3 more grad school apps sent off. . . so much for this month's paycheck.
latest #17
Really why are grad school apps so expensive.
More over why is it so much to report test scores to them.
I'm not looking forward to that when I apply. OTL
/mourns your paycheck with you
That's half a month's rent. . . x.x
I hate that schools get away with that. I mean, really, what else makes you pay to apply for something?
especially now that all of it is done electronically and the only paper involved is the undergrad transcript.
When you pay for something you should get something back.
You are. You pay for stress, worry and anxiety while waiting for the app to be reviewed.
8| That does not count. If I pay for a brownie I want to eat it, not be told I am not smart enough to eat it.
You have to pay to look at the brownie, it's 1000x more if you actually want to eat it.
But the brownie...
The brownie will take 2-3 months to cook and may or may not be for you.
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