Joelle is
12 years ago
still suffering from sore throat..... strepsils... water... none of them helping....
latest #12
Charmy Momoko✿
12 years ago
i am flu.. sien... since i back Malaysia, my nose is keep itchy... haiz..
Joelle says
12 years ago back to malaysia?? wow... no wonder got interview. a month later u will feel better.....
Charmy Momoko✿
12 years ago
hope so.. 1st day nia, tiok like this, sick~~~ suck air here...
Joelle says
12 years ago yeah... air in malaysia ain't good...... better take care...
Charmy Momoko✿
12 years ago
sure, thanks
Joelle says
12 years ago
la aphoriste says
12 years ago
100plus? Coconut water?
Joelle says
12 years ago plus n coconut water do help??
12 years ago
coconut might work..去热气
Joelle says
12 years ago tonight c whether dinner place got coconut or not ba ...
drink salf water la~
Joelle says
12 years ago salt water.... i dun think i can drink it in....
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