So, Amalgamous Prime, trickster of the 13? Why yes, yes please!
Still only about halfway through the book but pretty sure Makeshift is inbound. Good. I like him.
Solus Prime? I like her role. Can get some good ficcage out of that. Still waiting on Vector to show though.
And Alpha Trion? For the first time I think I actually like a version of you. Damn!
Still don't like Fallen's real name. :/
I still say Fallen's real name should have been either Flux or Fornax. :[
But in his defense, "Amalgamous" is a pretty ridiculous name too.
I did raise an eyebrow over 'Amalgamous' certainly. But I like his function so it's kinda okay.
xD I'll give you that. I'm willing to overlook the Fallen's original name if he continues to be a ridiculous dickwad.
I don't recall how far in that bit is, though, so I won't spoil you.
Vector's time is sadly really near the end
I feel like Vector being near the end should invite some F/V jokes.
I'm just thinking Smashing Pumpkins. the end is the beginning is the end
... well, it's classier than what I was gonna say.
Blasphemy. All know you are the classiest dame around.
Fallen will always be there to finish him off.
I see you've been practicing.
I try to keep my hand in.
Now you're just reaching.
Clearly I am only good at the blunt, full frontal approach.
And now you're just milking it.
This is starting to sound forced.