Toris is
12 years ago
not quite sure if he should have taken a vacation of that length. He feels somewhat... odd.
latest #133
Feliks says
12 years ago
"Omg, Liet! Liet!"
12 years ago
sighs at the familiar voice, looking up from his gardening and waving. "Poland... you're here," he says a little tiredly.
Feliks says
12 years ago
glomps Toris happily. "You like disappeared!"
12 years ago
"I, yes," he flinches at the touch, rubbing the spot. "My boss told me I had to take a vacation. I see you haven't lost your energy."
12 years ago
notices the way Toris flinches away from his touch. His smile fades a little. "It's been like forever..."
12 years ago
"Has it?" He smiles; he can't remember how long he's been gone for... ah, who was he kidding? It was exactly nine months, twenty days,
12 years ago
six hours, five minutes and fifty-nine seconds. "Sorry I haven't been in contact. You haven't gotten yourself into any trouble, have you?"
12 years ago
begins to tell Toris how much he missed him, but catches hims. "You're, like, acting weird, Liet."
12 years ago
12 years ago
"I-is that so? How do you mean?" Is he really acting weird? If so, he hadn't been aware.
Feliks is
12 years ago
projecting, or maybe he's paranoid. He's been feeling a bit insecure about their relationship lately. "Like, I dunno. Just.. hug me."
12 years ago
"E-eh?!" Okay, well that was weird. Maybe the Pole had contracted some sort of disease while he was gone. Oh god, that wouldn't be
12 years ago
impossible. "Wh-why?! Poland, are you okay?"
12 years ago
"I'm like-- like fine."
12 years ago
"Are you sure?" He frowns, starting to fret and placing a hand on the Pole's forehead. "You're not warm. D-did you eat anything weird?"
Feliks is
12 years ago
struck by an awesome idea. "Hey! Have you like seen my new pony? He's like totally pink, like naturally!"
12 years ago
stares at the other for a second. "... Poland! Focus for a second!" Was he the only one worried here? "Why are you acting weird? I'll
12 years ago
try to fix it, but I told you to be careful!"
12 years ago
totally thought that was going to work. "Iyou you haven't been at my place in like forever, we should totally have a sleepover!"
12 years ago
"Is that all?" ... Sigh, Poland was really more trouble than he was sometimes worth. "But I'm not sure I can. I have to catch up on work
12 years ago
12 years ago
"Oh." He tries not to look as devastatingly disappointed as he feels. "But, couldn't you like do it later?"
12 years ago
now feels bad, and he can just see it on the other's face. "But I've been gone this whole time..." He sighs. "... Fine, I'll do it later,
12 years ago
12 years ago
practically floats with happiness. "Yay! Let's go, this is going to be like totally awesome!"
12 years ago
smiles tiredly and follows along behind the other. "S-so... how have you been? You didn't get yourself into trouble with any other
12 years ago
nations, did you?"
12 years ago
"No, I've been like so good, you wont even believe it! Like, how have you been I've missed you!" It's out before he can stop himself.
12 years ago
pauses at that, feeling slightly flattered that the other cared so much. "Ohh, ah, well, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was going. It was all
12 years ago
supposed to be top-secret."
12 years ago
"It's like okay, just don't like do it again, okay?
12 years ago
12 years ago
"I guess I'll try." That was weird. He'd have thought Poland would be all for him "relaxing" since he claimed Liet was always
12 years ago
overworked. Ah, well. "Have you done anything new with your house?"
12 years ago
"Yeah! I like repainted! It
12 years ago
It's like totally amazing! You're going to love it!" He wonders how it is he always manages to chicken out whenever he starts to say
12 years ago
something serious.
12 years ago
"Oh?" Really, the man's energy was tiring - it reminded him of America - but at least it didn't seem like he'd pissed off
12 years ago
Russia, or something. "Is it pink again?"
12 years ago
"Omg! Like how'd you know? You're like totally psychic or something!" And so much more, but he can't tell Toris that, now can he?
12 years ago
sighs. "It's because that's what you always paint it, Poland. Guess you haven't changed." And somehow, that both makes him glad and
12 years ago
worries him, all at once.
12 years ago
can't describe how great it is to see Toris being Toris. He has to resist the sudden urge to kiss him. It's a close call.
12 years ago
"... Poland?" He's confused by the sudden silence, staring at the other. He's really starting to think there is something wrong.
