Wy Delprat
12 years ago
had her birthday three days ago, and no-one remembered.
latest #125
Alfred is
12 years ago
here to offer cake, then. And apologies.
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
smiles brightly. "Thanks! Cake definitely makes things better!"
12 years ago
can't help but smile just a little bit as well, nodding. "I didn't get you a gift, though..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"It's okay! It's really just great to have you here."
12 years ago
"Of course. I wouldn't like it if someone missed my birthday." He frowns. "Is there anything you want?"
Wy Delprat thinks
12 years ago
for a moment. "Well, I've heard that you are in to videogames. I've never really played any before, so maybe we could do that?"
12 years ago
"Uh... Are you sure you want that?" He doesn't mind either way. "I was going to take you out to the mall or something and get you what
12 years ago
you wanted."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
straightens up. "Yes, now that I'm older I should be learning from my elders. I'm not a kid anymore."
12 years ago
"Well..." He chuckles a little, scratching his forehead. "I'm not... I can't be called an "elder". Not that old, you know. I'm still a kid
12 years ago
compared to everyone else. 'Sides, if you are older, it means you have to be more independent." He sighs seriously. "You have to choose your
12 years ago
own likes; don't follow someone else's."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
ponders that. "Well, how did you discover yourself?"
12 years ago
... thinks that of all the questions she could have asked... that was the most inappropriate. "When I had my Revolution."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"I'm certainly not strong enough to revolt against Australia... there must be another way..."
12 years ago
"Ahaha... of course not. I didn't mean it like that. Like I said, start with something small. For example, choosing your own gift without
12 years ago
copying me." He smiles.
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Art supplies then...?"
12 years ago
pats her head fondly. "Yes, that works. Let's go then. Don't hold back. This is my treat, okay?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
grins up at Alfred. "Alright, then... oh, and I was wondering, have you seen Seborga lately?"
12 years ago
chuckles and leads them into the store, but shakes his head. "Seborga...? I don't even know what that is... that's a nation?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
nods vigorously. "M-hm, he's related to the Italy brothers."
12 years ago
"Oh... then probably not. I've been keeping to myself lately."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
for a moment she has a knowing look in her eyes that doesn't befit her young body. "So I've heard..."
Alfred is
12 years ago
surprised at that. "You have?" Huh. "Who told you?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
looks away in embarrassment. "Well... nobody told me, I just sort of heard." (from eavesdropping, naturally)
12 years ago
... "I... see." He frowns, now he's going to have to recheck all his security cameras. "Well, uh... right, art supplies. Go ahead and choose
12 years ago
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
picks out some brushes carefully. "Okay..." and after an awkward pause, "So, forget I said anything about Seborga, alright?"
12 years ago
blinks at that. "Why would I?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
turns tomato-red. "No reason, just... nevermind."
12 years ago
"Huh?" Now he's extremely curious. "Tell me," he demands.
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
looks like she might just faint or explode. "Um... well, it's really nothing... I-I dunno. Just a precaution I guess..."
12 years ago
"Precaution?" Now he's slightly worried. "He's not planning on declaring war with you, is he?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"NO!" She laughs nervously. "Nothing of the sort! It's just... I scared your brother away by being obsessive..."
12 years ago
blinks.. oh right, she had that little crush on Mattie. "So wait, what does Matt have to do with Seborga?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Nothing at all... so, how about the weather?"
12 years ago
pokes her a little. He's not going down that easy. "It's the same as usual. Now, tell me."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"You have to promise not to tell anyone..."
12 years ago
nods. "'Course. A hero can keep secrets, after all."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Okay, then." Cups her hands and whispers in Alfred's ear. "I think I might like him..."
12 years ago
's eyes widen in realization before he shakes his head and chuckles. "Ahh, is that so? That's cute. Good for you."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Yes, it would be, if he noticed me at all..."
12 years ago
blinks. "Then... get him to notice...?" He never really had that problem, since well, he is the USA.
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"That's easy for you to say, you're America!"
12 years ago
"Well... uh... then just go over to his house and get him to notice...?" He wasn't any good at this.
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
sighs, but then turns around with a smile. "Why am I bothering you with this anyway?"
12 years ago
chuckles and shrugs. "I don't really know. I'm hopeless with anything romantic..." He cringes at that, looking away.
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
puts a gentle hand on his arm. "You are not..."
Alfred is
12 years ago
surprised by the gesture and just sighs. "Yeah, I am. I haven't had time for it since I'm a superpower and all. It was a mistake."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Nothing's a mistake!"
Alfred gives
12 years ago
her a pained look. "I am."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"No you're not! I'm a-- well, I was a kid just three days ago, and even I can see that!"
12 years ago
refuses to believe it. "Prove I'm not. All I've done is make mistakes, ergo, my entire existence is one giant mistake."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"You're the land of the free! You went from a bunch of little colonies to the most powerful nation in the world!"
12 years ago
"Yeah, and? Anyone can do that if they tried hard enough, really." He shrugs, but inwardly, he's sort of proud of being called "the most
12 years ago
powerful nation in the world".
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Oh, please! Everyone HAS tried to be you, but it hasn't worked. Ever heard of Americanization? Everyone wants to be like you
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
but only you can be you!"
