Wy Delprat is
12 years ago
pretty sure she's dying.
latest #114
Arthur is
12 years ago
genuinely worried. What's wrong?
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"I...I'm bleeding... so much blood..."
12 years ago
grabs a roll of cloth bandages and rushes over to her. "Bleeding? Where?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
turns white as a sheet. "In places I shouldn't be... I think I should call a doctor...
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
12 years ago
slowly sets the bandages down, looking confused. "...pardon? What do you mean?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"I'm... it's just... I'm bleeding from my privates." she swoons.
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"And my tummy hurts really bad."
12 years ago
manages to catch her, carrying her towards a couch and laying her down. "I think I know what's going on...did you never have anyone give you
12 years ago
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"What talk?"
Arthur feels
12 years ago
rather awkward. "The...talk. About puberty?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
looks like she's going to pass out. "Um... sort of... Australia said that when you turn in to a grownup you grow breasts and have babies..."
12 years ago
leaves just long enough to go to the bathroom and get a washcloth, wishing that he was close enough to a female nation to be able to ask
12 years ago
them for assistance with this sort of thing. "Well...yes, there's that, too...but every month, when the body knows that...er...the woman
12 years ago
isn't going to have a baby, it releases a flow of blood for...er...w-well, in short, it's perfectly natural..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
Listens intently.
12 years ago
soaks the washcloth in warm water, handing it to her. "So...do you want to take a bath? I'll get you a pair of fresh clothes..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
Nods and makes her way to the bathroom.
12 years ago
sits down on the couch, waiting patiently. Maybe he should call someone for advice...but who?
Wy Delprat is
12 years ago
embarrassed beyond belief, but also relieved to know that she isn't dying...
Arthur gives
12 years ago
up after a moment, standing and pacing awkwardly around the livingroom.
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
walks out of the bathroom, unable to meet Arthur's eyes.
12 years ago
looks up, the worried expression still on his face. "Better? Do you need anything?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
shakes her head, but then smiles a bit. "I guess that's why I was feeling down... good to know."
12 years ago
goes into the kitchen, deciding he needs a good, strong cup of tea...and gets out the cocoa powder to make hot chocolate for Wy. "Ah, right
12 years ago
...there's the build-up of teenage hormones, too..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
sips cocoa with a towel still on her head. "Yes, it all makes sense now... thanks by the way."
12 years ago
pours a bit of maple syrup into his tea out of what is slowly becoming a habit, nodding absently. "Ah, yes, you're welcome..I'm sorry I
12 years ago
really wasn't able to help all that much. I don't know as much about...this sort of thing as a woman would..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
looks at Arthur with a raised eyebrow. "What are you putting in your tea?"
12 years ago
blinks, looking over at her and holding up the glass bottle. "Oh...it's maple syrup. Why?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
giggles a bit. "Nothing, just thought it was interesting..."
Arthur wonders
12 years ago
if he could get away with blaming the slight flush on his cheeks on the heat. "Ah...a-alright, then, if you say so..."
Wy Delprat is
12 years ago
now in troll mode. "Actually, I think I've seen someone do that before! Hmm, I wonder who it was!"
12 years ago
coughs awkwardly, sipping his tea and leaning against the counter as though it will make him less prominent. "O-Oh, really? That's, ah..
12 years ago
rather interesting, I suppose..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
corners Arthur. "Sooo, are you gonna tell me about this, or will I hear it from someone else?"
12 years ago
tries and fails to back away a bit,being pushed farther back against the tile. "T-Tell you about what, exactly? There's nothing to tell.."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
slinks back to the counter. "Alright then, I'll ask Hungary... she knows everything that goes on around here..."
12 years ago
splutters into his tea, hurriedly shaking his head. "Nonononono, don't ask Hungary...lord only knows how she would twist the truth.."
Wy Delprat gives
12 years ago
Arthur an evil little girl smile. "Tell me?"
12 years ago
decides that the tea needs a little more syrup. "Eh...fine, fine. What is it you want to know, exactly?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
grins maniacally "When did this happen, to begin with...?"
12 years ago
pauses, trying to pinpoint the exact moment. "...a month or two ago, I suppose..?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
squeals in delight. "Where, how did it happen? Did you ask him?"
12 years ago
clears his throat, finishing off the rest of the tea. "I, ah...I went to his house and asked him, so yes. It was a bit of a complicated mess
12 years ago
before that, though..."
Wy Delprat is
12 years ago
too busy glowing to catch the last bit. "That's soooo cutttteeee! You guys are adorable together!"
12 years ago
stares down at the ground, blushing profusely. "A-Ah, well...thank you, I suppose..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
claps her hands and dances about the kitchen, bleeding; forgotten.
12 years ago
watches her, a trace of amusement returning to his face. "May I ask as to why you're so excited about this?