Feliks loves
12 years ago
it when Toris says is name. Then, kicks himself for thinking like that. "Yeah? Is there like something on my face?"
12 years ago
frowns. "No...? You suddenly got really quiet. Are you sure you didn't eat something wrong?"
Feliks hopes
12 years ago
he isn't blushing, though he feels his face heating up. They are standing so close together. "Yeah, I'm like totes okay, I like told you
12 years ago
already." He shifts his weight uncomfortably. Is he really this pathetic?
12 years ago
"A-alright, if you say so." He casts the other a worried glance, before continuing on his way to Poland's house. "Did you want me to cook
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods. It'll be just like when they were living together. The thought makes him smile a little sadly. "That'd be totally great." He wants to
12 years ago
tell Toris something... but he doesn't know how to go about saying it. Trying to hide the fact that he is extremely aroused isn't helping
12 years ago
his train of thought.
Toris is
12 years ago
still mightily worried about the other's silence... and he keeps trying to hold it in longer and longer... but he can't take it! Turning
12 years ago
to the other, he gently shakes his shoulders, eyes creased with worry. "Okay, Poland! Jei yra kažkas negerai, pasakyk man! Ah..." He rubs
12 years ago
his temples. "I meant, if there's something wrong, tell me, okay?"
12 years ago
"I-- um." Think of something else, think of something else! Mother Teresa? Dying babies? Anything! It's definitely not helping. "I-- like,
12 years ago
um, like..." he's turning red, and can't think straight when they're standing this close. If he could just adjust himself...
12 years ago
"You like... what?" He has absolutely no idea what liking something has to do with the situation, but with Poland, one could never really
12 years ago
Feliks wants
12 years ago
to scream. Then again, maybe this will work! He grabs Toris by the shoulders and pulls him into a kiss.
12 years ago
opens his mouth to retort, to ask again, but immediately freezes when he's pulled forward, his mind barely able to register the kiss before
12 years ago
his body reacts strangely to Poland. An elbow juts out to hit the man straight on the stomach, a leg circling to trip the other. He gasps
12 years ago
when that's over, and he immediately kneels and freaks out over his friend. "šūdas! Poland, I'm so sorry. I-I! Are you okay?!"
12 years ago
"I like-- I--" His face crumples and he begins to cry. "I knew it..."
12 years ago
hadn't realized his battle reflexes weren't all that buried after all, and he burns with shame as he slowly helps the blonde stand up and
12 years ago
get back on his feet. But when the man begins to cry, the largest sense of panic overwhelms him, and he throws Poland's arm around his
12 years ago
shoulder and hobbles the way back to the man's house. "P-Poland, calm down! I-I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to! You just... you just
12 years ago
kissed me! What was I supposed to do?!"
Feliks is
12 years ago
afraid to look Toris in the eye. He knew this would happen. "I-- I'm sorry. I like, wasn't thinking..."
12 years ago
"I-it doesn't matter! I knew you weren't feeling well! You should have told me! Stop making me worry about you!" He sighs, opening the door
12 years ago
and dragging the male in. "Bedroom?"
12 years ago
"N-not feeling well...right."
12 years ago
"Alright then, bedroom it is." With a grunt, he drags him upstairs, setting him on the bed. "Atsiprašau, I didn't notice earlier. I'll make
12 years ago
you some soup, so just don't move, alright?"
12 years ago
hides his face in a pillow. "L-like, whatever."
12 years ago
moves away and into the kitchen, preparing the most basic of chicken soup. He hopes it's enough to make Poland feel better...
12 years ago
sobs into the pillow.
12 years ago
keeps cooking. Just a few more minutes now...
12 years ago
he knows he must look hideous now. Why did he ever think that was going to work?
12 years ago
sighs and pours some soup into the bowl, careful to balance it as he heads back upstairs...
12 years ago
hears footsteps and his heart picks up speed. He wants to disappear.
12 years ago
opens the door with his leg and holds the soup in a bowl and walking over to the other. "Ah, Poland? I have your soup. C-can you sit up?"
12 years ago
sits up. Now or never. "I'm not like sick, Liet..."
12 years ago
"E-eh? Of course you are! You've been acting strange since I came back." He moves over and gingerly places it on his lap. "Just have some
12 years ago
soup, it'll help."
12 years ago
shakes his head. "No...I like, I have to tell you I should have told you already..."
