Iagad says
13 years ago
I will be less cryptic in a day or two, but sometimes life is kind. :-)
latest #9
actorschmactor says
13 years ago
yay! (i think) ... and if I perused my News Feed, I think I know somewhat why.
actorschmactor says
13 years ago
... and i think this is what they call "vagueplurking"
Ryanhilt says
13 years ago
so mysterious!
Iagad says
13 years ago
I had been wrestling with extending on the ship, as I had nothing lined up, but did not wish to stay.
Iagad says
13 years ago
Yesterday, I checked my email and found an offer from the philharmonic to do the role of the Carnival owner in Carousel.
Iagad says
13 years ago
I am ecstatic to have a reason to leave, and a couple weeks of work on my return. It is an unexpected joy.
Iagad says
13 years ago
Except for NOT being able to work with Michael in it, apparently. Boo.
mcolavolpe says
13 years ago
I figured that's what it was :-)
mcolavolpe says
13 years ago
oops- this isn't a private plurk, so just deleted some replies. :-)
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