12 years ago
[Superhero] The brunette lay in bed, sighing softly, reaching out to run his fingers through beams of moonlight filtering through the window
latest #93
12 years ago
in his bedroom. It wasn't quite yet dark out, but the sky was a dark blue and there was no evidence of the sunset that had just bloomed and
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quickly wilted on the horizon. Things had been quiet, again. Almost as if after all that, things would just... go back to normal. No more
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sudden disturbances. He should have felt relieved. So why was there a small pang of sadness in his chest?
12 years ago
[[Für Meine Leibe <3]]
12 years ago
Antonio knew that from where he was standing, he looked rather suspicious. But it was true. The fact that he was standing below his favorite
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little hero's bedroom window, looking up at it, and dressed to the nines probably made some people weary as they looked on. But he wasn't
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worried. He had a plan and he was going to set it into motion. Using his powers, he made some vines grow along the side of the building,
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stopping them just shy of the window. He wasn't about to knock on the door and hope the hero just let him in, because even he knew that was
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not going to happen. He made it to the top and tapped lightly on the window, not looking in just yet.
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He jumped in shock, arm dropping to the bed next to him and brows furrowing in confusion. What could that be? He slid out of bed and glanced
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out the window, frowning when he saw nothing. The hero wrote it off as an animal or something, tucking back into bed.
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Not getting the response he wanted, he peeked into the window. Now it was rather suspicious; a grown man looking into another mans window,
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standing a few feet above the ground. He tapped the glass again, plastering a smile on his face as he anticipated the hero's reaction.
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He glanced up at the window-- and shrieked in shock, falling off the bed. How did he know where he lived?! Lovino blindly threw something at
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the window, not moving to let the other in.
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Of course, since the window was closed, he didn't have to worry about getting hit. He did flinch however...but just a bit. "Hey!" he waved,
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his smile only growing at the others reaction.
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"Stop it..." he whined, mostly to himself, crawling under the bed. Not only did he not want the male to see his face unmasked, but he was
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also wearing a nightgown....
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"Aww...don't be shy~" he said, though his voice was muffled through the glass. He pointed to the window frame, asking if the hero would open
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it. It wasn't like Antonio hadn't seen the hero without his mask...he followed the other home a lot...
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It wasn't like Lovino knew that-- and he'd probably be angry if he did. He waved the finger at the other from under the bed. He didn't want
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to deal with the villain's bullshit...
12 years ago
Well...Antonio anticipated that, and a while ago planted a small plant where the hero couldn't see. He caused it to grow larger, a vine
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moving towards the window and unlatching it for him, allowing him to get in just fine. "Well, that wasn't so hard~"
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The brunette cursed angrily, staying hidden under the bed. "Get out of here...! I'm t-trying to sleep!" That pang of sadness earlier must
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have been indigestion.
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"Well, cancel those plans because I have something even better for you to do~" he kneeled down on the floor, his ever present smile on his
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face. "What are you hiding for?"
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"This is breaking and entering you know. I could call the cops on you." He ignored whatever else the Spaniard said, hoping that it was dark
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enough under his bed to keep him hidden.
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"Hm, that's true. But why would you do that when I've set up such a wonderful evening for the both of us?" he said, also crawling under the
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bed so that he was next to the hero. Sure it was dark, but now he was next to him.
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He whined, kicking and shoving at the villain. "Honestly? I'm not following any delusions of plans that you've made. I'm tired, had a long
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day, and intend on sleeping without any of your annoyance."
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Antonio got a good grip around the heros waist and started to crawl from under the makeshift hiding spot. "Oh come on! You'll enjoy it, I'll
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make sure of it~" he said, struggling to get the other out from under the bed.
12 years ago
(( It's Liebe, not Leibe. XD ))
12 years ago
[[Fuck, what was I even doing? orz]]
12 years ago
(( XD I see that as a mistake quite often (from English speakers), that's why I thought I'd point that out. Leib = body ))
12 years ago
[[Fff, it's like, I type it without thinking. Because ie is the ee sound, and ei is the i sound =w= And really? Didn't know that~]]
12 years ago
(( ei is Ei, which means egg. ))
12 years ago
(( in German. ))
12 years ago
( and yes. ^^; ))
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(( not to be confused with Laib though. ))
12 years ago
[[Well, I mean like in a word. Like 'mein'.]]