12 years ago
plops a spoon into the bowl and takes some soup, blowing on it. "Just drink some first, will you/"
12 years ago
12 years ago
Takes some of the soup. It's good, but doesn't change what he's feeling. "But, before I tell you, you've like gotta promise not to hate me."
Toris is
12 years ago
happy when he drinks some soup, but he's surprised by the sentence. Poland isn't usually so serious. "Yeah...? I couldn't hate you..."
Feliks hopes
12 years ago
that's true. "I-- like, you know how I'm like gay as a rainbow unicorn right?"
12 years ago
can only cough and clear his throat as he stares at the other. Maybe he's made that assumption, but it didn't necessarily mean it was
12 years ago
true. "Er... now I do..?"
12 years ago
Crap crap crap crap, this is harder than it looks! "I like...think I might be in love with you?" He braces himself for rejection.
12 years ago
now seriously thinks Poland has lost his mind. "Poland! Y-you... alright, you have to calm down. I think you might have hit your head
12 years ago
or something. Just... take a nap, okay? I-I'll stay here."
Feliks feels
12 years ago
like hitting his head. "NO!" He jumps up knocking the soup over. "I'm like, so sorry! But, I'm like dead serious!"
12 years ago
"Poland!" Shocked and horrified at the wasted soup, he runs out of the room and into the bathroom, cleaning up the mess. Damn, this was
12 years ago
going to leave a stain on the carpet. "Relax! What do you mean you're serious...?"
Feliks is
12 years ago
trying his best not to cry again. He knew it wouldn't ever work out. He knew it. "I mean I'm serious, and I like, don't even know what to
12 years ago
do because you like, wouldn't like me in a million years, and I like hate it so much when I see you with Belarus... and it like hurts so bad
12 years ago
I don't even know what to do."
12 years ago
freezes. So wait, Poland was serious? Oh god, oh god, this was not supposed to happen. They were supposed to just be friends, and watch
12 years ago
each other's backs (well, more like him watching Poland's)! But... "I-I'm sorry, Poland... but I don't get what you mean by Belarus. I'm not
12 years ago
"with" her, if that's what you mean." Though that didn't stop him from trying.
12 years ago
sighs. "It's like okay if you don't like me back... I don't expect you to." Though if he doesn't it will hurt like hell.
12 years ago
"I'm sorry..." He fidgets. He really doesn't want to hurt the man, but h can't very well lie. It'd just make everything else worse. "It's
12 years ago
just... this is so sudden.. and.."
12 years ago
"Like, don't even lie to me..."
12 years ago
"Lie to you about what?" He's been telling the truth; what could he possibly lying about that he wasn't even aware of himself?
12 years ago
"No, like I mean... just say you don't like me. I'll like totally understand."
12 years ago
"Of course I like you, Poland," he tries to say comfortingly. "B-but just as a friend? I mean, I'm here to take care of you and all,
12 years ago
12 years ago
"Okay..." He looks absolutely miserable. "Could you like tell me who you like?"
12 years ago
"I like everyone," he smiles, with the obvious exception. He hopes Poland won't ask who that is.
12 years ago
"How could you like like everyone?" He asks skeptically.
12 years ago
"Because everyone is nice...? You asked me who I like, not like like..."
12 years ago
sighs in frustration. "I mean who do you like like."
12 years ago
"A-ah..." Now he understands, and how he sort of wishes he didn't. "No one, I guess."
12 years ago
"Like...are you straight?"
12 years ago
doesn't think that was the best or nicest or even tactful question someone could have asked. "Why are you asking me that?!"
Feliks is
12 years ago
nothing if not tactless. "I'm like just curious."
12 years ago
"I don't really... know?" This was one hundred percent truth. He was sure he liked girls, but he wasn't sure about guys.
12 years ago
" I guess that's okay too." Except now he is pretty sure it's not a problem of gender, it's just that Liet is personally not
12 years ago
attracted to him. Which is almost worse.
12 years ago
"Yeah..." Now he doesn't know what to say or do that won't offend the other... so he turns to the soup. "I'll make some more, okay?"
12 years ago
shakes his head. "It's okay. I'm like not even hungry."
12 years ago
"Are you sure?" Now he's really worried, but he'd rather tell him the truth than lie and go about it the wrong way.
12 years ago
nods. "I'm sure..."
12 years ago
"A-alright then..." He looks discouragingly at the bowl. "Look, I, uh... sh-should I give you time alone?"
12 years ago
" that might be best."
12 years ago
sighs a little sadly. "I'll be downstairs if you need me, okay?"
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