12 years ago
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
giggles. "I don't even know! You're just two awesome people getting together... it's a nice break from everything else that's been going
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
on lately... it just makes me really happy!"
12 years ago
nods thoughtfully, letting out a quiet chuckle. "Yes, I suppose that's true...everywhere you go lately, the atmosphere's been tense...it
12 years ago
is nice to have a break from all of that. I-I wouldn't say I'm...'awesome', though..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Oh, please! You are SO awesome! And you and Canada make an Awesome couple!"
12 years ago
blushes hard enough to light up a dark room. "E-Er...if you say so...thank you..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
grins. "Always knew you had it in you, mate."
12 years ago
smiles at that, shaking his head. "I suppose we all do, really. It just takes time."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
gets a dreamy look in her eyes. "Yeah, you think so?"
12 years ago
nods, reaching over to pat her on the shoulder. "I know so."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
smiles as her troubles seem to melt away in an instant. *Now, if only Seborga would notice me.*
12 years ago
blinks, tilting his head to the side at the unfamiliar name. "Seborga...? Who might that be?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Oh... nobody, just somebody I know... he's completely adorable... and doesn't know I exist."
12 years ago
frowns, pouring her another cup of hot cocoa. "Come now, I'm sure he's not entirely unaware of your existence...are the two of you friends
12 years ago
,at least?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Yes, we're friends... but, that's it."
12 years ago
"...and have you tried telling him how you feel?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"That's not an option."
12 years ago
"Why not?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Because then he might hate me?"
12 years ago
bites back a quiet laugh-ah, he's been in that position before. "Believe me, he won't hate me."
12 years ago
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
looks doubtful. "But, what if he doesn't like me back?"
Arthur gives
12 years ago
her a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Then you chin up and move on-if you're friends, he won't hate you because of that."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
looks almost hopeful, but then remembers that Seborga is way out of her league and feels like crying.
12 years ago
frowns at that, wrapping an arm around the young girl's shoulders. "Come now, you can't give up...if you give up, then you'll fail for
12 years ago
certain. I know you can do this."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Yes, I suppose you're right."
12 years ago
"Of course I am. ...in fact, why don't you try calling him now?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"N-no thank you! Actually, forget I said anything! So, how about that weather?"
12 years ago
shakes his head, a small smirk crossing his features. "No, I don't think I can forget something like that...what's stopping you?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"I dunno... well, maybe he wont even be home."
12 years ago
"Hm...well, you won't know until you try, right?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
turns rather pale. "Well, yes, I suppose so."
12 years ago
hands her his cellphone. "Give him a ring, then."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
dials as slowly as possible, hangs up twice, and dials again. please don't be home, please don't be home
12 years ago
taps his fingers against his thigh, watching her. "Come, now, you can do this...just tell him how you feel."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
hangs up with a look of extreme relief. "He wasn't home, I got the message machine."
12 years ago
lets out a quiet sigh, taking his phone back. "I see..well, promise me you'll tell him the next chance you have?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"But, I'm a coward..."
12 years ago
"There's nothing wrong with being afraid...you're not a coward as long as you can overcome your fears."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Alright then... I guess I'll try... but watch him already have a girlfriend, then there wont be any point..."
12 years ago
frowns, shaking his head. "No sense in thinking like that...it's only going to discourage you further. Think positive."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Positive, right... so, maybe he wont hate me, I'll just pretend I was joking if he looks disgusted..."
12 years ago
"..I suppose that's one way to handle it, yes...I doubt he'll be disgusted by it, though. You're a very attractive young woman."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
smiles a little. "Thanks..."
12 years ago
returns the smile, looking a little relieved. "Always glad to be of assistance, Miss Delprat."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
hugs Arthur.
12 years ago
hugs back, gently patting her shoulder. "Better now, I hope?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
smiles. "Yes...actually."
12 years ago
nods approvingly, pulling away. "Mm, good. Is there anything else I can get you, then?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
shakes her head. "I think I'll be okay now."
12 years ago
"Alright, that's good...should I bring you home? I would think your parents are worried sick..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Australia doesn't care what happens to me..."
12 years ago
frowns. "Come now, I'm sure that isn't true..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Well, I'd better get home anyway, I suppose... just so he doesn't lock me out..."
12 years ago
"Mm...yes, that would be rather unfortunate. I can get you a plane ticket, if you like..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Thanks. You've done so much for me already... I don't know how I can repay you."
12 years ago
pulls out his phone, ordering the ticket. He offers her a small smile, shaking his head. "It's no trouble...you don't have to repay me."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
shakes her head. "I will, someday."
12 years ago
slips his coat on, heading over to the door. "Well, I hope you never have to go to the trouble, but...thank you."
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