Joelle says
12 years ago
karma drop till "mother also cannot recognize"... ... good morning people...
latest #31
Joelle says
12 years ago
suppose good afternoon... ><
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
good morning
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
I give you karma boost
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
here you go 10 counts
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
this is the #9
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
here goes #8
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
the #7 is on its way,..done
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
the issue with #6 is
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
#5 is a great prime number
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
I am #4 and ..wait, this is #4.
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
#3 is to fix the problem
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
so is #2.
Joelle says
12 years ago
hahahaha....... looks like i'm giving you karma ........ XDXD.....
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
and finally #1 is also to karma-boost
Joelle says
12 years ago
NemesisPrime says
12 years ago
unless you also consider #0 as part of the count-down
Joelle says
12 years ago
nah..... is alright... is just I'm the 1 lazy to plurk.. that's y drop up till lidat..
J W says
12 years ago
lol u everyday plurk oso wil drop?
Joelle says
12 years ago last week lazy to plurk... din even log in also... sure drop d...><
12 years ago
lolz...morning..boost up ur karma den
Joelle says
12 years ago i lazy d lor..... not just chatting here... i got forum chatting also... msn also.... XDXD afternoon d mama
Bypasser says
12 years ago
'ghost' ask u didnt freeze karma??
Joelle says
12 years ago aiyor... neva think of freeze mar... ingat got plurk plurk abit mar......
la aphoriste says
12 years ago
Joelle says
12 years ago
Bypasser says
12 years ago
got early know den no beggar loh~~
Joelle says
12 years ago
Kin[健仔] says
12 years ago
mother also cannot recognize (LOL)
Joelle says
12 years ago Chinese word translate 1......
Kin[健仔] says
12 years ago
i know i know , but i feel funny ..haha
Joelle says
12 years ago
hahaha.... yaya .. i look back also laugh...
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