Maddie is
12 years ago
looking through the romance section in a bookstore, hoping to find a book she didn't already read.
latest #44
12 years ago
happens to notice her and, thinking she bears a striking resemblence to someone he knows, decides to go over and strike up a conversation.
12 years ago
"Hullo, there...would you like a few recommendations?"
12 years ago
turns at the sound of a voice. He looks oddly familiar. "Um.. Oh, I guess I could use some."
12 years ago
offers her a small smile, that sense of familiarity becoming all the more prominent when she looks at him. "Ah, wonderful...what sorts of
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things do you like in a romance book, for one?"
12 years ago
can't shake that feeling of familiarity away. Had they met before? "I do enjoy books with historical settings."
12 years ago
walks towards the end of the bookshelf, pulling off a small stack of books. "I suggest this steampunk-romance series, then. It might seem a
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tad bit...obscure at first, but it's rather interesting."
12 years ago
follows him and takes the first book of the series. She quickly reads the summary.
Maddie says
12 years ago
"It does look rather interesting, thank you for the help. May I ask you a question?"
12 years ago
nods, looking rather satisfied. "Yes, it is. I personally like stories set in Victorian England." He blinks, staring at her in confusion for
12 years ago
a moment before nodding. "Yes,of course. What is it?"
12 years ago
blushes a bit. "Have we met before? It’s just that you look so familiar..."
Arthur is
12 years ago
now thinking that this scenario is very familiar. He's been through this before...several times, actually. "No, I don't believe we have,
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but...I think I've got an idea as to why you're asking."
Maddie wonders
12 years ago
what he means by that. "Really!?"
12 years ago
nods, now rather amused by this. "Yes, actually...I've had this sort of thing happen to me before. Might you be the personification of a
12 years ago
nation, by any chance?"
12 years ago
(Smooth as always, Artie. Reallllll smooth... >.> )
Maddie is
12 years ago
"Yes, I am the human representation of Canada. Are you a country as well?" shock by his question.
12 years ago
slides into a nearby armchair,looking only slightly suprised. "Ah, yes, I figured as remind me considerably of Matthew." Which,
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in truth, makes his heart ache a bit, as he misses the boy terribly. "Er, that's the male representation of Canada, by the way. But of
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course-I'm the male personification of England."
12 years ago
stares at him still in shock."Male personification!? You mean there is two representation of each country!"
Maddie thinks
12 years ago
Now that he mentionned it, he did reminded her of Alice.
12 years ago
nods, pulling a random book off one of the shelves and flipping through it briefly. atlas, how ironic. " seems we existed side
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by side for years, completely unaware of one another's existence. I've already met my female counterpart, and I'd have to say it was rather
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...interesting." He lets out a soft chuckle at that.
Maddie wonders
12 years ago
what her male counterpart is like. "Can you tell me more about male Canada? Matthew, I believe you said his name is."
12 years ago
doesn't think words can describe him, but that just might be his inner sap talking. "Well, he's...very quiet, usually, unless it comes to
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hockey or something he's very passionate about. He's fairly tall-hah, taller than me now, actually,- with soft, wavy hair that goes down to
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his shoulders...and he's very bright. Er,intellegent that is. And bright. That is...ahem. Sorry, I'm rambling..."
12 years ago
smiles softly."It sounds like you are really close. I hope I’ll have the pleasure to meet him."
Arthur feels
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his cheeks flush ever so slightly, covering it up with a cough. "Ah...yes, I suppose you could say that...I'm sure you'll run into him
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eventually, as we were thinking of the entire family, both America's, England's, France's...and now Canada's, I suppose, for Thanksgiving
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dinner...would you want to attend?"
12 years ago
flushes a little. "Of course, family is really important for me, even if there are still three of them I haven’t met yet!"
12 years ago
pulls out a sheet of paper, scribbling down a list of numbers. "I look forward to seeing you there, then. Here's a list of phone numbers-
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mine, Alfred's and Matthew's, just in case."
12 years ago
takes the paper in her hand. She would have to remember to put them in her phone book. "Thank you!"
Arthur gives
12 years ago
her a nod and a polite smile, standing up. "You're very welcome, Miss Madeline. It was a pleasure to meet you."
Maddie says
12 years ago
"It was a pleasure to meet you as well Arthur. Thank you again for the recommandation and the invitation."
12 years ago
waves and heads towards the check-out counter. "I hope to see you again soon, then. Enjoy the rest of your day."
12 years ago
walks towards the cashier to pay for the book recommended to her. "Yes, you too. See you next week then."
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