /patpat
There were just so many people D': so loud too bluh
/you didn't even need to get me anything seriously fft-
/parent's birthday gift is gonna be late too actually
/holds /you are not a failure silly
/shoosh pap pap pap /just because you couldn't do nano this year doesn't make you a failure, it just means you have more of a life than I do
/accidental date, you're just too nice for people to resist and no one can help getting sick
/birthday dinner, loud restaurant cause my first choice was closed, free chocolate cake though
also I'm on one of those '
'make lots and lots of stuff' phases. Hence the collection of shitty earrings and bracelets around my room
show me pictures? /has all sorts of random objects that need to be used for making things
dj;fj don't worry about it that happens /my wire wrapping there was sloppy anyways
/feels like making something to ship off to you
maybe it's the format? ill go fiddle with it
But I wwaaaannntttt ttooooo
/I'll keep an eye on my mail mmkay?
also do you want the colors of the asexual flag too or just the rainbow?
mmkay~ I'll see if I have the right beads
/because it's midnight over there dj;fkja
now measure your wrist I need to know how long to make this thing
yessss I have the right colors
mmkay go sleep, I'll post pictures tomorrow for you~ sleep well~
/final design is about 6.5 inches /I think your wrist is about the same size as mine actually fft
:3 thank you darling flamingo~ now lemme go look at the NaNoWriMo pickup lines thread for a good once
oh come on fingers what is up with you today.
Alles Gute zum Gebürtstag ;;3;;<3
(Oh, yeah, I'm thinking of Glückwunsch that has a u with an umlaut.)
( But I was scared to spell Herzliche wrong so I didn't use it ;;u;; )
(( how'd you have written it? ))
[Like I spelled it right there -3-]
(( No, the whole wishing happy birthday.
[Oh. Herzliche Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag?]
(( almost.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch ))
[Nghr fuck. ;w; And this is why I'll always use Alles Gute >w>]
(( Now you know it's Herzlichen.
[I do =w= How do you say Happy New Year, again? ..... Neues Jahr...?]
[[;;u;; I like Frohliche Weihnachten ;u;]]
(( it's an ö, but yes.
We also say Frohe Weihnachten! ))
[[Fuck, and I looked at it like 'that doesn't seem right...' Mm, yeah, I've heard that. Frohe is less formal?]
dhskajhf thank you guys <3847590834705
u How's it feel to be 15~?
Still can't get over you being 15
But only for two more months ;u;
I can't get over that either! Everyone here is so much more mature them me.
It feels exactly the same as it did to be 14 fft-
;//u//; The only thing different is you won't know your age for like 2 months.
ikr It's so awkward 'how old are you?' "four- waiiiitttt'
I slip up and say I'm 18 sometimes....-w-"
its your b-day vashy? happy birthday!
and its your quinceañera? sweet. not that you guys celebrate that
...You're 20 though, cookie. |D
Yeah....you should know by now that I'm fairly stupid...-w-
/comforts /coddles /oh you and your accidental dates
/you make me want to send you adorable cute things in the mail golly
/how about some abstract bent wire pendants ono?
/sending one with the bracelet anyways
how awkward? like there was no conversation other than about the weather awkward?
jlekjfds;lakjd awkwaaarrrdd
sounds like a traumatic experience /understands no classical music
/have some shitty bent wire?
/possibly /if you like them
jlkjfdlkj not mine, it's my evil twins?
my laptop is an awkwardly reflective surface okay
/Stares and tries to figure out what the second one is supposed to be...
... damn, there goes my secret identity
/what I make when I'm not sleeping
I ate it, now I'm Voldemort.
/thats not even all of them lkajf;ldk
(( I think Frohe is more formal... at least it's more traditional, thus the older way of saying it. ))
(( There isn't much difference, actually, but Frohe Weihnachten is more the phrase you'd say to your business partners. ))