13 years ago
latest #6
Angie安姬 says
13 years ago
coz GF2 and GF3 didn't meet ppl's expectation like GF1 did XD GF3 had this promotion sale... and it's cheaper than GF2
Angie安姬 says
13 years ago
I m waiting for GX-1
13 years ago
well, gx1 doesn't look to be all that great either. guess they found their faults and went back to a more evolutionary design over gf1
13 years ago
but honestly in the mean time the competition has been improving in not-so-slight ways. GX1 is a pathetic little improvement over GF1.
13 years ago
lumix has just lost it. it's no longer interesting (to me at least). All eyes on Fuji and Olympus--that's if the latter doesn't die first.
13 years ago
gf3 was cheaper than gf2 to begin with. also i think for the price of a discounted S95, it's not a bad deal for EVIL.
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