Lukas needs
12 years ago
a coffee, and he needs one now.
latest #81
Arthur wonders
12 years ago
if tea will do.
12 years ago
supposes that he will settle for tea if he needs to. He just really needs to wake up the rest of the way.
12 years ago
suggests Earl Grey, in that case, as it has bergemont, which works as a natural sort of caffine.
12 years ago
takes the suggestion to heart, sitting in a cafe and sipping tiredly from his cup.
12 years ago
decides to accompany you, as he has nothing better to do. "So, are things between you and Denmark?"
12 years ago
sighed, burying his head in his arms. Who had made him get out of bed? The sun? Not a good idea. He was even mumbling for goodness sake.
12 years ago
"Haven't seen him for awhile. Not quite sure what to think about that. Why do you ask, anyways?"
12 years ago
looks rather sympathetic, reaching up and patting him on the shoulder. Perhaps it would be a good idea to buy the poor fellow a scone to
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help him wake up..."Ah, just wondering. You seemed worried about him the last time we talked, so...well, how are, anyways?"
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grumbled blearily. "If the idiot wants to go and lose contact, then he can. I'm not going to waste my time worrying about him." Maybe that
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could be considered a lie, but he didn't particularly feel up to caring. "Me?" He lifted his head out of his arms, turning purple eyes to
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Arthur. "I'm just fine. How are things going with you?" Classic, terrible change of subject, but he may as well try.
12 years ago
orders a few extra cups of tea, as well as a small sample tray of snacks. No sense in running on lack of sleep and lack of food, after all
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... "Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to ask me...ah, are you sure? You seem...tired." He brightens visibly, if only a
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tad, sitting up a bit straighter. "Ah, I''ve...been doing rather well lately, actually..."
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stared at the food in confusion for a moment before realizing that yes, he hadn't eaten anything yet. Nibbling on a biscuit, he shrugged his
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shoulders. "I don't see why I wouldn't be fine. I've been able to have some peace without that stupid Dane around." And if anyone accused
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him of being worried, he'd deny it vehemently. He raised a curious eyebrow. "Really? You're one of the few, then. From what I've heard,
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everyone is having troubles."
12 years ago
pours himself a cup of tea, sipping at it absently. He gives a brief nod of approval at seeing the other eat, hoping that it will improve
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his mood at least a bit. "I...I see. Well, just try not to overwork yourself-these are troubling times we live in, and it's hard enough
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without all the stress..." He lets out a quiet sigh, reaching for a scone and covering it with clotted creme. "Ah, yes, I know...everywhere
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you look, there seems to be drama of some sort, but...I'm actually rather happy. Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't be..."
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frowned, setting his biscuit down and leaning forward. "Don't even say that. You deserve to be happy, because if you are it means you earned
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it." He took a sip of his tea, sighing as it relaxed his muscles yet woke him up a bit. "Besides, don't worry about us. Stress isn't
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anything new, and any additional drama is really the fault of whoever is a part of it."
12 years ago
blinks, staring at Lukas for a moment before nodding slowly in understanding. "Ah...yes, I suppose you're's not good to be
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indifferent towards other people's suffering, can't force yourself to be miserable because of it." He finishes off the rest of his
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tea, leaning back in his chair a bit. "That's true, as well, unfortunately...each person needs to find their own way of relieving stress."
12 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Is it? Well, that's new information to me. Isn't distancing yourself from others a good way to protect yourself?" With
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a shrug, he laid his head back on the table, closing his eyes. "Relieving stress. Ah, yes, I suppose we all have our own methods, don't we?
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Like I seem to find bickering with Denmark relieving, as well as reading."
12 years ago
shakes his head, a small smile crossing his face at that. "Funny, I've been hearing that alot recently...but now, the last thing you want
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to do is distance yourself from others. It's only going to make whatever problem you're facing worse...if anything, being around the
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people who care about you makes it better. Haha, indeed...arguing is one my favourite methods of dealing with stress, as well."
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shook his head. "I'm not quite used to spending a lot of time with people. I usually avoid it; it would be strange to suddenly change that."
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snorted. "Ah. I suppose that's why I may feel stressed, since my most readily available annoyance is currently avoiding me, I believe."
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rests his chin in his hands, elbows sitting on the tabletop in a rare lack of manners. "Ah, I prefer solitude, then? It's nice
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every once and a while, but...we all get lonely." He blinks, tilting his head to the side a bit. "But if he was just an annoyance, you'd
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be glad to have him gone...but if that's not the case, why don't you try calling him?"