12 years ago
He squirmed and tried to lock himself from being moved, hands scrabbling at the carpet, but it was useless. "S-stop that…!" he tried feebly,
12 years ago
12 years ago
(( mein is mein... not "meen" ))
12 years ago
[[=3= You are making no sense.]]
12 years ago
He pulled hard, moving out from under the bed. "Come on Roma!" He said, though he didn't want to use his full power on the other. He liked
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the way the hero struggled, it made everything interesting.
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He squeaked loudly as he was tugged out from under the bed, flushing bright red and staring at the carpet. At least Lovino hadn't chosen to
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sleep clothesless, like usual.
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Antonio looked down at the prize he one from under the bed. "What's so wrong with going out with me Roma?" He asked, letting the others
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waist go.
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He huffed, climbing back into bed and hiding his nightgown under the covers. "I don't like you, and I don't want to go places with you," he
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growled out.
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Antonio pouted, faking a pain in his chest. "That wounded me, Roma..." He said,but his smile came back. "Alright, well how about I take you
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out this one time, and if you genuinely don't enjoy it, I'll leave you alone~" he bargained.
12 years ago
The Italian groaned in severe irritation. "Don't you have anything better to do?" Honestly, it was like feeding a stray...
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"Well..." He said, smirking. "Yeah...I am in your room~" He looked at the other out of the corner of his eyes, grinning. He wondered if
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the other got the implications.
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His cheeks turned bright red, and he angrily tossed a pillow at the Spaniard. "J-just get out so I can get dressed!" the hero squeaked out,
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pointing to his bedroom door.
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Antonio nodded enthusiastically, heading for the door and closing it behind him. He couldn't help but feel like a little kid who got to have
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his dessert before dinner (which it kinda was). He leaned against the wall next to the bedroom door, waiting.
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He huffed, shaking his head as he slipped out of bed. He slipped off his nightgown and tossed on a pair of tight jeans and a green hoodie,
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Lovino's 'trying-to-look-casual-but-really-wanting-to-look-nice' outfit. He combed his hair before opening the door with an irritated sigh.
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Antonio stood up straight, looking at the hero in casual clothing. "You look great Roma..." He said. Though he would always live the hero's
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costume, he didn't want others to see what only he should be allowed to see. "Shall we head out?"
12 years ago
(( /was talking about pronounciation. if there's an 'ei' in a german word, it is always pronounced as 'ay' and 'ie' always as 'ee'. ))
12 years ago
[[That's what I was saying =3= eye and ee.]]
12 years ago
(( hai, wakarimashita. Ima. ))
12 years ago
He felt a little out of place, when Antonio was dressed up so much, but he blushed and huffed, rubbing at a cheek. "Y-yeah, I guess so…" he
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mumbled out. "And d-don't call me that."
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"Well...I think its a cute nickname~ Roma..." He held out his hand for the other to take (hopefully). "The night is young! And we're just
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getting started~" he said, waiting.
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Lovino crossed his hands over his chest, ignoring the hand. "Unfortunately..." he huffed out, rolling his eyes.
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He looked down at his hand sadly, putting it down by his side. "Then let's go~" he said, still smiling. He was going to win his little hero
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over for sure. He led the way out of the others house as if he lived there, opening the front door for him. "After you."
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It earned a glare, but Lovino stepped out of the house, making sure to keep an eye on the Spaniard. He was suspicious over how easily he
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navigated the way out of his house. How many times had he spied on the hero...?
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It wouldn't be wise to answer the question the Italian was wondering about. He would just end up getting hurt... "So, are you ready for our
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first date Roma?" He said excitedly, walking next to the grumpy hero.
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His cheeks bloomed bright red, and he hit the other's shoulder hard. Looks like the villain was getting hurt anyways. "W-we're not going on
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a d-date, so don't call it t-that!"
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"Okay...fine...our first outing together~" he said, not letting the heros refusal to call it a date put s damper on his night. Though to him
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it was always going to be a date. He led the other to a nice restaurant that had an outdoor patio for people to eat. He went towatds the
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waiter who was going to seat them, giving his nickname that the hero knew; he was going to be secretive if the other was. They were lead to
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a nice table away from the crowd outside, lights all around them. It was just as he had planned.
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It was beautiful, he wouldn't lie. Lovino followed the waiter all the way to the secluded table, looking around in wonder. He didn't really
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get out a lot. The brunette settled in a chair, biting his lip and trying to hide his wonder.
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