12 years ago
"I... I guess..." He shakes his head still. "But all that still wasn't enough..." Whispering, he clenches his fist. "It didn't really
12 years ago
matter in the end, did it?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"What do you mean...?"
12 years ago
"In the end, even if I am America, I wasn't enough to keep him from l-leav-... Going away. So there has to be something I did wrong. So
12 years ago
I'm a mistake."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"There's always time to fix things you know! All the time in the world, actually... literally! You don't have to give up... and if you do
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
all the better! You'll be fine! There are people that love you and I know there are plenty of people who would have you be theirs
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
and would never think of leaving! But, the main point is you don't need to rely on someone else to be a whole and complete person!"
12 years ago
"I..." His eyes widen as he finds himself completely stunned at her words. Just absolutely stunned. "I don't... I don't believe there is
12 years ago
anyone else who'd want me like that... nations... we're fickle like that... But I guess you're right..." His eyes droop as he looks at the
12 years ago
floor. "It still feels like I'm missing my other half... as cheesy as that sounds.."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
Her eyes fill with tears as she takes in his miserable expression. "I know you do! Of course you do! But, don't give up on yourself like
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
that... anyone would be crushed after what you went through, but if anyone can pull out of this, it's you! You are a hero, after all!"
12 years ago
... somehow, somehow feels a little bit better. For some reason, her words reach her like no one else's has. "You... you really think I
12 years ago
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
nods vigorously. "Of course you can!"
12 years ago
deflates again. "But it doesn't feel like I can. I'm just so tired lately and I don't even want to get out of bed... but I do because the
12 years ago
other nations will fall apart if the USA is idle.."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"It wouldn't be normal if you didn't feel bad... that's just human. But, you are more than human, and you definitely can pull through this."
12 years ago
sighs. "Sometimes I wish we weren't human so I wouldn't have to feel like this..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"I can relate... sometimes I wish I wasn't human too, but then how would I ever see beauty, or feel friendship, or love?"
12 years ago
cringes at the last word, feeling absolutely weak and vulnerable. "I don't want love if it hurts this much."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"But, what about the good times?"
12 years ago
".... Remembering the good times only makes it hurt even more, because I know that they'll never happen again."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"They will too! People change all the time, nations change all the time! Things can't stay bad forever!"
12 years ago
"How can you be so sure...?" He feels really tired all of a sudden. "I don't think nations change that much."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"They do too! Look at you! But, you don't have to believe me now... someday you'll see. All I know is that heroes get happy endings."
Alfred feels
12 years ago
better again... and at the same time, not so much. "Happy endings are only for movies. They don't come true in real life."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Art mirrors reality, I should know that! Of course it happens in real life!"
12 years ago
sighs wistfully. "I really wish that were true... I'd give anything right now for it to be true. Anything."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"It is true, just you watch."
12 years ago
shrugs. "I guess I'll keep waiting for that to happen..." Now he's curious. "What were you saying about art earlier?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
goes into Artist-mode. "Art is a reflection of reality, of life as it is and ought to be... life as it can be. Art is possibility in a
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
physical form. Those movies you were talking about? Where did they get the idea of happy endings from? Fairy Tales. And where did they get
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
happy endings from? The only place things happen--- real life!"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"The heart of all inspiration."
12 years ago
Whoa. "I didn't... think about it that way... That people actually do have happy endings... I mean..." He sighs. "I believed it before, but
12 years ago
when... when he left, I lost faith in that... It really seems impossible."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Well, you'll just have to find your faith again, wont you? Being down all the time wont help a thing! There's too many things in life
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
to let one bad thing ruin it all for you!"
12 years ago
"But... it wasn't just one bad thing. It was the worst thing that could happen... and that's saying something, when I've been in
12 years ago
wars before..."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
looks sadly at the devastated nation. "Well, I didn't say it was going to be easy..."
12 years ago
"Then how is this going to work... It just feels like it'll never happen. I always have to distract myself, or else I get depressed. Which
Alfred is
12 years ago
depressing because I'm never depressed..." Sighing, he looks away, not meeting her eyes. "Do you think he's happier without me?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"No, of course he isn't!"
12 years ago
glances at her wearily. "How do you know that? He left after all, so there must be a reason. Probably because he's happier without me."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"I doubt it's that simple..."
12 years ago
"I think it is. I said it before right? Who'd want a mistake like me?" He laughs bitterly.
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"...you aren't a mistake. You make me want to spit fire every time you say that."
12 years ago
suddenly chuckles. "That would actually be kind of funny to see."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
smiles up at him. "Well, it might just happen..."
12 years ago
"You should take a picture of it when that happens," he humours her. Then he gets an idea. "If I buy you these art supplies, will you draw
12 years ago
or paint me something?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Of course I will! That's sort of what I do, after all..."
12 years ago
"Great." Changing the subject for now, he looks back at the shelves. "Have you gotten everything you wanted?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
12 years ago
"Alright then, let's pay for them." He leads them to the cashier.
12 years ago
chuckles at the attempt and shakes his head. "Calm down, there."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
12 years ago
carries the bags. "Did you want to eat out or...?"
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Whatever suits you."
12 years ago
shakes his head. "It's your belated birthday party. You choose."
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
"Hmm... I've never had American food before, how about you take me someplace all-American?
Wy Delprat
12 years ago
12 years ago
brightens up a little. It's rare people want all-American anything. "McDonald's it is.~"
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