12 years ago
feel so useless..ntg to do..too relaxing
latest #16
Joelle says
12 years ago
aduiz... not useless lor...... u going to have ur maternity leave mar. throw project to u also cannot mar
12 years ago
lolz..i wan to help up..but scare i touch d..they need follow up..so better just see them work
12 years ago
now oso ntg rushing.so just see if new girls got question ask me..i answer oni
Joelle says
12 years ago
hahhaa... the new girl still "dunno" a ..
12 years ago
lolz..biasala..she no imagination n not so creative..n still not so good in take nice camera angle for visual
12 years ago
just now got one is like elevation view punya 3d perspective
Joelle says
12 years ago
all this have to learn lor.... mi also learning d.......
Joelle says
12 years ago
hahaha.... elevation punya 3d view woh.... hahahhaa zhadao...
12 years ago
we senior all see oso say very bad angle
Joelle says
12 years ago
hahaha..... she never draw perspective in freehand b4 meh......
Joelle says
12 years ago
i think she will end up a drafwomen in ur office....
12 years ago
her sense of beautiful picha.not so good
12 years ago
her sense of beautiful picha.not so good
12 years ago
i oso dunno wor...freehand draw perspective oso the more senget more cantik..dunno y she take front n straight view as visual
Joelle says
12 years ago
mayb her审美观 a lil bit different from others... XDXD.... this is "ARTIST"..... (LOL)
12 years ago
haha..hope she will improve when im bek...2months..dunno she will still join us anot .haha
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