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avoided looking at the other, although he did open his eyes. "I guess you're right, even though I don't like it." He doubted the other would
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agree that one could become accustomed to being lonely, too. He frowned at the other, eyes stubborn. "Call him? Why would I do that? I
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mean, won't he come back when he's ready?" Ah, but how he doubted that. Maybe all his verbal abuse had finally gotten through the other's
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thick skull.
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looks rather satisifed at that, reaching over to one again give the Norwegian a reassuring pat on the back. "Unfortunately, there are alot
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of things like that in this world...we just have to make the best of them." He lets out a quiet chuckle, shaking his head. Honestly, it
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amused that people could be so violently in denial...usually blind to the fact that he almost always is. "Why wouldn't you call him?
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Sometimes all a person needs is prompting...for all you know, he thinks you don't want to see him, and therefore hasn't shown up."
12 years ago
sighed, nonetheless making himself sit up and nibble at the biscuit some more. "It's too early for this." At the next comment, though, he
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snorted. "That has never stopped him before. It's like it's his goal in life to invade my space, no matter how many times I tell him to let
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me breath."
12 years ago
orders another plate of snacks, letting out a quiet chuckle. "Hah, I couldn't agree more...I was honestly suprised to see you here and
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awake,especially considering it's the weekend." He arches an eyebrow at that. "Really,now? So you're telling me you have stalker issues?"
12 years ago
paused in the middle of grabbing a biscuit. "Wait, it's the weekend?" Hell, that explained a lot. Like why he was still feeling sleepy, even
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after the tea. At the question, he actually paused to think about it. "At times, probably, but it's not as though I can prove it. Besides,
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it doesn't matter much."
12 years ago
pushes the plate towards him encouragingly, not really in the mood to eat anything himself, but not wanting to waste the food. It's rather
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high-quality, after all, as is all British cuisine. "Yes..." He replies with a bit of amusement, pointing towards a calendar on the wall."
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Are you so tired that you don't even know what day of the week it is, now? Hm...well, if it bothers you so much, I would think it does
12 years ago
12 years ago
stared at the offered plate for a moment, hesitatingly taking another biscuit. His gaze followed the finger to the calendar, and he sighed.
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"The days are just blending together at the moment." He shrugged, examining the table top with sudden interest. "Are you always so intent on
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picking at what people say?" There was no venom in his tone, but he honestly wanted to know why the other nation didn't let things go.
12 years ago
sets the plate back down, stifling a yawn-he still hasn't been getting as much sleep as he ought to be, and tea just doesn't seem to cut it
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the way it used to. Perhaps he needs to pay Matthew another visit..."Blending together...? Ah, I know the feeling, unfortunately...sometimes
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you just have to make each day stand out." He shrugs as if to say 'easier said than done', looking up at the other man. "Eh...well, yes,
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usually...I'm too stubborn for my own good. One of my many bad habits."
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tilted his head to the side, humming in thought. "Make each day stand out? A curious idea. Maybe I should try it." He had no clue how to go
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about doing so, but he may as well try. He nibbled on his biscuit, blank gaze back on Arthur. "Stubbornness isn't really a bad thing,
Lukas is
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it? It means that you have the tenacity to continue on with something you've started." On the other hand, he was certainly now considering
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the fact that maybe, maybe, he missed his Danish annoyance.
12 years ago
lets out a quiet chuckle, wondering if the other nation has taken it just a little too literally. That's fine, though, as long as he can
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get his message across. "Ah, yes, it's certainly worth a try, isn't it? It should be fairly easy, considering you just have to...stop
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thinking about everything so much." He nods thoughtfully, leaning back in his chair a bit. "I suppose that's true, as well...if everyone was
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complacent and never stood up for what they believed in, the world would be a very different place."
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snorted. "In case you haven't noticed, thinking is kind of what I do. All the time. That would be hard to change." He raised an eyebrow at
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Arthur, tapping a couple of his fingers against the table in thought. "Different? It would be boring. I know it's wrong, but don't you
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think conflict starts just because we're looking for something to keep us occupied?"
12 years ago
shakes his head, rather amused by the entire thing. "Well,obviously you can't stop thinking completely...but sometimes it's better not to
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overthink it. Just do and feel. ....if that makes sense." He raises an eyebrow at that. "Boring? You think so? Hm...yes, I suppose
12 years ago
that's true. Trouble usually comes from peeople with nothing to do."
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