What's with all the random hyphens, Ir-vine?
And why do we even need to be told that Arc repairs can wait when the fight's already kicked off? No shit, Sherlock!
So many artefacts. They could all make a killing selling that shit on eBay.
Chaos Edge...? I thought it was the Omni Saber?
It also occurs to me that no-one's mentioned Dark Energon for a while. Like, the entire book.
I thought they were all addicts?
Who the hell are these pirates? :/
All right, I'm done. And done with Ir-vine too.
Where did they come from? Why are they there?
this just a really hamfisted sequel hook?
I believe you've answered your own question there. I found it more of a repellant personally, but sadly he also mentioned that Vector was
back. Nonetheless, I might rrad the wiki article on the next one.
You know, rather than buying it.
I've never been terribly gung-ho on the whole pirates thing. If the next one is all about Thundertron and his merry band...
I'll read it but I'll whine the whole time.
And I can always transcribe the relevant 13 passages at you; if Exiles is any indicator, there won't be much.
Fucking pirates, seriously.
Couldn't it have been something cool at least? Unicronian zombie-bots? Ancient sect of ninjas devoted to protecting Primus' artifacts?
I actually thought it was going to be a crap version of Lockdown.
Maybe they'll hire Crapdown to track the pirates for them.
Can't wait to hear the rest of the 13's terrible names, either! Shit, Primus, you are a terrible robot daddy.
Solus, Vector and Nexus I'm fine with. The rest? Holy crap, dude. Did Irvine come up with those? Who do we blame??
Whenever something bad happens, I blame the guy who came up with the idea for Supreme class Powerglide.
Powerglide Guy is clearly at fault in this instance as well.
Hiiiissssss Powerglide Guy....
BUT YEAH that book went from mediocre to crap reaaaally fast. :/
I had higher hopes for it than the first one too.
We all had such hopes. :c
What's wrong with Supreme class Powerglide?
I say the four of us write the next book ourselves 8U
Can we put in a secret extra female 13 character that's not there solely to drive Fallen's development on perhaps?
for such a minor character, Powerglide has way too many toys in the recent series. And it is a running joke with us. :V
I say we change it that she's with Nexus, but Fallen was mad she stole his man. And then decided Vector was hotter, anyway.
Can we eliminate the femmes entirely and do that thing where they're all referred to as "it"? Kal said it works.
I think this would go a long way towards eliminating particularly shitty romance subplots.
I would totally go for that if there was ever even a glimmer of possibility that Hasbro would back it.
We can but dream.